Member Profile

Adriana Cascante-Gatgens
Country of origin: Costa Rica Currently in: Costa Rica, Heredia General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2021 Master Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
I am a PhD Candidate in Business Management at the Costa Rican Institute of Technology (TEC) and hold a Master’s in Business Research from the same institution, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the State Distance University of Costa Rica (UNED). Currently, I work in the Coordination and Intercultural Attention Program (PROCAI) at UNED and lead the Student Engagement team within UNED's Digital Transformation Strategy. I have also been a virtual research instructor at the International University of the Americas. I have coordinated the UNED Student Observatory, participated as a researcher in the Institutional Research and Evaluation Center (CIEI), and facilitated academic research skills courses at various UNED centers. In addition, I have guided undergraduate and postgraduate research projects, serving as a reader and advisor for national and international students. My experience includes reviewing academic papers for international conferences and being a founding member of the International Network for Research in Online and Open Distance Education (REDIC). My research and publications focus on digital and media literacy, university entrepreneurship (with a focus on female entrepreneurs), new work models, micro-credentials, professional research training, business internationalization, and the inclusion of university students, particularly in the context of COVID-19.