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Member Profile

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Maha Makkalage Nalika Damayanthi

Country of origin: Sri Lanka Currently in: Sri Lanka, kegalle General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences
Academic Background


2011 Master Agricultural Sciences
Research and Profession

Current Research Activities

Agricultural Sciences

conducting research on tea plant physiology

Research Keywords: 
and Climate change.

Publications resulting from Research: 

1. Damayanthi, M.M.N., Ranaweera, K.K., KottawaArachchi, J.D. and Ranatunga, M.A.B (2017), Screening of new tea (Camellia sinensis L.) accessions for drought tolerance in uva region of Sri Lanka.
2. Prematilake, K.G., Damayanthi, M.M.N and Liyanage, M. G. S. (2014). Attribution of allelopathy in tea soils on bush debilitation and yield decline in old tea grown in mid elevations of sri lanka. In proceedings of the wayamba international symposium,29-30 August 2014, Kuliyapitiya, Sri Lanka: 272pp
3. Damayanthi, M.M.N., Mohotti A. J and Nissanka, S.P. (2013). Physiological responses of Nursery grown tea (Camellia sinensis L.): A Preliminary study. Sri Lankan Journal of Tea Science. Volume 76 part (1/2): 47pp.

4. Damayanthi, M.M.N., Mohotti A. J and Nissanka, S.P. (2013). Physiological and Biochemical Parameters that can be used in Screening (Camellia sinensis L.) Cultivars for Drought, Proceedings of the Young Scientist Forum Symposium, 18th January 2013, Colombo:pp12.
5. Rasith, M.J.A. Damayanthi., M.M.N., Alwis, L.M.H.R. (2012). Identification of Drought tolerance Accessions of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) in Uva region. In Proceedings of the Research symposium, Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, November 22-23, Badulla: 233-237pp.
6. Damayanthi, M.M.N., Mohotti A. J and Nissanka, S.P. (2010). Comparison of Tolerant Ability of Mature, Field Grown Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) Cultivars Exposed to a Drought Stress in Passara Area, Tropical Agricultural Research, Volume 22 (1):66-75pp.
7. Damayanthi, M.M.N., Mohotti A. J and Nissanka, S.P. (2010). Comparison of Tolerant Ability of Mature, Field Grown Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) Cultivars Exposed to a Drought Stress in Passara Area, In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Congress of the Post graduate Institute of Agriculture, 25th -26th November, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka:37pp.
8. Damayanthi, M.M.N., Mohotti A. J and Nissanka, S.P. (2010). Physiological Responses as a Tool for Screening for Drought Tolerance: An Investigation with Nursery Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) Plants. In proceedings of the third symposium on Plantation Crop Research – Stakeholder empowerment through technological advances (Eds. R. S. Dharmakeerthi and A.M.W.K. Senavirathne). Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Dartonfield, Agalawatta, Sri Lanka. 337pp.
9. Damayanthi, M.M.N., Mohotti, A. J and Nissanka, S.P. (2010). Use of Physiological and Biochemical Parameters for Early Screening of Tea Cultivars for Drought Tolerance. In: Abstracts of 221 st E&E Forum, 30th July 2010, Talawakelle.
10. Damayanthi, M.M.N (2010) A screening methodology for drought tolerance of tea (Camellia sinensis) cultivars, Project Report. Post Graduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
11. Mohotti, A. J., Wakubura, W.G.C., Damayanthi, N., & Mohotti, K. M. (2008). Comparison of dry matter and nutrient partitioning in organically and conventionally grown tea. Abstracts of the 13th International forestry and Environmental Symposium, 27-28 December 2008, Kalutara, Sri lanka. pp 36.
12. Mohotti A. J., Damayanthi M. M. N., Anandacoomaraswamy A. and Mohotti K. M. (2008). Comparative Dynamics of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) Roots under Organic and conventional management systems with special reference to water use. In: Cultivating the future based on science, Volume 1. Organic Crop Production, Neuhoff D., Halberg N., Alfoldi T., Lockeretz W., Thommen A., Rasmussen I. A., Hermnsen J., Vaarst M., Lueck L., Caporali F., Jensen H. H., Migliorini P. And Willer H. (eds.), In: Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), held at the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, held in Modena, Italy, 18-20 June 2008, 332-335.
13. Mohotti, A. J., Damayanthi, M. M. N., Anandacoomaraswamy, A. & Mohotti, K. M. (2008). Comparative dynamics of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) roots under organic and conventional management systems with special reference to water use. Abstracts and Proceedings of the 16th IFOAM World Congress, held during 18-20 June 2008, Modena, Italy. pp 69.
14. Mohotti A. J., Damayanthi N., Tennakoon K. T., Mohotti K. M. and Sangakkara U. R. (2003) Anatomical differences of tea roots grown under organic and conventional management systems. In: Programme and Abstracts of Third International Symposium on Dynamics of Physiological Processes in Woody Roots. Perth, Australia. pp77.

15. Damayanthi, M.M.N (2003) Anatomical differences of tea roots grown under organic and conventional management systems. Project Report. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya.

Current profession

Current professional activities type: 
conducting research


see attached

Presentation given

climate change mitigation
Event: RTEF forun

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Damayanthi Maha Makkalage Nalika | OWSD