Member Profile

Membership type: full
Rizna Arooz
Country of origin: Sri Lanka Currently in: Sri Lanka, Moratuwa General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2019 Doctorate Engineering sciences2014 Master Engineering sciences2012 Undergraduate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Arooz, F. R., & Halwatura, R. U. (2017). Mud-Concrete Block (MCB): Mix design & Durability characteristics. Case Studies in Construction Materials.
2. Galabada, G. H., Rajapaksha, M., Arooz, F. R., & Halwatura, R. (2019). Identifying the Impact of Concrete Specimens Size and Shape on Compressive Strength: A Case Study of Mud Concrete. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 9(5), 4667– 4672.
3. Gunawardana, A., Arooz, F. R., Peramunugamage, A., & Halwatura, R. U. (2020). Critical analysis of lecturer’s perception on integrating concepts of sustainability in university curricular. Integrated Science Education Journal, 1(3), 109–121.
4. Manufacturing framework and Cost optimization for Building Mud concrete Blocks (MCB), Methodology, 2016, Volume:12, Pages : 1- 13
Conference Proceedings:
1. Arooz, F. R., Abeyrathna, M., Gunawardana, A., Jayasinghe, R. R., & Halwatura, R. U. (2021). Perceptions of Civil Engineering Undergraduates on Using Learning Management System (LMS) and Zoom Platform for Online Design Studio Teaching.
2. Jayasinghe, R., Nanayakkara, I., Arooz, R., & Halwatura, R. (2021, December 3). Mud-Concrete slab system for sustainable construction. Beyond Ssutainability - Reflections Across Spaces. 14th International Research Conference - FARU 2021.
3. Rathnayake, R. M. A., Jayasinghe, R., Nanayakkara, I., Arooz, R., & Halwatura, R. (2021). Developing singly-curved earthen slab system for houses using mud-concrete. 214–220.
4. Arooz, F. R., & Halwatura, R. U. (2019). Life cycle costing and embodied energy analysis of self-compacting in-situ cast mud-concrete load-bearing walling system (MCW) - An innovative earth based walling material application for energy efficient buildings. iiSBE Forum of Young Researchers in Sustainable Building 2019, 98–107. Retrieved from
5. Arooz, F. R., Ranasinghe, A. W. L. H., & Halwatura, R. U. (2015). Mud-Concrete Block Constructon : Community centers for war victim communities in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. In Making built environments responsive (pp. 186–200). Colombo,Sri Lanka: Faculty of Architecture Research Unit, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. Retrieved from
6. Arooz, F. R., Madujith, S. C., Mendis, M. S., Nandapala, K., & Halwatura, R. U. (2018). DEFINING THE EFFECTIVE SIZE AND PROPORTIONS OF A MUD-CONCRETE BLOCK. Emerging Technologies for Industrial Sustenance, 171–175. Retrieved from ging_Technologies_for_Industrial_Sustenance_Symposium_Chair_Editorial_Board/links/ 5ca5ee58299bf118c4b0a444/Theme-Emerging-Technologies-for-Industrial-Sustenance- Symposium-Chair-Editorial-Board.pdf#page=187
7. Arooz, F. R., Perera, K. L. T. ., Madujith, S. C., & Halwatura, R. U. (2018). Experimental investigation on the optimal lifting height of a self-compacting in-situ cast mud-concrete load-bearing wall segment. In Sustainability for people - envisaging multi-disciplinary solution (pp.346–353). Galle, Sri Lanka. Retrieved from
8. Arooz, F. R., Babilegedara, T. D., & Halwatura, R. U. (2017). Effect of Aggregate Percentage on Compressive Strength of Self-Compacting In-Situ Cast Mud - Concrete Load Bearing Walls (p. 48). Presented at the 3rd International MERCon 2017, University of Moratuwa,Sri Lanka: IEEE. Retrieved from
9. Arooz, F. R., & Halwatura, R. U. (2016). Mud-concrete block: A sustainable building material for green construction in developing countries. In National Conference on Green Practices 2016 (p. 36). Water’s Edge,Battharamulla,Sri Lanka. Retrieved from nZyTHJn/view?usp=drive_web&pref=2&pli=1&usp=embed_facebook
10. Arooz, F. R., Udawattha, C., & Halwatura, R. U. (2017). Community empowerment through Mud-Concrete Technology Sustainable building techniques to revitalise the war victim communities in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. In World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017, Hong Kong (Vol. 17). Hong Kong: Construction Industry Council and Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited. Retrieved from
11. Rukshan, R., Nanayakkara, I., Arooz, R., & Halwatura, R. (2019). Catalan Vault Inspired Earthen Slab System for Houses in Sri Lanka: Form-Finding. Challenges, Trends and Opportunities of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVAT), 3–8. Slab_System_for_Houses_in_Sri_Lanka_Form-Finding
12. Mendis, M. S., Arooz, R., & Halwatura, R. U. (2019). Being Tectonic: Social Innovation Through Mud-concrete (MC) Technology. 2019 From Innovation to Impact (FITI), 1–5.
13. Suluxan, S., Nanayakkara, I., Arooz, R., & Halwatura, R. U. (2020). A Preliminary Study on Fabric Formwork for a Mud-concrete Slab System. 2020 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), 84–89.
14. Perera, N. G. R., Emmanuel, M. P. R., & Arooz, F. R. (2012). Indoor Comfort Implications of Urban Microclimate: Case study of office buildings in Colombo. In Emerging Built Environments: Reflections of Culture, Technology and Politics in Space (Vol. 04, pp. 135–146). Galle, Sri Lanka: Faculty of Architecture Research Unit, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
15. Bandara, B. V. D., Arooz, F. R., & Halwatura, R. U. (2016). Investigation of thermal optimization of Mud-Concrete. In Civil engineering research symposium-2016 (pp. 58– 61). University of Mortuwa: Faculty of Engineering.
16. Bandara, D. M. H., Arooz, F. R., & Halwatura, R. U. (2016). Effect of Gravel size on strength of Mud-Concrete. In Civil engineering research symposium-2016 (pp. 62–65). University of Mortuwa: Faculty of Engineering.
17. Udawattha, C., Arooz, F. R., & Halwatura, R. U. (2016a). Energy content of walling materials- A comparison of Mud-Concrete Blocks, Bricks, Cabook and Cement Blocks on tropics. In Sustainable Buildings and Infrastructures (Vol. 7). Earl’s Regency, Kandy
18. Udawattha, C., Arooz, F. R., & Halwatura, R. U. (2016b). Manufacturing framework and cost optimization for Building Mud-Concrete Blocks. In Science for the people: Mobilizing Modern Technologies for Sustainable Development in Asia (pp. 326–331). Colombo, Sri Lanka: National Science Foundation, National Academy of Sciences of Sri Lanka.
19. Udawattha, C., Arooz, F. R., & Halwatura, R. U. (2016c). New earth walling material: Integrating modern technology onto ancient mud wall. In Green Technology, Green Energy & Sustainable Renewable Energy (Vol. 7). Earl’s Regency hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
Published Abstracts:
1. Arooz, F. R., & Halwatura, R. U. (2016). Mud-concrete block: A sustainable building material for green construction in developing countries. National Conference on Green Practices 2016, 36.
Poster presentation:
1. Arooz, F. R., Udawattha, C., & Halwatura, R. U. (2017). Community empowerment through Mud-Concrete technology Sustainable building techniques to revitalise the war victim communities in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017, Hong Kong, 17.
2.“TECNO”, Poster presentation and product display - Product “Self-compacting in-situ cast Mud-Concrete load-bearing system & Modular formwork system”, 2016 and 2018 at Colombo.
3. Exhibition on Green construction organized by GBCSL, Poster presentation and Product display - Product “Self-compacting in-situ cast Mud-Concrete load-bearing system & Modular formwork system”, 2016 at Colombo.
Full paper presentation in conferences:
1. Arooz,F.R., & Rupasinghe, H.T., (2019). "Women in Architecture- Reference to Sri Lankan context", presented at the 2nd International Conference on FUTURE OF WOMEN '19 held on February 14th-15th, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Journals (non-referred):
1. The Acquiring of Two Patents, ‘Vidya’-Official News Paper Ministry of the Science, Technology and Research, December 27th of 2017, Sri Lanka, Page:06 (
2. Self-compacting in-situ cast Mud-Concrete loadbearing walling system, Vidya’-The quarterly newsletter of the National Science Foundation, Volume 22, No-01, March 2020, (ISSN- 1391-4367)
3. Down to Earth – Self- Compacting In-situ Cast Mud-Concrete load bearing walling System, ‘Vidya’-Magazine- Ministry of the Science, Technology and Research, November 13th -2019, Sri Lanka, Page:09 (
4. Where do faith and Architecture meet? A journey through religious Architecture – Pictorial,-The Architect – Journal of Sri Lanka Institute of Architects , APRIL - JUNE 2016 | Volume 117 | Issue 2torial (
5. Self-compacting in-situ cast mud-concrete load bearing walling system, Sri Lankan Consulting Engineer, March 2020, Page: 04 (
6. ‘Ahikuntika’ , The Architect – Journal of Sri Lanka Institute of Architects , APRIL - JUNE 2014| (
Articles for online journals (non-referred):
1. ‘Ahikuntika’ – Sri Lankan Nomad Community Cultural Centre, ARCHALLEY, 2017,
2. Mud Concrete Wall (MCB) for wall construction – UN- Habitat Sri Lanka, Sustainable Construction Using Alternative Technologies, 2016,
3. Building Environmentally Friendly Community Infrastructure: Multi-Purpose Community Centre, Batticaloa District, UN – Habitat Sri Lanka, 2015,
1. Self-Compacting in-situ cast Mud-Concrete load bearing wall system, Patent No: 18762, Application No: LK/P/18762, Publication Date: November 30th -2016
2. Modular Formwork system for in-situ cast walls made out of self-compacting soil-based materials, Patent No: 18879, Application No: LK/P/18879, Publication Date: August 01st-2017
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingIndustry
Workshop and Conference Attended
2021 Moratuwa, Sri Lanka Beyond Ssutainability - Reflections Across Spaces. 14th International Research Conference - FARU 20212017 Hong Kong World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017, Hong Kong:2017 Singapore Commonwealth Science Conference (CSC)2019 Vilnius, Lithuania. Integrating education with consumer behaviour relevant to energy efficiency and climate change at the Universities of Russia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh (BECK)2015 Colombo 8th FARU International Conference - Making built environments responsive2019 Prague, Czech Republic YRSB19 - iiSBE Forum of Young Researchers in Sustainable Building2017 Moratuwa, Sri Lanka 3rd International MERCon,2018 Galle, Sri Lanka 11thInternational Conference of Faculty of Architecture Research Unit (FARU) - “Sustainability for people - envisaging multidisciplinary solution”,2018 Rathmalana, Sri Lanka The 3rd Research Symposium – University of Vocational Technology/ Emerging Technologies for Industrial Sustenance2016 Battaramulla, Sri Lanka National conference on green practices-2016 / “Institutionalizing green practices: green for growth”2019 Colombo, Sri Lanka 2nd International Conference on Future of Women ’19 /“Voices of women: Transition from inspiration to action”,2019 Colombo, Sri Lanka From Innovation to Impact (FITI) - 20192016 Kandy, Sri Lanka 7th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE 2016)2019 Colombo, Sri Lanka Challenges, Trends and Opportunities of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET -2019),2016 Colombo, Sri Lanka 16th Conference of the Science Council of AsiaAffiliations
Sri Lanka Institute of Architects (SLIA)Associate Professional of Green Building Council, Sri Lanka (GBCSL)Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS)Institute of Environmental Professionals Sri Lanka (IEPSL)Institute of Urban Designers in Sri Lanka (IUD) -
Other Awards
Feb 2013Award of excellenceAward of excellence by Sri Lanka Institute of architects for the best overall performance at the Bachelor of architecture examination 2012, at the Inauguration of Annual sessions held on 20th February 2013.Jul 2013Gold medal for the Architectural Grandaunt who obtained the highest overall grade point average of 3.8 or above at the Bachelor of Architecture Degree examinationsGold medal for the Architectural Grandaunt who obtained the highest overall grade point average of 3.8 or above at the Bachelor of Architecture Degree examinations at a convocation 31st July on 2013. [Donated by Sri Lanka Institute of Architects.]Oct 2018Presidential awards - 2018Presidential awards 2018 – Merit recognition in the field of public work and infrastructure Engineering. (organized by Sri Lanka inventors commission )Feb 2021Research Award - 2021Annual Research Award - 2021, Awarded by Sri Lanka Institute of Architects (SLIA) 2021Publication Award - 2021Annual Publication Award - 2021, Awarded by Sri Lanka Institute of Architects (SLIA) 2021First place for the ‘Connect’ – State bridge design competition 2021, Sri LankaFirst place for the ‘Connect’ – State bridge design competition 2021 under the ‘open category’. Awarded by State Ministry of Rural Roads and Other Infrastructure, Sri Lanka. Team Lead of Bamboo-SL ( 2021Grant awardsSelected to attend Commonwealth Science Conference (CSC) 2017 held in Singapore as one of the PhD candidates from Sri Lanka. Grant scheme fully funded by Royal Society, United Kingdom.Oct 2018Semi-Finalist of 3MT Competition in 2018Selected as a semi-finalist in SLAYS (Sri Lanka Academy of Young Scientists) 3MT Competition in 2018