Member Profile

Membership type: full
M. Susana Alvarado Barrientos
Country of origin: Guatemala Currently in: Mexico, Xalapa General field of specialization: Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences-
2013 Doctorate Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences2007 Master Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences2003 Undergraduate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
Ecohydrology; ecosystem-atmosphere exchanges of heat, carbon and water vapor; water use patterns in agroforestry systems and natural ecosystems, regional evapotranspiration, riparian zone hydrology
Publications resulting from Research:
- Muñoz-Villers LE, Geris J, Alvarado-Barrientos MS, Holwerda F, Dawson, TE (2020) Coffee and shade trees show complementary use of soil water in a traditional agroforestry cosystem, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,
- Muñoz-Villers LE, Holwerda F, Alvarado-Barrientos MS, Geissert DR, Dawson TE (2018) Reduced dry season transpiration is coupled with shallow soil water use in tropical montane forest trees. Oecologia, 188: 303-3017.
- Asbjornsen H, Manson R, Scullion J, Holwerda F, Muñoz-Villers L, Alvarado-Barrientos MS, Geissert D, Gomez-Tagle A, Dawson T, McDonnell J, Bruijnzeel LA (2017) Interactions between payments for hydrologic services, landowner decisions, and ecohydrological consequences: synergies and disconnection in the cloud forest zone of central Veracruz, Mexico. Ecology and Society 22(2):25.
- Holwerda F, Alvarado-Barrientos MS, González T (2016) Surface energy exchange in a tropical montane cloud forest environment: flux partitioning, and seasonal and land cover- related variations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 228: 13-28.
- Muñoz-Villers LE, Holwerda F, Alvarado-Barrientos MS, Geissert D, Marín-Castro BE, Gómez-Tagle A, McDonell J, Asbjornsen H, Dawson TE, Bruijnzeel LA (2015) Efectos hidrológicos de la conversión del bosque de niebla en el centro de Veracruz, México. Bosque 36: 395-407.
- Zanchi FB, Waterloo MJ, Peralta Tapia A, Alvarado-Barrientos MS, Bolson MA, Luizão FJ, Manzi AO, Dolman AJ (2015) Water balance, nutrient and carbon export from a heath forest catchment in central Amazonia, Brazil. Hydrological Processes 29: 3633-3648.
- Alvarado-Barrientos MS, Holwerda F, Geissert D, Muñoz-Villers LE, Gotsch S, Asbjornsen H, Dawson TE (2015) Nighttime transpiration in a seasonally dry tropical montane cloud forest environment. Trees Structure & Function 29: 259-274.
- Alvarado-Barrientos MS, Holwerda F, Asbjornsen H, Dawson TE, Bruijnzeel LA (2014) Suppression of transpiration due to cloud immersion in a seasonally dry Mexican weeping pine plantation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 186: 12-25.
- Alvarado-Barrientos MS, Hernandez-Santana V, Asbjornsen H (2013) Variability of the radial profile of sap velocity in Pinus patula from contrasting stands within the seasonal cloud forest zone of Veracruz, Mexico. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 168: 108-119.
- Asbjornsen H, Goldsmith GR, Alvarado-Barrientos MS, Rebel K, van Osch FP, Rietkerk MG, Chen J, Gotsch S, Tobón C, Geissert DR, Gómez-Tagle A, Vache K, Dawson TE (2011) Ecohydrological advances and applications in plant water relations research: a review. Journal of Plant Ecology 4: 3-22.
Other Awards
Feb 2025Investigador Nacional Nivel I