Member Profile

Membership type: full
OWSD Award
Maria Eugenia Cabrera Catalan
Country of origin: Guatemala Currently in: Guatemala, Guatemala General field of specialization: PhysicsOWSD Award
2011 Doctorate Physics -
Current Research Activities
My work is focused in the study of physics beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics. The models I am working with propose a solution to the hierarchy problem and a candidate for Dark Matter, which existence is suggested by Astronomical Observations. My main interest is to study possible signatures of these models in Collider and Dark Matter experiments.
Publications resulting from Research:
"Bayesian approach and naturalness in MSSM analyses for the LHC"
ME Cabrera, A Casas, R Ruiz de Austri
Journal of High Energy Physics, Issue 03, id. 075 (2009).
"The health of SUSY after the Higgs discovery and the XENON100 data"
ME Cabrera, JA Casas, RR de Austri
Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 2013, article id.182
"Upper Bounds on Superpartner Masses from Upper Bounds on the Higgs Boson Mass"
ME Cabrera, JA Casas, A Delgado
Physical Review Letters, vol. 108, Issue 2, id. 021802
"MSSM forecast for the LHC"
ME Cabrera, JA Casas, RR de Austri
Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 2010, article id.43
"Constraints on sneutrino dark matter from LHC Run 1"
C Arina, MEC Catalan, S Kraml, S Kulkarni, U Laa
Journal of High Energy Physics, Volumen 2015, article id. 142
"Indirect and direct detection prospect for TeV dark matter in the nine parameter MSSM"
ME Cabrera-Catalan, S Ando, C Weniger, F Zandanel
Physical Review D 92 (3), 035018
"Multi-lepton signatures at LHC from sneutrino dark matter"
C Arina, ME Cabrera
Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 2014, article id.100
"Naturalness of MSSM dark matter"
ME Cabrera, JA Casas, A Delgado, S Robles, RR de Austri
Journal of High Energy Physics 2016 (8), 58
"Dark matter protohalos in a nine parameter MSSM and implications for direct and indirect detection"
R Diamanti, MEC Catalan, S Ando
Physical Review D 92 (6), 065029
"Quantifying the tension between the Higgs mass and (g-2)μ in the constrained MSSM"
ME Cabrera, JA Casas, R Ruiz de Austri, R Trotta
Physical Review D, vol. 84, Issue 1, id. 015006
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingI am teaching Introduction to High Energy Physics and Introduction to Quantum Field Theory for undergraduate students of Physics. My research is focused on beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. In particular I study the phenomenology of models that can explain the existence of Dark Matter, and also collider signatures of new physics in colliders.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2016 Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala XI Simposio Latinoamericano de Fı́sica de Altas Energı́as (XI SILAFAE)2016 Valencia, Spain 19th International Conference From the Planck Scale to the Elec- troweak (PLANCK 2016)2015 Sao Paulo, Brazil Program on Particle Physics at the Dawn of the LHC 132015 Ioannina, Grece 18th International Conference From the Planck Scale to the Elec- troweak (PLANCK 2015)2014 Medellín, Colombia X Simposio Latinoamericano de Fı́sica de Altas Energı́as (X SILAFAE)2013 Taipei, Taiwan 19th International Symposium on Particle, String and Cosmology (PASCOS2013)2013 Trieste, Italy 21st International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY2013)2013 Saclay, France Dark Matter searches at accelerators workshop2012 Ascona, Switzerland darkattack20122011 Geneva, Switzerland Global BSM fits and LHC data meeting2010 Valencia, Spain II CPAN Days2010 Cargese, Corsica Cargese 2010: Physics at TeV colliders - From Tevatron to LHC2010 La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy XLV th Recontres de Moriond: Electroweak Session2009 Geneve, Switzerland ENTApP Dark Matter workshop 20092008 Madrid, Spain International School on Astroparticle PhysicsAffiliations
Academia de Ciencias Médicas, Físicas y Naturales de GuatemalaAsociación Guatemalteca de FísicaPresentation given
2016Naturalness of the MSSM Dark MatterAntigua Guatemala, guatemalaEvent: XI SILAFAE2016Searching for signals of FCNC in the production of heavy resonances at the LHCValencia, SpainEvent: PLANCK conference2015Searches of BSM physics with boosted hadronically-decaying objects at the LHCSao Paulo, BrazilEvent: Program on Particle Physics at the Dawn of the LHC 132015Indirect and direct detection prospect for TeV dark matter in the MSSM-9Ioannina, GreceEvent: PLANCK conference2014Multi-lepton signatures at LHC from sneutrino dark matterMedellín, ColombiaEvent: X SILAFAE2013Toward an efficient test of Supersymmetry using simplified modelsTaipei, TaiwanEvent: PASCOS conference2012Improving the Effective MassAscona, SwitzerlandEvent: darkattack2010MSSM Forcast for the LHCLa Thuile, Aosta Valley, ItalyEvent: XLV th Recontres de Moriond: Electroweak Session -
OWSD Awards
Feb 2021OWSD-Elsevier Foundation Award for Early Career Women ScientistsFor her work on fractional differential equations (FDEs), an emerging field in applied and theoretical mathematics with many applications in a variety of fields in science and engineering.