Member Profile

Membership type: full
Sharon Aol
Country of origin: Uganda Currently in: Uganda, Mbarara General field of specialization: Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences-
2021 Doctorate Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences2016 Master Physics -
Current Research Activities
Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
Contributing to the already existing knowledge of ionospheric irregularities and their impacts on propagating radio signals by examining the spectral properties of kilometer-scale equatorial irregularities as seen by the Swarm satellites.
Publications resulting from Research:
Aol, S., Buchert, S., and Jurua, E.: Traits of sub-kilometre F-region irregularities as seen with the Swarm satellites, Annales Geophysicae, 38, 243 - 261, 2020,
Aol, S., Buchert, S., Jurua, E., and Milla, M.: Simultaneous Ground-based and In Situ Swarm Observations of Equatorial F-region Irregularities over Jicamarca, Annales Geophysicae,38, 1 - 18, 2020,
Aol, S., Buchert, S., and Jurua, E.: Ionospheric irregularities and scintillations: A direct comparison of in situ density observations with ground-based L-band receivers, Earth, Planets and Space, 2020, 72:164,
Aol, S., Mungufeni, P., and Jurua, E.:Effects of Space Weather on the Ionosphere: A Case Study of Geomagnetic Storms during 17-28 February, Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics (IJRSP), 48(1 - 2), 26 - 37,
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingI lecture in the Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Mbarara, Uganda. My duties and responsibilities include: -Teaching, examining, compiling and grading of examination results -Research and Publications -Contribute to the University and wider society through community service -Writing proposals for attracting funding to the Department -Mentoring junior faculty -Supervising Research -Supervising Internship -Mentoring Students
Workshop and Conference Attended
2021 Online International colloqium on equatorial and low latitude ionosphere2019 Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), in Trieste International Space Weather Initiative Workshop 2019 (- Trieste) and Workshop on Ionospheric Forecasting for GNSS Operations in Developing Countries: Findings and Challenges (- Trieste)2018 Lima, Peru Jicamarca Radio Observatory International Research Experience Program2018 Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), in Trieste Workshop on Space Weather Effects on GNSS Operations at Low Latitudes2016 Smt. Kasturbai Walchand College, Sangli, India SCOSTEP/ISWI International School on Space Science2016 Mbarara Swarm satellite workshop2014 South African National Space Agency (SANSA), South Africa Summer schoolPresentation given
2019Comparison of ground based L-band scintillation with in situ F-region irregularities from SwarmAbdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), in TriesteEvent: Workshop on Ionospheric Forecasting for GNSS Operations in Developing Countries: Findings and Challenges -
Other Awards
Aug 2016PhD FellowshipAwarded by the International Science Programme (ISP) – Sweden – worth about EUR 2652 in tuition fees per annum plus additional funds covering attendance of international conferences. – worth about EUR 50,000.Aug 2013Master of Science FellowshipAwarded by the International Science Programme (ISP) – Sweden – worth about EUR 2,300 in tuition fees plus additional funds covering attendance of international conferences.Aug 2010Bachelor of Science FellowshipAwarded by the Uganda Government Scholarship – worth EUR 2,400 in tuition fees for three years plus about EUR 400 per annum stipend.Jun 2018Research grantAwarded by the Jicamarca Radio Observatory in Lima, Peru, worth about EUR 3000.