Member Profile

Membership type: full
Fulvia Stefany Argueta Zepeda
Country of origin: Guatemala Currently in: Mexico, Cuernavaca, Morelos. General field of specialization: Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology-
2017 Master Other2014 Undergraduate Other -
Current Research Activities
Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
I recently enrolled in a PhD program in Biochemical Science at National Autonomous University of Mexico. I am working with a research group at the Center of Genomic Science. The main objective of my research project is to identify genes underlying the physiological adaptation to nutritional immunity during the intracellular lifestyle of the emerging opportunistic pathogen Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in professional phagocytes.Current profession
Current professional activities type:OtherFull-Time PhD student
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 Institute of Chemical, Biological, Biomedical and Biophysical Research. University Mariano Galvez de Guatemala, Guatemala City, Guatemala. The II Conference about the intestinal microbiome in Guatemalan people.2019 University del Valle de Guatemala -UVG-, Guatemala City, Guatemala VectorBase workshop2018 University del Valle de Guatemala -UVG-, Guatemala City, Guatemala Insect Molecular Biology workshop2018 University del Valle de Guatemala -UVG-, Guatemala City, Guatemala Space Microbiology workshopPresentation given
2018Global expression analysis of genes regulated by the master transcription Factor Leu3 and its Co-activator α-IPM in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.University del Valle de Guatemala -UVG-, Guatemala City, GuatemalaEvent: First National Congress of Biotechnology in Guatemala -
Other Awards
Jan 2015FellowshipScholarship from the National Council for Science and Technology -CONACYT- of México for enrolling in the Master's program in Biochemical Science, UNAM, 2015 - 2017Sep 2013Honors diplomaHonors diploma for had obtained the highest average GPA of the 2012 class promotion of the Licentiate in Chemical Biology. Award given by the Chemical Biology association of Guatemala (AQBG)Feb 2021FellowshipScholarship from the National Council for Science and Technology -CONACYT- of México for enrolling in the PhD's program in Biochemical Science, UNAM, 2015 - 2017