Member Profile

Membership type: full
Sadika Haque
Country of origin: Bangladesh Currently in: Bangladesh, Mymensingh General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2011 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Linkages between Women’s Empowerment, Children’s Diet and Nutrition under Rapid Urbanization in Bangladesh funded by Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), EU, USAID and Government of Bangladesh.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. S Haque, S Tania and P Vortia (2020). Female labour migration and Bangladesh Economy: Where is the destination? Submitted to the Journal of Development Economics.
2. D Joshi, S Haque, T Wallace and J Singh (2020). "[Dis]Empowered? The lives of female Ready Made Garment workers in Bangladesh. Accepted to be published in condition of considering reviewers’ comment in Contemporary South Asia.
3. MT Parvin, K. Fatema and S Haque (2020). Factors Determining the Credit Accessibility by the Small-Scale Entrepreneurs: A Case of Handloom Weaving in Bangladesh. International Journal of Business and Management; Vol. 15 (8).
4. I Uddin, S Haque, FA Huda, AA Zabir and JF Sonia (2020). Income Vulnerability of Tea Garden Workers in Bangladesh. Innovare Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 8 (1).
5. MS Rahaman, S Haque, MAR Sarkar, MR Sarker and MAB Siddique (2019). The Role of Training, Extension and Education Facilities on Production Efficiency of Rice Growers in Dinajpur District of Bangladesh. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology in Extension and Education Systems (IJASRT in EESs), Volume 9 (2):91-98
6. A Haque, M Akteruzzaman, T Ahamed, MA Hashem, S Haque, M. Mohiuddin, S Akter and MM Islam (2019). Nutritional Compositions and Sensitivity Analysis of Poultry Feed Mills in Bangladesh through Experimental Economics Approach. Journal of Agricultural Research and Technology,Volume 21(2).
7. K Nahar, S Haque, F Yeasmin, K Nahar and N Zaman (2019). Impact of Microcredit on Women Empowerment: A Case Study in Ishwarganj Upazila of Mymensingh District. Accepted for the Progressive Agriculture, volume of 30(1) 86-95.
8. SA Badhan, S Haque, N Zaman, K Nahar and F Yeasmin (2019). Role of social safety net programmes for ensuring food security and reducing poverty: a case of char area of Jamalpur District in Bangladesh. Accepted for the Progressive Agriculture, volume of 30(1): 96-107.
9. MA Haque, T Ahamed, M Akteruzzaman, A Hashem, S Haque, S Akter; MM Islam, MS Alamgir and MM Islam (2018). An analysis of Profitability and Resource Use Efficiency of Poultry Feed Mills in Bangladesh. Paper presented in 18th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, July 28 – August 02, Vancuver.
10. T Akter, M Rahman, F Yeasmin, T Devnath, S Haque (2018). Dependency on common property water resources of nearby community people in Mymensingh and Kishorgang district of Bangladesh; Progressive Agriculture, 29(1):45-52 (HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.3329/PA.V29I1.37479)
11. Umme Habiba, Sadika Haque and Ranjitha Puskur (2017): Responding to women’s needs by exploring time-use patterns of farm households in coastal Bangladesh, Published in Progress in the polders: system intensification and gender integration, Polder Tidings, Volume 2, Number 2, December 2017 (
12. PK Roy, S Haque, A Jannat, M Ali, MS Khan (2017). Contribution of Women to Household Income and Decision Making in Some Selected Areas of Mymensingh District in Bangladesh; Progressive Agriculture, 28 (2):120-129 (
13. S Alam, S Haque, S Islam, A Jannat and MM Islam (2017); Feasibility of Rice Procurement Programme for Poor Farmers in bangladesh; Progressive Agriculture, 28 (2):139-147, (
14. FMH Nayeem, MN Hoque, M Ali, MM Islam and S Haque (2017). Nature and Extent of Forest Resource Extraction from Madhupur Sal Forest by the Community; Progressive Agriculture, 28 (2):148-155 (
15. MT Parvin and S Haque (2017). An Analysis of Socioeconomic Indicators of Rural Non-agricultural Households in Bangladesh: A Case of Handloom Weaving; Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, Vol.8, No.12
16. M A Haque, M Akteruzzaman, M A Hashem1 and S Haque (2016). Profitability and forward linkage analysis of poultry feed mill in Bangladesh. Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University 14(2): 201– 208.
17. H Afrin, R Begum, MJU Ahmed, MA Rahman and S Haque (2016). Profitability Analysis and Gender Division of Labour in Duck Rearing: A Case of Kishoreganj District; Progressive Agriculture, 27(4):77 -86 (
18. S Sultan, R Begum, MA Rahman, MJU Ahmed, MM Islam and S Haque (2016). AN Economic Analysis of Antibiotics Use and Vaccine Application Program in Commercial Broiler Farming in Tangail District; Progressive Agriculture, 27(4):88 -98 (HTTP://WWW.BANGLAJOL.INFO/INDEX.PHP/PA/ARTICLE/VIEW/32139).
19. TT Chowdhury, MS Kowsari, JA Begum, MS Khan, S Haque, and T Wahid (2017). Employment and Empowerment of Rural Poor Women in Mymensingh District of Bangladesh; Progressive Agriculture, 27(3):78 -85 (
20. M Akter, F Begum, MN Islam, H Afrin, SA Shammi and S Haque (2016). Comparative Profitability Analysis of IPM and Non-IPM Technology on Vegetable Cultivation in Selected Areas of Kishoreganj District in Bangladesh; Progressive Agriculture, 27(3):86 -95 (
21. S Alam, MS Kowsari, MM Islam, NY Chowdhury and S Haque (2016). Factors Affecting Land Allocation for Maize Cultivation in Lalmonirhat District of Bangladesh; Progressive Agriculture, 27(3):106-114, September 2016 (
22. F Rahman, SA Shammi, MT Parvin, N Akter, MS Khan, S Haque (2016). Contribution of rural women to rice production activities in two different areas of Bangladesh; Progressive Agriculture 27 (2): 180-188, June 2016 (
23. JU Ahmed, S Begum S, MA Halim MA, MM Islam, S Haque (2015). An Economic Study of Banana Production in some Selected Areas of Kishoreganj District of Bangladesh; Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science & Technology; 13(1): 033-038.
24. Huda MZ, Sajjad Md. H, Haque S, Rahman M (2014): Measuring Technical Efficiency of T. Aman Rice and Potato in Bangladesh. Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop Science and Technology, Volume 3, Issue 2.
25. A.N.M. Zakir Hossain, D Jahan, S Haque and J U Ahmed (2014): Decentralized Local Government and Peoples’ Perception: A Case on a Union Parishad in Sylhet; Bangladesh Journal of Rural Development.
26. Sannyashi, P.R., . Haque, F. Yasmin and M.S. Alam.“Female labour wage and their wage gap with male counterpart in some selected areas of Bangladesh”. Journal of Sher-E- Bangla Agric.Univ., 7 (2):7-12, July 2013.
27. Huda, F.A., Kirschke, D., S Haque (2013): Adaptation in Agriculture and Farming System to Climate Change: The State of Art in Economics and Analytical Framework Chapter 12, pp. 245-259; Paper presented in workshop on Adaptation to the Impact of Climate Change on Socio-economic Conditions of Bangladesh, October 26-27, 2013, Center for Advanced Research in Sciences, University of Dhaka, Mokarram Bhaban, Dhaka 1000.
28. MA Mannan, M Kobayashi and S Haque (2013): Livelihood Changes and Impact of Microcredit on Human Security Perspective; Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science & Technology 20 (2): 193-196.
29. S Haque, MNHoque and S Bauer (2012): To identify the community characteristics of successful common resource management: a case of shrimp farming in Bangladesh. Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2012 AAEA Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, August 12-14, 2012.
30. Haque, S., Hossain, M., Bauer, S. and Kuhlmann, F. (2011): Social determinants of collective resource management in Bangladesh. Progressive Agriculture 21 (1&2): 145-157 (
31. M. A. Rahman, S Haque and P. K. Sarma (2012): Socioeconomic impact of rice-cum-fish culture in some selected areas of Bangladesh, Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University 10(1): 119–123, 2012 (
32. S Haque (2011): Efficiency and institutional issues of shrimp farming in Bangladesh. Weikersheim, Germany. Margraf Publishers. 186 pp. ( )
33. S HAQUE, Bauer, S., Dey, M. M., Hoque, M. N. and Mal, P. (2011): Role of socio-economic factors to determine technical efficiency of shrimp farmers of Bangladesh. American Journal of Agricultural Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol 1(1), Florida, USA. (
34. M. A. Rahman and S. Haque (2011): Social Networks in Rural Situation: A Case Study in Mymensingh district of Bangladesh. The Agriculturists 9 (1& 2): 73-81. (DOI: HTTP://DX.DOI.ORG/10.3329/AGRIC.V9I1-2.9481)
35. S Haque, Hoque, M. N. and Hossain, M. (2010): Profit efficiency of Shrimp Farmers in Bangladesh: A translog stochastic frontier approach. “Issues and Challenges in Rural Development” Margraf Publishers, Vol. 3, Germany.
36. Hoque, M. N., Boland, H. and S Haque (2010). Constraints of eco-friendly pest management practices in Bangladesh. Tropentag conference on "World Food System – a contribution from Europe", Zurich, Switzerland, September 14 - 16, 2010.
37. S Haque, and S Bauer. (2009): Assessing the determinants of collective action in common property brackish water management for shrimp farming in Bangladesh. Tropentag Conference on “Biophysical and Socio-economic Frame Conditions for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, Hamburg, Germany, October 6 - 8, 2009.
38. Haque, S., Ahmed, J. U., Hoque, M. N., Begum, S. and Nahar, M. A. (2009): Socio-economic study on rickshaw pulling: an important non-farm employment sector in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science & Technology, 7(2): 387-390.
39. Haque, S., Bhatta, G. D., Hoque, M. N., Rony, M. H. and Rahman, M. (2008): Environmental impacts and their socioeconomic consequences of shrimp farming in Bangladesh. Tropentag Conference on “Competition for Resources in a Changing World: New Drive for Rural Development”. University of Hohenheim, Germany, October 7-9, 2008.
40. Haque, S., Hasan, M. R., Islam, M. A., Hoque, N. and Moniruzzaman (2007): Economic analysis of some commercial vegetables production in a selected area of Bangladesh. International Journal of Bio Research 3(4): 27-31.
41. Hasan, M. R., Haque, S., Islam, M. A. and Hoque, M.N. (2007): Marketing system of some selected vegetables in Bangladesh. International Journal of Bio Research 3(4): 46-51.
42. M. A. S. Sarker, S. Haque, J. U. Ahmed and P. Akhter (2006): A Comperative Economic Analysis of Local Breed and Cross Bred Cow Rearing in Some Selected Areas of Mymensingh District. Progressive Agriculture 17 (1): 417-425.
43. M S Mazumder, J U Ahmed, M A Kasem, S Haque and K Biswas (2006): An Economic Analysis of Grammen Motsho Foundation Pond Fish Farming in Sirajganj District in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science & Technology 4(2):179-182.
44. J U Ahmed, M S Mazumder, S Haque, M A Kasem, and M A Salam (2006): An Economic Analysis of Tobacco Production in some Selected Areas of Lalmonirhat District of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science & Technology 4(2):179-182.
45. Parul, B. S., Haque, S., Zaman, M. and Islam, M. S. (2006): An economic study on carp polyculture in pond in selected DSAP areas of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science & Technology 4(1):85-88.
46. Haque, S., Ahmed, J. U., Hoque, M.N. and Parul, B.S. (2006): Marketing system of egg in Mymensingh District. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science & Technology 4(1):81-84.
47. Ara, B. S., Haque, S., Zaman, M., and Miah, T. H. (2005): Impact of cropping patterns on profitability and employment in some selected areas of Bogra district. Progressive Agriculture 16 (1): 285-291.
48. Akteruzzaman, M., Alam, A. S. M. F., Haque, S. and Hossain, I. (2004): Socioeconomic and working conditions of the processing workers in shrimp processing plants in south-west region of Bangladesh. Progressive Agriculture 15 (2): 213-222.
49. Haque, S., Gony, M. M., Rahman, M. A., and Ahmed, J. U. (2004): Studies on the microfinance for women development sponsored by Grameen bank in some selected areas of Comilla District. Progressive Agriculture 15 (1): 23-30.
50. Sultana, R., Haque, S., Rahman, M. A. and Rahman, M. H. (2004): An economic analysis of dairy milk production in a selected area of Rangpur district. Progressive Agriculture 15 (1): 77-87.
51. Haque, S., Nazma, R. S., Bhuiyan, M. A. U., Uddin, M. J. and Islam, M. S. (2004) An economic study on sugarcane production in some selected areas of Natore district. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science & Technology 2(2): 113-118.
52. Golap, A K M M R; Akteruzzaman, Haque, S. and Rahman, M. M. (2003): Comparative performance of some selected layer and broiler farms in Mymensingh district. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science & Technology 1(2): 193-196.
53. Haque, S., Hoque, M. N. and Rahman, M. M. (2002): Productivity and inputs use efficiency of different vegetables at marginal land in a selected area of Bangladesh. Progressive Agriculture 13 (1&2): 155-162.
1. D Joshi, S Haque, K Nahar, S Tania and T Wallace (2019). Doing gender, doing water: female readymade garment factory workers in Bangladesh. Accepted as a book chapter to be published in Springer in 2020.
2. Sadika Haque (2019). Krishite Nari (Women in Agriculture). Accepted as a book chapter in Bangladesher Krishi (Agriculture in Bangladesh), Edited by Prof. Dr. M. A. Sattar Mandal
1. S Haque, MS Khan, & D Joshi (2017). Poverty-gender-agriculture nexus in the northern region of Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities. Policy Brief September 2017 WLE Briefing Series No. 20. Available at:
2. D Joshi, S Haque, K Nahar and S Tania (2019). Water, Paid Work and Migrant Female Ready Made Garment Workers in peri-urban Bangladesh. Submitted to REACH: Improng Water Security for the Poor, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford; will be available at online after September 2020.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingProfessor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202 Bangladesh.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 IDS, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK Gender, Water and food: perspectives and contestations2019 University of Twente, The Netherlands Development of an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem at Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)2019 Witzenhausen and Hanover, Germany Applied Engineering for Smart Integration of Renewable Energy in Value Chains in Developing Countries2019 University of Oxford, UK Water Security, Poverty and Gender2018 University of Oxford, UK Improving Water Security for the Poor2018 BRAC-CDM, Gazipur, Bangladesh REACH Bangladesh Meeting, organised by University of Oxford2018 University of Kassel and Koln Seminar on “Sustainable Food Production and Food Security in Developing Countries”2018 Las Vegus, Nevada, USA Conference on “Aquaculture America 2018”2017 Kathmandu and Chitwan, Nepal Seminar on “Ecotourism and Sustainable Development – Challenges, Solutions and Perspectives”2017 New Delhi, India Workshop on „Gender, Water And Agriculture“2016 Haidrabad, India Enhancing conceptual background and theoretical knowledge for Gender professionals organized by SaciWaters, New Delhi, India2016 Rural Development Academy, Bangladesh. Organized workshop on ‘Generating linkages between field level officials and academicians and transferring knowledge from field to classroom’2016 Kalimpong, India Organized and participated in the curriculum development training on ‘Gender inclusive Agriculture, Education and Research’2016 Bangladesh Agricultural University Developed gender courses at Bangladesh Agricultural University,2016 Bangladesh Agricultural University Organized workshop on ‘Moving forward - Workshop on developing gender courses’ during at Interdisciplinary Center for Food Security, Bangladesh Agricultural University2016 Wageningen University of the Netherlands Training on ‘Gender and Natural Resource Management’2015 Siliguri, West Bengal (India) Capacity Building Workshop organized by SaciWaters, Haidrabad, India2015 Bangladesh Agricultural University Research Methodology Workshop on – Understanding Gender Relations and Poverty Dynamics in South Asia: A Political Ecology Framework2014 Bangladesh Agricultural University Gender Innovations in Higher Education2014 Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany. Sustainable Resource Management and Climate Change Adaptation2013 South Africa Local Economic Development-Catalysing vibrant rural Economics2013 University of Applied Science, Kiel, Germany Participation in Courses on Engendering Higher Education in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects2012 University of Applied Science, Kiel, Germany International Training Workshop on Building Gender Excellence in Bangladesh2012 The Philippines Leadership Course for Asian and African Women for Research and Extension”2011 University of Goettingen, Germany Participation in Course on “Efficiency and productivity analysis, in the agribusiness in Doctoral Certificate Programme2010 University of Zurich , Switzerland Tropentag, 2010 on “World Food System – A Contribution from Europe”Affiliations
Krishibid Institution of BangladeshAgricultural Economics Association of BangladeshEconomics Association of BangladeshWorld Scouts