Member Profile

Membership type: affiliate
María Victoria Cerecetto
Country of origin: Uruguay Currently in: Germany, Braunschweig General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2018 Master Other2014 Undergraduate Other -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Effect of agricultural management on soil microbiome - implication for plant growth and health.
Publications resulting from Research:
-Cerecetto, V.; Smalla, K.; Nesme, J.; Garaycochea, S.; Fresia, P.; Sørensen, S. J.; Babin, D.; Leoni, C. (2021) Reduced tillage, cover crops and organic amendments affect soil microbiota and improve soil health in Uruguayan vegetable farming systems. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 97(3): fiab023: doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiab023.
-Cerecetto, V.; Beyhaut, E.; Amenc, L.; Trives, C.; Altier, N.; Drevon, J. J. (2021) Contrasting Expression of Rhizobial Phytase in Nodules of Two Soybean Cultivars Grown Under Low Phosphorus Availability. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 4:607678. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2020.607678.
-Pérez, G.; Cerecetto, V.; Irisarri, P. (2020) Potential cyanobacterial inoculants for rice described from a polyphasic approach. Agrociencia Uruguay. 24(2): 52. doi: 10.31285/AGRO.24.52.
-Cerecetto, V.; Diaz-Viraqué, F.; Irazoqui, I.; Rodríguez, A.; Cajarville, C.; Repetto, J. L.; Lavaggi, M. L.; González, M.; Cerecetto, H.* (2013) Anaerobic Biotransformation of N-oxide Containing Aromatic Heterocycles by Bovine Ruminal Fluid. Revista Virtual de Quimica. 5(6): 1134-1144.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchCurrently I´m doing my PhD thesis under the supervision of Dr. Kornelia Smalla, Dr. Doreen Babin and Dr. Carolina Leoni in the Julius Kühn Institut (Germany) and in the Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (Uruguay). The title of my thesis is "Effect of agricultural management on soil and rhizosphere microbiome in two long-term experiments in Uruguay"
Workshop and Conference Attended
2017 Peru III Iberoamerican Conference of Beneficial Plant-Microorganisms-Environment Interactions2017 Spain 20th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation2016 Brazil XXVII Latin American Reunion of Rhizobiology2015 Uruguay IX Agrobiotechnology Conference2015 Belgium 10th International Plant Growht Promoting Rhizobacteria Workshop2015 Uruguay XI National Meeting of Microbiologists2014 Uruguay I National Meeting of Young Microbiologists2013 Uruguay X National Meeting of Microbiologists2012 Uruguay XIV Seminars of the Uruguayan Society of Biosciences2012 Uruguay Students Research Exchange Forum (CSIC)2011 Uruguay 7th Veterinary Technical ConferencePresentation given
2017"Rhizobial phytases and efficiency in the use of phosphorus in the Bradyrhizobium elkanii-soybean symbiosis in hydroaeroponic culture”UruguayEvent: Microorganisms for Agriculture Symposium2016Evaluation of phosphate solubilizing and mineralizing bacteria able to enhance plant growthChileEvent: 3rd Latin American workshop on plant growth promoting rhizobacteria2012Evaluation of cyanobacteria blooms in a tourist area of Río Negro (Paso de los Toros, TacuarembóUruguayEvent: Students Research Exchange Forum (CSIC) -
Other Awards
Oct 2015International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) Scholar AwardAward for posgraduate students.Dec 2014M.Sc. fellow, ANII, Uruguay.Fellow of two years for doing my master's thesis.Dec 2011Undergraduate Research Initiation Fellow, ANII, Uruguay.Fellow of one year for doing my research for having my title on Bachelor in Science.Oct 2016Mobility scholarship, ANII, UruguayScolarship for doing a training intership of 7 moths in the UMR Eco&Sols, INRA, CIRAD, IRD, SupAgro, Montpellier, France.Apr 2011Program to Support Student Research, CSIC, UruguayFinancial support from the CSIC for doing the research project “Evaluation of cyanobacteria blooms in a tourist area of Río Negro (Paso de los Toros, Tacuarembó)”.