Member Profile

Membership type: full
Hoda Elkhenany
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, Damanhour General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences-
2015 Doctorate Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences -
Current Research Activities
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
Currently, we are working on a couple of research projects in which we investigate the effect of different nanoparticle to efficiently labelle stem cells for tracking purpose. We also investigating the effect of novel nanoparticles that proposed to have anticancer properties.
Publications resulting from Research:
• Elkhenany, H.A, Nagwa El-Badri and Madhu Dhar. Green propolis extract promotes in vitro proliferation, differentiation and migration of bone marrow stromal cells. Biomedicine and pharmacotherapy (2019).
• Hoda Elkhenany, Shady Nabil, Howaida Abu-Ahmed, Hassan Mahmoud, Ahmed Korritum, Hoda Khalifa. Treatment and outcome of horses with cutaneous pythiosis, and META-Analysis of similar reports. Slov Vet Res, 56 (Suppl 22): 281–91, DOI 10.26873/SVR-767-2019 (2019).
• Shadi Zahra, Howaida Abu-Ahmed, Ahmed Korritum, Hoda Elkhenany, Hoda Khalifa. Equine Sarcoids: Distribution Sites, Common Types, and Diagnosis, Alexandria Journal for Veterinary Sciences 60.1 (2019).
• Elkhenany, H.A, Abdelrahman AlOkda, Ahmed El-Badawy and Nagwa El-Badri. Tissue Regeneration: Impact of Sleep on Stem Cell Regenerative Capacity, Life Sciences, doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2018.10.057 (2018).
• Ursini, T., Amelse, L., Elkhenany, H.A., Odoi, A., Carter-Arnold, J., Adair, H.S., Dhar, M. Retrospective analysis of adverse reactions associated with 230 Allogenic administration of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells in 164 horses, in Equine veterinary journal, doi: 10.1111/evj.12992 (2018).
• Ahmed El-Badawy, Nehal I. Ghoneim, Mohamed A. Nasr, Hoda Elkhenany, Toka A. Ahmed, Sara M. Ahmed, Nagwa El-Badri. Telomerase reverse transcriptase coordinates with the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition through a feedback loop to define properties of breast cancer stem cells, in Biology Open, DOI: 10.1242/bio.034181 (2018).
• Hoda Elkhenany, Shawn Bourdo, Silke Hecht, Robert Donnell, David Gerard, Ramadan Abdelwahed, Andersen Lafont, Karrer Alghazali, Fumiya Watanabe, Alexandru Biris, David Anderson, Madhu Dhar. Graphene nanoparticles as osteoinductive and osteoconductive platform for stem cell and bone regeneration, in Nanomedicine: nanotechnology, biology, and medicine, DOI: 10.1016/j.nano.2017.05.009 (2017).
• Hoda Elkhenany, Shawn Bourdo, Alexandru Biris, David Anderson, Madhu Dhar. Important considerations in the therapeutic application of stem cells in bone healing and regeneration. Chapter 23 in Stem Cells in Toxicology and Medicine, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, DOI: 10.1002/9781119135449.ch23 (2016).
• Hoda Elkhenany, Lisa Amelse, Marc Caldwell, Ramadan Abdelwahed, and Madhu Dhar. Impact of the source and serial passaging of goat mesenchymal stem cells on osteogenic differentiation potential: implications for bone tissue engineering, Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology - DOI: 10.1186/s40104-016-0074-z (2016).
• Elkhenany Hoda, Lisa Amelse, Andersen Lafont, Marc Caldwell, Alexandru Biris, David Anderson and Madhu Dhar. Graphene supports in vitro proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of goat adult mesenchymal stem cells: potential for bone tissue engineering. Journal of Applied toxicology. DOI: 10.1002/jat.3024 (2015).
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Teaching
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 Brisbane, Australia TERMIS-AP + ABMC7 Congress2015 Monterey, California, USA NAVRMA conferenceAffiliations
International society for stem cell research (ISSCR)Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS)International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (MDS) -
Other Awards
Sep 2019ICMR /AU-STRC International FellowshipICMR/AU-STRC Training on Basic Molecular Biology Techniques Relevant To Cancer Research organised by the ICMR-National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (NICPR), Noida, India.