Member Profile

Gesly Anibal Bonilla Landaverry
Country of origin: Guatemala Currently in: Guatemala, Jalapa General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2013 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Associate Professor at the Centro Universitario de Sur Oriente of San Carlos University of Guatemala USAC-CUNSURORI. Head of the Graduate School at CUNSURORI. Ph.D. in Political Science and Sociology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca (Spain, 2013), he has a Master´s degree in Science and Education (2012) and a Master´s degree in Environmental Management (2009), both from the San Carlos University of Guatemala. He has a bachelor degree in Agriculture Engineering (2003). He is the coordinator of the He is Coordinator of the Research Group for STI Policy and Rural Development. Research lines include STI policy and migration, economic inclusion and vulnerability, social and environmental development.
Publications resulting from Research:
BONILLA, G. (2017). Sustainable rural development in Guatemala; A community perspective. 2nd Ed. Jalapa (Guatemala): Editorial SERVIPRENSA.
-BONILLA, G. (2017). (Editor) Andragogic university teaching; methods, techniques and learning strategies. (Guatemala): Editorial SERVIPRENSA
-BONILLA, G. (2017). (Editor) Administrative management; an approach to the management of human talent. (Guatemala): Editorial SERVIPRENSA
-BONILLA, G. (2016). (Compiler) University teaching with andragogic approach (Guatemala): SERVIPRENSA.
-BONILLA, G. (2016). (Compiler) Environmental education as a transversal axis of the curriculum (Guatemala): SERVIPRENSA.
-BONILLA, G. (2013). Community environmental management: Rural development strategy for Guatemala. (Guatemala): Magna Terra Editores.
-BONILLA, G. (2012). Sustainable rural development in Guatemala; A community perspective Jalapa (Guatemala): Editorial of CUNSURORI.
- BONILLA, G. and O. SÁNCHEZ. (2017). "Initial bases for the ecological restoration of the pinabete Abies guatemalensis in Jalapa." Nature, Society and Environment Magazine, pp. 55-76.
- MARROQUÍN, M. and G. BONILLA. (2017). "The labor climate and its implications in the administration of human resources, the case of the company Esquejes, S.A.". Nature, Society and Environment Magazine, pp. 83-96.
- GARCÍA, G. and G. BONILLA. (2017). "Determination of the social, environmental, institutional and economic typology of the integrated management of solid waste in the municipality of Cobán, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, C. A." Nature, Society and Environment, pp. 33-54.
- GARCÍA, G. and G. BONILLA. (2016). "Current situation of the integrated management of solid waste in the municipality of Cobán, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, C. A." Nature, Society and Environment, pp. 59-75.
- BONILLA, G. and O. SOLÍS. (2015). "Capitalism, neoliberalism and environment. The theoretical inconsistencies of economic science " Nature, Society and Environment, pp. 53-70
- BONILLA, G. (2014). "Regulatory weakness of transgenics in Guatemala" Revista Iberoamericana de Economía Ecológica REVIBEC, pp. 35-51
- BONILLA, G. and V. OLIVA. (2014). "The entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae for the biological control of the pest Sagalassa valida Walker in oil palm Elaeis guineensis: An alternative to the use of chemical pesticides". Nature, Society and Environment Magazine. pp, 85-95
- BONILLA, G. (2014). "The problem of rural development and environmental degradation in Guatemala” IPNUSAC, pp. 60-69
- BONILLA, G. (2014). "Social movements and citizen participation in the rural sector". IPNUSAC, pp. 70-79.
- BONILLA, G. (2013). "Food security in the rural area of Guatemala." IPNUSAC, pp. 67-76.
- BONILLA, G. (2013). "Productive and environmental alternatives for the rural area in Guatemala. IPNUSAC, pp. 37-45
- BONILLA, G. (2013). "Community environmental management as an engine of sustainable rural development in Guatemala". IPNUSAC, pp. 74-79
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeaching
CONCYT Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Guatemala -
Other Awards
Sep 2009Training Visit - Rural Development Republic of KoreaThe Korea International Development Agency KOICA - Invited a group of scholars and public officers from Guatemala to participate in a training and exchange program in Rural DevelopmentJul 2019Ciudadano Distinguido de JalapaRecognition by the Government of the Province of Jalapa for being the first Jalapan to become member of the Network of Guatemalan Scientists