Member Profile

Membership type: full
PhD Fellowship Alumna
Susmita Dhakal
Country of origin: Nepal Currently in: Nepal, Kathmandu General field of specialization: Astronomy, Space and Earth SciencesPhD Fellowship Alumna
2016 Master Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences2004 Master Other2021 Doctorate Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
Natural Hazards and risk assessment
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Parajuli, A., Devkota, L.P., Adhikari, T.R., Dhakal, S., and Kayastha, R.B. 2015. Impact of climate Change on River Discharge and Rainfall pattern: A case Study From Marshyangdi River basin, Nepal, Journal of Hydrology and Meteorology, 9(1): 60-73
2. Dhakal, S. 2013. Inorganic Solid Waste Recycling in Kathmandu Metropolis, Nepal, Bulletin of Nepal Geological Society, 30:
3. Dhakal, S. 2013. Forest Fire Management Practices in Chitwan District, Central Nepal, Journal of Institute of Science and Technology, 18(1): 134-143
4. Dhakal, S. 2012. Changes in Water Quality of Simle Khola by Discharging Dairy Effluent from Sitaram Gokul Milk Industry inside Kathmandu Valley, Journal of Nepal Geological Society, 44:77-82
5. Dhakal, S. 2012. Watershed Management: Issues and Approaches in Nepal, Bulletin of Nepal Geological Society, 29: 89-92
6. Dhakal, S. 2012. Study of Constructed Wetland for Grey Water Treatment at Household Level, Gantabya, Journal of Tribhuvan University Progressive Teachers Association
7. Dhakal, S., Koirala, M., Sharma, E., and Subedi, N. R. 2010. Effect of Land Use Change on Soil Organic Carbon Stock in Balkhu Khola Watershed, Southwestern Part of Kathmandu Valley, Central Nepal. Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Issue 66.
8. Dhakal, S. 2006. Study on Physicochemical Parameters and Benthic Macroinvertebrates of Balkhu Khola, Southwestern Part of Kathmandu Valley, Central Nepal. Proceedings of International Conference on Management of Water, Wastewater and Environment: Challenges for the Developing Countries, 13-15 Sept 2006, Kathmandu Nepal.
9. Dhakal. S., Sharma, B., Sigdel, R., Thapa, M., Thapaliya, M., and Thapa, S., 2006. Solid Waste Disposal at Bagmati Riveride. Proceedings of International Conference on For a Better Tomorrow: Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries, 11-13 Jan 2006, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingTake classes - Natural hazards and disaster risk reduction, Environmental earth science, and GI science and remote sensing for M.Sc in environmental science. Supervise M.Sc. research which comprises case study, community work and dissertation. Do risk assessment related projects in the department.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2016 Kathmandu, Nepal Training on statistical methods using R language, Kathmandu Research and Education Centre of Third Pole Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences2014 Kathmandu, Nepal Training Program on Disaster/Climate Risk Management, Nepal Administrative Staff College2013 Delft, The Netherlands Environment and Global Change: Uncertainty and Risk Assessment2013 Kathmandu Use of geographic technologies for climate change in mountain regions and professional development of fellows and mentors2013 Kathmandu, Nepal Workshop on Emergency Mitigation Using Optimization and Simulation Methods2012 Laussane, Switzerlands Certificate of Advanced Studies on Disaster Risk Assessment (CDRR) 20122012 Kathmandu, Nepal Workshop on EIA of Hydro-power Projects in Nepal2010 Kathmandu, Nepal National Interaction Programme on Climate change and Copenhagen Accord in context of Nepal,2010 Kathmandu, Nepal Seminar on Policy formulation on water induced disaster mitigation and management2010 Pretoria, South Africa Seventeen World Youth Festival2006 Beijing, China Global Environmental Change: Regional Challenges. An Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP) Open Science Conference (ESSPOSC)Affiliations
Climate Change Council, Government of NepalWomen Organizing for Change in Agriculture and NRM (WOCAN)Mountain forumWomen Professional on Land use Scector (WPLUS)Presentation given
2010Effect of land use /cover changes in soil organic carbon in balkhu khola watershed, Central NepalParis, FranceEvent: International Conference on ICEESD 2010: "International Conference on Energy, Environment, Sustainable Development"2008Terrestrial carbon sink in small watersheds, NepalKathmandu, NepalEvent: One day seminar on Low carbon Economy2006Study on Physicochemical Parameters and Benthic Macroinvertebrates of Balkhu Khola, Southwestern Part of Kathmandu Valley, Central NepalKathmandu, NepalEvent: International Conference on “Management of Water, Wastewater and Environment: Challenges for the Developing Countries”2006Solid Waste Disposal at Bagmati Riveride, Kathmandu.Kathmandu, NepalEvent: For a Better Tomorrow: Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries"2019Societal Impacts and Risk Perception of Landslides in Sino-Nepal Road CorridorBeijingEvent: International Conference on Silk Road Disaster Risk Reduction and sustainable Development -
Other Awards
Sep 2014NUFFICThis Fellowship was received from government of The Netherlands to accomplish M.Sc. degree in Geo-information Science and Earth Observation with specialization of Applied Earth Sciences : Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Management. The program was run by Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation in University of Twente, The Netherlands (2014-2016).Apr 2013NFP fellowshipFor a course on 'Environment and Global Change: Uncertainty & Risk Assessment’ organised by UNESCO IHE institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands (29 April to 10 May 2013).Jan 2013MyCOE/SERVIR-Himalaya mentorshipFor a research of one of my M.Sc students dissertation during her M.Sc. in Environmental Science as a mentor.Aug 2012Fellowhip by Ecole Polytechnique Federal De Lausanne EPFLFor a course on Certificate of Advanced Studies in Disaster Risk Reduction (CDRR). It had a theoretical course in Switzerland and Field work in Coasta part of Bangladesh.Nov 2009Faculty research grantFor a research on terrestrial carbon sink in two community forests of Nepal. -
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship awarded 2017
PHD Graduation 2021