Member Profile

Membership type: full
Ruth Castillo
Country of origin: Venezuela Currently in: Italy, Udine General field of specialization: Other-
2017 Master Other2018 Master Physics2021 Doctorate Other2022 Doctorate Other -
Current Research Activities
Researcher in Philosophy of Science and Theoretical Physics his main area of research is the cognitive approach to the study of the relationship between historicity and objectivity in Science. Ex-Professor of Exclusive Dedication of Simón Bolívar University. Researcher member of the project "Elabo
Publications resulting from Research:
- “The consideration of symmetry within the concept of absolute space through the notions of equilibrium and equivalence”. EPISTEME NS. Vol.36. N° 1. 2016: 61-70.
• “From Harmony to Automorphism: The Use of Symmetry as a Term of Metalanguage in Physics”. EPISTEME NS. Vol. 38, N° 1-2. 2018:101-111. [Online] URL:
• “El uso de Simetría en Física: entre principio y argumento”. Memories of 38° Congress of the Italian Society of History of Physics and Astronomya cura di Salvatore Esposito, Lucio Fregonese e Roberto Mantovani. Pavia University Press, Pavia. 2018: 43-51. ISBN: 978-88-6952-058-7
• “La Academia Venezolana en el Exilio: Una tragedia ignorada”. Mastrantus. 2019. [Online] URL:
• “Venezuela y el Éxodo Científico y Profesional: Un análisis a los Programas Internacionales de Apoyo a Científicos, Académicos y Profesionales Venezolanos en el Exilio, Refugiados y en Riesgo”. Democrazia e Sicurezza- Democracy and Security Review. VIII, n° 4, 2019: 35-51
• “De La Fisica De Einsteina La Neurofilosofia: La Fundamentación Kantiana-Husserliana En Relatividad General A Través De Las Nociones De Espacio, Tiempo y Campo Como Condiciones Cognoscitivas”. Bitácora-e. University of Los Andes Press. 2019. [Online]. URL:
• “Agustín de la Torre and the beginning of Physics in Venezuela: a historical approach to the beginnings of technical and scientific thought in Venezuela”. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Italian Society of History of Physics and Astronomy a cura di Adele La Rana e Paolo Rossi. University of Pisa Press. Pisa. DOI: 10.12871/978883339402260. 2019: 417-422. [Online].
• Castillo, Ruth. «Analisi del discorso politico. Dalla dittatura alla pace». Review of Analisi del discorso politico. Dalla dittatura alla pace of Luisa Messina Fajardo. Dialogi Recensioni. N° 6, 2019: 170-171
• Castillo, Ruth. “Estudio del léxico y de la fraseología del español de Venezuela para la elaboración de un diccionario fraseológico del español de Venezuela”. En: eHumanista/IVITRA. 19 (2021): 498-507. ISSN 1540 5877. [Online].
• Castillo, Ruth. “Phenomenological Scientific Realism: Einstein, Husserl, and Neelamkavil”. In: Boston Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science. Springer’s series. (Accepted- Forthcoming).
• Castillo, Ruth. “Towards a Phenomenological Scientific Realism? Husserl, Einstein, Neelamkavil, and Mastrobisi: Dialogue of the Unobservables in General Relativity Theory and Phenomenology”. In: Investigaciones Fenomenologicas. ISSN: 1137-2400. e-ISSN: 1885-1088. (In studio).
-Castillo, R. (2018). La noción de Simetría: una reconstrucción. Aproximación a la Filosofía de la Física. Editorial Académica Española. Beau Bassin: Mauritius.
-Castillo, R. (2021). “La Banalidad de la Perdida Intelectual”. En: Diáspora de Talentos Venezolanos. (eds.) José M. Martínez. Caracas: Academia Nacional de la Ingeniería y el Habitat de Venezuela.
-Castillo, R. (2021). Venezuela y su Academia Migrante. Ebook.
-Castillo, R. (2021). (Editor). Venezuela: Tensiones, Conflictos y Paz. Milano: Generis. (In Print)
Arbitration of Scientific Articles- Collaborator Edition of Scientific Journal
• Referee of Indexed Scientific Journal "Prometeica". Philosophy Journal. URL:
• Referee of Indexed Scientific Journal "Democrazia e Sicurezza". URL:
• Author/ Editor of Scientific Journal DIALOGOI 6 (Roma, Italy).
Conferences And Seminars
• “The consideration of symmetry within the concept of absolute space through the notions of equilibrium and equivalence”. Student Congress of Scientific Research and Development CEIDEC. Central University of Venezuela. Science Faculty. Caracas. September 2016.
• “The notion of faraday field through the notions of equilibrium and equivalence: The consideration of symmetry within the concept of Newton's absolute space”. Colloquium of Physics. Simon Bolivar University. Department of Physics. Caracas. November. 2016.
• “Study of the process r nucleosynthesis in the neutrino wind in the framework of general relativity”. III National Meeting of Technologies and Applications of Engineering. Simon Bolivar University. Department of General Training and Basic Sciences. Caracas. December 2016.
• “Study of gravitational waves GW150914 for the estimation of graviton”. I Institutional day of Disclosure in Research, Development and Innovation. Simon Bolivar University. Caracas. January 2017.
• “Static solutions of a quarks star under the frame of general relativity”. I Institutional day of Disclosure in Research, Development and Innovation. Simon Bolivar University. Caracas. January 2017.
• “Phenomenology and Physics: approximation of the ideas of Husserl to the theory of general relativity of Einstein”. I International Congress Husserl in Milan. Carlo Cattaneo e Giulio Pretti Research International Insubrico Center. University of Insubria. Varese. October 2017.
• Cycle of Seminars of History and Philosophy of Physics. Scuola Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA. Trieste. May 2018.
• “The Notion of Symmetry in Physics: A Term in Metalanguage”. 38° Congress of Italian Society of History of Physics and Astronomy. University of Messina. Messina. October 2018.
• “From Harmony to Invariance: The significance of Symmetry in Contemporary Physics”. Congress of Philosophy 2018. Faculty of Philosophy. Central of Venezuela University. Caracas. November 2018.
• “Symmetry in Physics: The Use of Metalanguage in Science”. Congress of Science, Investigation and Developing. Faculty of Sciences. Central of Venezuela University. Caracas. October 2018.
• “Inattività contro l'esodo scientifico venezuelano del XXI secolo: uno sguardo ai programmi internazionali per sostenere la scienza a rischio”. I Congresso Venezuela: dalla ricerca della pace all'analisi del discorso político. Università Roma Tre, Rome. May 2019.
• “Agustín de la Torre and the beginning of Physics in Venezuela: a historical approach to the beginnings of technical and scientific thought in Venezuela”. XXXIX Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell’Astronomia. University of Pisa. Pisa. September 2019.
• “De la Fisica de Einsteina la Neurofilosofia: La Fundamentación Kantiana-Husserliana en Relatividad General a través de las Nociones de Espacio, Tiempo y Campo como Condiciones Cognoscitivas”. LXIX Anual Convention of Venezuela Association for Advance in Science AsoVac. Caracas. November 2019.
• “Significación y uso de materia y campo en física bajo el marco de la fenomenología transcendental”. V National Colloquium of Phenomenology. Association Chilean of Phenomenology. 18 November 2020. [Online]. URL:
• “Fenomenología y Física en Husserl, Weyl y Neelamkavil: Materia-Campo basado en Extensión-Cambio”. X Jornadas de Investigación de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Alicante (España). 11 de diciembre 2020. [Online]. URL:
• “¿Necesita la Ciencia a la Filosofía?” Ciclo de Cursos MOOC. Funindes- Universidad Simón Bolívar (Venezuela). 7 de diciembre 2020 al 13 de diciembre 2020. [Online]. URL:
• “¿Necesita la Ciencia a la Filosofía?” Ciclo de Cursos MOOC. Funindes- Universidad Simón Bolívar (Venezuela). 22 de ferbrero 2021 al 28 de febrero 2021. [Online]. URL:
• “El cuerpo humano como fuente fraseológica en el español del Venezuela” Congreso PHRASIS. January, 14-15 2021. Padova (Italy).[Online]. URL:
• “Einstein and Phenomenology: Husserl and Neelamkavil Perspectives to the Matter-Field Notions Based on Extension-Change”. (Italy). 26-28 May 2021. Philosophers and Einstein’s Relativity. Universitá Federico II di Napoli. Dipartamento di Studi Umanistici.
• “Einstein, Husserl, e Neelamkavil: Fenomenologia e Relatività Generale attraverso Extension-Change”. XLI SISFA National Congress, 6 - 9 Settembre 2021, Arezzo (Italy).
• “The Notions of Matter and Field in Einstein ́s General Relativistic Theory under Husserlian Approach”. V Jornadas Ibéricas De Fenomenologia. VI Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Filosofia Fenomenológica. 11-13 november 2021, Lisboa (Portugal).
Coordination of Congress
• Member of Scientific Committee of 1st. International Congress “Venezuela: Desde la Búsqueda de la Paz hasta el Discurso Politico”. May 6-8. (2019). Political Sciences Department. RomaTre University (Rome-Italy)
• Co-Chair in the XXXIX Congress of Italian Society of History of Physics and Astronomy (Pisa-Italy). September 9-12 (2019). University of Pisa
• Member of Organization Committee of 1st. Cyber Session about Venezuela Migration. November 21-22. (2019). Venezuelan Association of Advance of Science (Caracas-Venezuela). Andres Bello Catholic University
• Member of Organization Committee of 2nd. International Congress “Venezuela: Tensiones, Conflicto y Paz”. May 18-20. (2020). Political Sciences Department. RomaTre University (Rome-Italy)
• Member of Organization of VIII Jornadas Sicilianas de Estudios Hispanoamericanos y del Mediterráneo. Sesión Venezuela. Asociación Italo venezolana Casa Caribana- Universitá degli Studi di Roma Tre. Mayo 2021. (Rome, Italy)
• Organization of “Bicentenario Batalla de Carabobo. Evento Cultural”. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Embassy, Rome. June 21, 2021
- 2017-current. Research Member of the Venezuelan Association for the Advancement of Science (ASOVAC). Caracas-Venezuela
Societies of Research to which you belong as a member
-2018-current. Research Member of the Italian Society of History of Physics and Astronomy (SISFA). Italy
- 2018-current. Full Member of the Organization for Women in Science Development (OWSD). Trieste, Italy
- 2018- current. Research Member of the Italian Society of Logic and Philosophy of Science (SILFS). Italy htps://
Acknowledgments Received – Awards Received
• Recognition for participation in the process of induction and counseling of students in physical education and mathematics education. Andres Bello Catholic University. 2011-2012. Caracas-Venezuela
• Recognition for Labor Efficiency. Experimental University of the Armed Forces 2005-2006. Caracas-Venezuela
• Recognition for Labor Efficiency. Experimental University of the Armed Forces 2009-2010. Caracas-Venezuela
• Recognition for Work performed. Mater Dei High School 2011-2012. Caracas-Venezuela
• Best Poster Award. VII Conference on Phraseology and Paremiology Phrasis. January 14-15, 2021, Padova (Italy)
• Recognition for Efficiency and Organization to “Evento Cultural en conmemoración del Bicentenario de la Batalla de Carabobo”. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Embassy, Rome. June 21, 2021.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeaching-1998-1999. Mathematics teacher 7th grade. Physics Teacher Iº c.m.d.p. College San Agustín (Caracas, Venezuela) -1999-1999. Teacher of Mathematics in Administration and Finance. Rodolfo Loero Arismendi University Institute. (Caracas, Venezuela) - 1998-2000. Teacher of Mathematics and Physics 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, 1st and 2nd c.m.d.p. San Francisco Sales College. (Caracas, Venezuela) - 2001-2002. Teacher of Mathematics 1. José María Vargas University. (Caracas, Venezuela) - 2001-2004. Physics Teacher I and General Physics Laboratory Lecturer. Participant in the Laboratory of Nuclear Engineering Techniques - LATNI, in the research of Radiotrazadores in the Oil and Sugar Industry, under the mentorship of Dr. Hector Constant. Central University of Venezuela. Faculty of Engineering. Department of Applied Physics. (Caracas, Venezuela) - 2004-2011. Head of the Department of the Basic Cycle of Engineering (2006-2009). Head of Chair of Physics and Mathematics (2005-2006). Teacher of Mathematics 1, 2, 3.4 of the Basic Engineering Cycle. Teacher of Physics 1 and Laboratory of Physics 1 (2004-2007). Head of the Research Department of the Caracas Nucleus (2009-January 2011). Jury of Thesis in the research line ESGESO and EDIT. Experimental University of the Armed Forces. (Caracas, Venezuela) - 2011-2012. Teacher of Earth Sciences. Staff attached to the Department of Coexistence. U.E. "Mater Dei" School. (San Antonio de los Altos, Miranda, Venezuela) -2012-2016. Teacher of Physics I, Physics II and Laboratory of General Physics. Teacher of Calculus I in the Department of Mathematics. Head General Physics Laboratory. Central University of Venezuela. Faculty of Engineering. Department of Applied Physics. Professor of theoretical physics and the General Physics Laboratory of the department of applied physics of the faculty of engineer. Member of the research group of the Nuclear Applications and Techniques Laboratory of the Department of Applied Physics of the Faculty of Engineering. General Coordinator of the General Physics Laboratory. Thesis of the theoretical and applied mechanical expertise of the faculty of engineering under the project cosmological models within the framework of general relativity -2016-2017. Professor of Theoretical Physics of the Department of General Training and Basic Sciences. General Coordinator of the Mechanical and Electromagnetic Laboratory of the Simón Bolívar University. Project Researcher "Elaboration of cosmological models within the framework of general relativity".Lecturer and Speaker at the Conference on Research and Technological Development of the Simón Bolívar University. Lecturer and Guest Speaker at the CEIDEC of the faculty of sciences of the Central University of Venezuela (guest professor at the Simón Bolívar University). Workshop for Community Service of the Department of General Training and Basic Sciences of the Simón Bolívar University - 2016-2017. Online tutor of the School of Education, Physics and Mathematics mention in the Program of Innovation in Mathematics Teaching (UCAB-Venezuela-Telefónica-Spain Agreement). Andres Bello Catholic University. (Caracas, Venezuela) - 2017-2018. Research Member of the Venezuelan Association for the Advancement of Science -ASOVAC- (Caracas-Venezuela) -2018. Visiting Scientist at the Scuola Internazionale di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) in Trieste, Italy (Trieste, Italy) -2018-current. Researcher Ad-Honorem in The Juan David Garcia Bacca Institute of Central of Venezuela University (Caracas-Venezuela) -01 September 2018─Present. Universitá Liberetá- Udine (Italy). Independent/ Online Tutor- Teacher by project/Teacher Spanish as a Foreign Language/Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language 26 May 2020─Present. Universitá di Roma Tre (Rome, Italy)-Cultore of Departament of Foreign Languages and Culture Academics Activities of Foreign Culture and Languages and Humanities Sciences 2020 – Present. Asociacion Italiana di Fraseologia (PHRASIS)-Miembro del Grupo de Vocales 2020 – Present. Rivista Scientifica DIALOGOI (Roma, Italia). Author/ Collaborator Editor
Workshop and Conference Attended
2012 Metropolitan University, Caracas, Venezuela Planning in competitions2015 Metropolitan University, Caracas, Venezuela Developing Competes in and out of the classroom2015 Bolivarian University of Venezuela,Caracas, Venezuela Seminar-Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research: Gramsci's Thought in the Reconstruction of Latin America2014 Andres Bello Catholic University. Caracas, Venezuela Higher Education: Dialogue for the Present and the Future2014 imon Bolivar University. Department of Physics, Caracas, Venezuela Teaching Physics2014 Andres Bello Catholic University. Caracas, Venezuela Course of Programming in Virtual Reality2013 Andres Bello Catholic University. Caracas, Venezuela Mathematics Experience in Middle EducationAffiliations
Central of Venezuela UniversitySocietá Italiana di Storia della Física e AstronomíaSocietá Italiana di Logica e Filosofia della ScienzaPresentation given
2017Phenomenology and Physics: approximation of the ideas of Husserl to the theory of general relativity of Einstein“Carlo Cattaneo” International Insubrico Center of the University of Insubria, October 26-27, 2017, Milan-ItalyEvent: "Husserl a Milano"2016The consideration of symmetry within the concept of absolute space through the notions of balance and equivalenceCentral University of Venezuela. Science Faculty. Caracas, VenezuelaEvent: Student Congress of Scientific Research and Development- CEIDEC-2016The consideration of symmetry within the concept of Newton's absolute space to the notion of faraday field through the notions of equilibrium and equivalenceSimon Bolivar University. Department of Physics, Caracas-VenezuelaEvent: Cycle Coloquio in Physics and Philosophy2016Study of the process r nucleosynthesis in the neutrino wind in the framework of general relativitySimon Bolivar University. Department of General Training and Basic Sciences, La Guaira, VenezuelaEvent: III National Meeting of Technologies and Applications of Engineering2017Study of gravitational waves GW150914 for the estimation of gravitonSimon Bolivar Uniersity, La Guaira, VenezuelaEvent: I Institutional day of Disclosure in Research, Development and Innovation2017Static solutions of a quarks star under the frame of general relativitySimon Bolivar Uniersity, La Guaira, VenezuelaEvent: I Institutional day of Disclosure in Research, Development and Innovation