Member Profile

Vajira Bulugahapitiya
Country of origin: Sri Lanka Currently in: Sri Lanka, Matara General field of specialization: Chemical Sciences-
1999 Doctorate Chemical Sciences1991 Undergraduate Chemical Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Chemical Sciences
o Preparation of nutraceuticals and functional foods from medicinal plants to be used in the reduction and prevention of Non-Communicable diseases o Scientific investigation of indigenous flora of Sri Lanka to discover novel potent biologically active compounds especially for cancers and diabetes mellitus. o Isolation of active compounds from Fluggea leucopyrus (wild) against human ovarian carcenoma. o Preparation low cost feed from agro waste for inland fish-farming o Determination of ascorbic acids availability of commonly consumed fruits and vegetable & underutilized fruits in Sri Lanka. o Determination of glycemic effects of traditional and improved rice varieties in Sri Lanka o Scientific investigation of herbal medicines available in the local market for quality assurance purpose. o Bio-transformations of naturally occurring biologically active compounds in order to produce more potent compounds. o Development of synthetic strategies for the synthesis of naturally occurring biologically active compounds.
Publications resulting from Research:
58) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya (2019). Highly functionalized five-membered bicyclic α-hydroxy acids from synthetic equivalent of glycolic acids. Journal of Science, EUSL , 10 (1), 28-38.
57).Paranamana N., Gamage, K., Bulugahapitiya, V. P. (2014). Nutritional and Anti-nutritional contents of alternative plant feed ingredients for fish feed formulation. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 85 (2): 117–125.
56).Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, Syed Ghulam Musharaff (2009), Biotransformation of Nootkatone using Macrophomia phaseolina, Ruhuna Journal of Science, 4,13-20.
55).Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, P.T. Kiriede Arachchi (2006), Cytotoxic compounds from seeds of Nigellasativa (Black cumine), Ruhuna Journal of Science, 1, 152-161.
54.). Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, Philippe Renaud (2001), Polysubstituted 1-hydroxycyclopentane carboxylic acid derivatives via a group selective radical annulations; Acad.Sci.Paris, Chimic/Chemistry, 4,619-624.
53). Lilian Parra rapado, Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya and Philippe Renaud (2000), Synthesis of Non-racemic 1-Hydroxycycloalkene-1-carboxylic acid derivatives by metathesis of α,α-dialkylatedGlycolate derivatives, Helv.Chim.Acta 83(7), 1625-1632.
52) Priyadarshanie Bulugahapitiya, Y. Landais, L.P. Rapado, D. Planchenaultand V.Weber (1997), A stereospecific Access to Allylic system using Rhodium (II)-vinyl carbenoid insertion into Si-H, O-H and N-H bonds; J.Org.Chem.62, 1630-1641.
51) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, Thilini Rathnaweera, W. M. D. Gaya Bandara, H. Manawadu (2019). Investigation of Dialium ovoideum thwaites, an endemic plant in Sri Lanka for its proximate composition, cytotoxicity and anti-microbial activities, 5th IUPHAR World Conference on the Pharmacology of Natural Products (5th IUPHAR WCP-NP, 2019 INDIA), December 2019 , Hyderabad, India.
50) Bulugahapitiya V.P., Rathnaweera T. N., Manawadu H. C (2019). Scientific investigation of dialium ovoideum thwaites (gal siyambala) leaves for its phytochemical and anti-oxidant properties. 5th International Symposium on Minor Fruits, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, September 2019, Institute for Agro Technology and Rural Sciences, Sri Lanka.
49) V P Bulugahapitiya, R F Hafeel, G E D de Zoysa, A P Bentota, M G M Dulanthi, (2019), Nutrient Composition of Selected Improved and Traditional Rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.), , 16th Academic Session & 15th Vice Chancellors Award Ceremony, 6th March, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka .
48) Bulugahapitiya, V.P. , Abeysuriya, A.P.H.I. , Jayatissa, L.P (2019), Change in Contents of Vitamin C, Total Phenolic, Total Flavonoid and Antioxidant Activities of Selected Fruits Stored under Refrigeration, 16th Academic Session & 15th Vice Chancellors Award Ceremony, 6th March, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.
47) V.P Bulugahapitiya, S.S.I Jayarathne , Investigation of the medicinal plants, Costus speciosus and Aporosa lindleyana leaves for their Biochemical composition, 16th Academic Session & 15th Vice Chancellors Award Ceremony, 6th March, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka
46) V P Bulugahapitiya, R F Hafeel, G E D de Zoysa, A P Bentota, M G M Dulanthi, (2019), Nutrient Composition of Selected Improved and Traditional Rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.), , 16th Academic Session & 15th Vice Chancellors Award Ceremony, 6th March, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka .
45) Bulugahapitiya, V.P. , Abeysuriya, A.P.H.I. , Jayatissa, L.P (2019), Change in Contents of Vitamin C, Total Phenolic, Total Flavonoid and Antioxidant Activities of Selected Fruits Stored under Refrigeration, 16th Academic Session & 15th Vice Chancellors Award Ceremony, 6th March, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.
44) V.P Bulugahapitiya, S.S.I Jayarathne , Investigation of the medicinal plants, Costus speciosus and Aporosa lindleyana leaves for their Biochemical composition, 16th Academic Session & 15th Vice Chancellors Award Ceremony, 6th March, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka
43) V. P. Bulugahapitiya, A. P. H. I. Abeysuriya, D. N. A. Arachchi, and L. P. Jayatissa (2018), Antioxidant properties, contents of vitamin C, total phenolic, total flavonoid and dietary iron of selected Sri Lankan fruit species , Asian Symposium of Medicinal Plants, Spices and other Natural Products XVI, 12-14 December, BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
42) Bulugahapitiya, V.P., Abeysuriya, A.P.H.I., Jayatissa, L.P, (2018), Determination of Vitamin C Content and Antioxidant Properties of Selected Sri Lankan Wild Fruit Species, 15th Academic Session of University of Ruhuna, March, 2018.
41) R.F. Hafeel,V.P. Bulugahapitiya, A.P. Bentota, and G.E.D. de Zoysa (2017), A comparative investigation on agronomic traits of popularly grown improved and traditional varieties of rice , 73rd Annual Session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
40) Bulugahapitiya, V.P., Abeysuriya, A.P.H.I., Jayatissa, L.P, (2017) Determination of Total vitamin C content and the anti-oxidant capacity of selected underutilized fruits in Sri Lanka and the Stability of vitamin C under different storage conditions, International Symposium on Agriculture and Envionment (ISAE 2017), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
39) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, A. A.M.B. Munasinghe, Menik L Hettihewa ,Nubuhiro Kihara (2017), Identification of Bergenin and a diastereosiomer of Bergenin from the herb, Flueggea leucopyrus Willd as potent anti-cancer agents, against Human Ovarian Carcinoma , International Symposium on Traditional and Complemetary Medicine (TradMed 2017), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
38) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, L.A. S. Priyangika, “Analysis of nutrient compositions in commercially available selected, processed dry food products and instant dry food mixtures”, 4thRuhuna International Science and Technology Conference -2017, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka 2017
37) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, A. A. M. B. Munasinghe, Nobuhiro Kihara, Menik L. Hettihewa Isolation and characterization of novel anti-cancer compounds against human ovarian carcinoma from the medicinal herb, Flueggea leucopyrus. Wild. NSF Research Summit, 7-8 July, 2016, BMICH, Colombo.
36) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, A. A. M. B. Munasinghe, Nobuhiro Kihara, Menik L. Hettihewa (2016), “Evaluation of Anti-Oxidant Power of Flueggea leucopyrus. Willd, a Medicinal Herb Used as Complementary Medicine for Cancer and Characterization of New Anti-Cancer Compounds”, 18th International Conference on Natural Products and Drug Discovery to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February, 11-12, 2016 .
35) Munasinghe A.A.M.B, Hettihewa LM, Bulugahapitiya V.P (2016), “ Cytotoxic and anti-hTERT Activity of Fluggea Lucopyrus Willd. Studies on Human Ovarian Carcenoma cells”, 13th Academic Sessions, , University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.
34) Vajira.P.Bulugahapitiya, Liyanagamage D.S.N.K Investigation (2016), Antioxidants Properties and Corrosion Inhibition Properties of Fruits of Dilenia retusa, “Godapara” and Preparing Silver Nanoparticles using Fruit Extracts10th Academic Sessions, March, 2016, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
33) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya and L.A S. Priyangika (2016), Investigation of toxicity, proximate and antioxidants capacity of the leaves of ”thebu”, Coctus speciouses (Koenig) Sm grown in Sri Lanka, 3rd Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference, January 2016. University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.
32) Vajira. P. Bulugahapitiya, Munasinghe, M.M.A.B (2015), “Eco-friendly synthesis of Silver nanoparticles functionalized with Flueggea leucopyrus (Willd) bark extract, Proceedings of 2nd Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference, 22-23, January 2015. University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.
31) Vajira. P. Bulugahapitiya, Munasinghe M.M.A.B, Nobuhiro Kihara, Menik Hettihewa (2014), “ Scientific investigation of F.leucopyrus (Willd), isolation and characterization of potential compounds present in the plant.” Sri Lanka Japan Collaborative Research, 15th December 2014, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
30)Paranamana N., Radampola, K. and Bulugahapitiya, V. P.﴾2014). Growth performance of Guppy fry fed on diets contains Jack fruit seed meal as partial replacement of Fishmeal. ISC 2014, International Science Congress, 8th and 9th December 2014, Pacific University, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.
29) Vajira. P. Bulugahapitiya, Munasinghe M.M.A.B, Menik Hettihewa (2014). “Investigation of phytochemicals, nutrients and major elements in the leaves and the bark of Flueggea leucopyrus (Willd.)”. 2nd Annual International Research Symposium, 29th-30th October 2014, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Mihintale.
28) Paranamana N., Radampola, K. and Bulugahapitiya, V. P. ﴾2014). Major nutrients and anti-nutrients found in leafy vegetables; potential to use in fish feed. Winc 2014, the Wayamba International Conference, 29th July and 30th August 2014Wayamba University, Sri Lanka.
27) Paranamana N., Radampola, K. and Bulugahapitiya V. P. ﴾2014). Chemical Analysis of selected by-products and waste matter of various industries for fish feed preparation. i-PURSE, International Research sessions, 04th- 05th July 2014, University of Peradeniya, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
26) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, Green Method of Converting Atmospheric Pressure Carbon dioxide into Industrial carbonates, Proceedings of the International Conference on Chemical education, April, 3rd- 4th, 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
25) Bulugahapitiya V.P, Munasinghe M.M.A.B , Investigation of Cytotoxicity by Brine Shrimp Assay and Total Phenolic Content of Flueggea leucopyrus (Willd.), 11th Academic Session, March, 2014, University of Ruhuna, Matara.
24) Paranamana N., Radampola, K. and Bulugahapitiya V. P.﴾2014). Nutritional Composition of Selected Animal Based Feed Ingredients for Fish Feed Preparation. YSF (Young Scientists Forum) Symposium, 09th February 2014, HARTI, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
23) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, G.A.N.SGajaweera, Qualitative and Quantitative Investigation of Phytochemicals present in the leaves of Thebu, Costus speciosus, January, 22-24, 2014, RISTCON, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna. Matara, Sri Lanka.
22) N.Paranamana, K.Radampola, V.P. Bulugahapitiya, Nutritional and anti-nutritional contents of alternative plant feed ingredients for fish feed formulations, January, 22-24, 2014, RISTCON, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna. Matara, Sri Lanka.
21) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya*, BK Sisila Maduranga and Nilushi Paranamana (2013), Investigation of Cytotoxity of Fluggea leucopyrus using Brine Shrimp Cytotoxity Assay, Proceeding and Abstracta of 9thRuhuna Science Symposium, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.
20) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, NobuhiroKihara (2012), Synthesis of novel catalyst for regioselective Diels-Alder reaction, First International Conference on Advanced Material, Science and Engineering (ICAMSE), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
19) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, D.T.H Samaraweere (2011), Preliminary investigation on phytochemicals present in Bauniaracemosa and test for the anti-bacterial effect, Proceeding of the 8th Science symposium, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.
18) Bulugahapitiya V.P. and Maduranga B.K.S. (2010), Investigation of anti oxidant activity of Fluggea leucopyrus, Proceeding of the 8th Academic session, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.
17) D.V.D. Hemalika and Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya(2010),Investigation of Lead (Pb) content in Ipomea aquatica (kankun) grown in the Matara area, Proceeding of the 7th Science symposium, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.
16) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya,W.M.C.S.Wijesinghe (2009), Preliminary studies of the seed of Aleuritesmoluccanato find out the cytotoxic compounds and the preparation of biodiesel. 6th Science symposium, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka
15) S.R. Ganegamage and V.P. Bulugahapitiya (2009), Green Method for the treatment of waste water from Service station, Proceedings of the 6th Science Symposium, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.
14) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, Syed Ghulam Musharaff (2008), Biotrnasformation of Nootkatone using Macrophomiaphaseolina ,5th Science Symposium, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.
13) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, P.T.C. KirindeArachchige (2007), Mosquito repellent compounds from the seeds of Nigella sativa L (Black cumin), Proceedings of the Fourth Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka pp 151-158.
12) Akihito Narita, Yunika Tagchi, Hiroyaki Yasutake, Nobuhiro Kihara, Wasuka Mori andVajira P. Bulugahapitiya, (2007), Construction of nanoporus materials functionalized by axial chirality: 3rd International symposium on Chemistry on Coordination Space, Awaji, Hyogo, Japan.
11) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, P.T. Kiriede Arachchi (2006), Cytotoxic compounds from the seeds of Nigella sativa L, Proceeding of the 4th Science Symposium, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.
10) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, Subashini S.A.D (2005), Secondary metabolites present in fruit rinds of Garcinia cambogia;, 3rd Science Symposium, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.
09) Vajira.P. Bulugahapitiya (2004), A preliminary chemical study on secondary metabolites present in fruits of Memordicadioica; Proceedings of the 2nd Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.
08) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, Philippe Renaud (2003), Promising system to reduce epimerization: Stereoselective synthesis of α -amino compounds via cyclic α -amido radicals; 1st Academic Session, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, pp 143-147.
07) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya , R.P.S.D.S. Chandanie (2002), Preliminary screening of solvent extracts of leaves, barks and roots of Hemidesmusindicus for different types of secondary metabolites; Proceeding of the 1st Science Symposium, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, pp 35-38.
06) Vajira P. Bulugahpitiya, Philippe Renaud (2002), Highly Stereo selective Synthesis of Bicyclic Hydroxy acid derivatives: Co2(CO)8 mediated Cyclization of α,α– disubstituted 1,3-dioxolones, Proceedings of the 58th Annual Session,Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of the Science (SLAAS), Colombo.
05) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, Philippe Renaud (2001), Reductive and alkylative decarboxylation of amino acids with the retention of the optical activity: New approach to -amino compounds, Proceedings of the 57th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), Colombo.
04 Liliana Parra Rapado, Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya and Philippe Renaud (1999), Synthesis of non-racemic α-HydroxyCycloalkenecarboxylic Acid Derivatives by metathesis of α α -dialkylatedGlycolate Derivatives, Third international Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC-3), France.
03) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, P. Renaud, A.Stojanovic (1999), Chiral Cyclic α -Hydroxy acids froma chiral equivalent of Glycolic Acid, New Swiss Chemical Society, Autum Assembly, Lausanne, Switzerland.
02) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, P. Renaud, A. Stojanovic, Reductive and Alkylative Decarboxylation of N-protected Amino acids (1997), New Swiss Chemical Society, Autum Assembly, Lausanne, Switzerland.
01) Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, P. Renaud, A. Stojanovic (1997), Alkylative Decarboxylation of Amino Acids with retention of the optical activity, 36th IUPAC Congress, Geneva, Switzerland.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAdministrationTeaching Conducting lectures and laboratory classes, for B.Sc. General and Special Degree undergraduate students. Supervising of Postgraduate research and guiding of undergraduate research projects of B.Sc. General and Special Degree (Chemistry) Evaluating seminars, presentations and essays of the B.Sc. Special Degree (Chemistry) programme. Setting and conducting examinations for in B.Sc(General) and B.Sc (Special) degree, B.Pharm degree programmes. Attending many institutional development activities serving in many positions and being a member of committees.