Member Profile

Membership type: full
Ruwanga Amarasingha
Country of origin: Sri Lanka Currently in: Sri Lanka, Kandy General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2019 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
- Crop data collection, quality check and formatting/homogenization - Crop yields modelling under climate change scenarios using the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), MOdelling System of Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change (MOSAICC) - Data Filtering, Detrending, Correlation, Regression Analysis and Graphing using R
Publications resulting from Research:
Amarasinhga, R.P.R.K., Suriyagoda, L.D.B, Marambe, B. Volovo, R., Kanamaru, H. Fujisawa, M., 2020. Impact assessment of climate change on selected crops in Sri Lanka. FAO. Under review.
Amarasinhga, R.P.R.K., Suriyagoda, L.D.B, Marambe, B. Volovo, R., Kanamaru, H. Fujisawa, M., 2020. Climate change impact on selected crops in Sri Lanka; challenges and adaptation option. FAO. Under review.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingResearch - Quantifying the effects of crop management and climate variability on soil-crop processes and integrating data into mechanistic models at different spatial scales. Biophysical and mathematical models are to better predict crop growth, both yield and quality and environmental impacts in agricultural systems. This requires a broad understanding of how the environment influences crop growth and development; how rainfall, irrigation, and fertilizer influence soil conditions; how crops obtain water and nutrients from the soil; how soil processes contribute to the loss of carbon and nitrogen; and how all these processes interact. Teaching - I am teaching crop modelling subject as a visiting lecture
Other Awards
Oct 2017National Research Council (NRC) Merit Award for Scientific publication"Improving water productivity in moisture limited rice-based cropping systems through incorporation of maize and mungbean: A modelling approach" titled paper awarded.Oct 2015National Research Council (NRC) Merit Award for Scientific publicationCrop and water productivity of rice as influenced by supplementary irrigation water availability and planting date based on the onset of rainfall titled paper awarded.