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Sara Abdelsalam

Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Mexico, Queretaro General field of specialization: Mathematical sciences
Academic Background


2013 Doctorate Mathematical sciences
Research and Profession

Current Research Activities

Mathematical sciences

Research in peristaltic transport including applications in nanoscience

Research Keywords: 
compressible and incompressible flows; lubrication approach nanoparticles; peristalsis; porous media; Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids permeability; acoustic waves; MHD; Blood flow models pulsatile flows; microfluidic channels

Publications resulting from Research: 

[P1] S. I. Abdelsalam, K. Vafai, ‘Combined effects of magnetic field and rheological properties on the peristaltic flow of a compressible fluid in a microfluidic channel’ European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids. DOI 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2017.02.002, (2017). [P2] S. I. Abdelsalam, K. Vafai, ‘Particulate suspension effect on peristaltically induced unsteady pulsatile flow in a narrow artery: Blood flow model’ Mathematical Biosciences. Vol. 283, pp. 91-105, (2017). [P3] I. M. Eldesoky, S. I. Abdelsalam, R. M. Abumandour, M. H. Kamel, K. Vafai, ‘Peristaltic Transport of a Compressible Liquid with Suspended Particles in a Planar Channel’ Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Vol. 38 (1), (2017), pp. 137-154. [P4] Y. Abd Elmaboud, S. I. Abdelsalam, Kh. S. Mekheimer, ‘Peristalsis with a rotating couple stress fluid’ Journal of Hydrodynamics. DOI HYDROD-D-15-00053R1-BW15034, (2015).[P5] S. I. Abdelsalam, ‘Behavior of Compressible Non-Newtonian Fluids Through Peristalsis’ Research Focus magazine, Issue No. 2, Dec. 2014, The British University in Egypt. [P6] Y. Abd Elmaboud, Kh. S. Mekheimer, S. I. Abdelsalam, ‘A Study of Nonlinear Variable Viscosity in Finite-Length Tube with Peristalsis’ Applied Bionics and Biomechanics. DOI 10.3233/ABB-140101, (2014). [P7] S. I. Abdelsalam, ‘Magnetic Field Applications in Peristalsis’ Research Focus magazine, Issue No. 1, Jan. 2014, The British University in Egypt. [P8] S. R. Elkoumy, E. I. Barakat, S. I. Abdelsalam, ‘Hall and Transverse Magnetic Field Effects on Peristaltic Flow of a Maxwell Fluid through a Porous Medium’ Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 9, No. 2 (2013), pp. 187-203. [P9] Kh. S. Mekheimer, S. R. Elkomy, S. I. Abdelsalam, ‘Simultaneous Effects of Magnetic Field and Space Porosity on Compressible Maxwell Fluid Transport Induced by a Surface Acoustic Wave in a Microchannel’ Chinese Physics B, Vol. 22, No. 11, 2013. [P10] S. R. Elkoumy, E. I. Barakat, S. I. Abdelsalam, ‘Hall and Porous Boundaries Effects on Peristaltic Transport Through Porous Medium of a Maxwell Model’ Transport In Porous Medium. DOI 10.1007/s11242-012-0016-y, (2012).

Current profession

Current professional activities type: 
-I'm in Mexico doing research at UNAM according to TWAS-UNESCO Associateship scheme. -Fulbright alumna

Workshop and Conference Attended

2016 Athens, GA The 40th SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference (SIAM-SEAS)

Presentation given

About Egyptian cultures
Event: UCLA classes
Prizes, Grants and Awards

TWAS Awards

Jan 2025
EB Role

Candidate EB Regional Member

EB Regional Member
Arab Countries 2021 to 2025

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