Member Profile

Nene Eluchie
Country of origin: Nigeria Currently in: Nigeria, Abuja General field of specialization: Chemical Sciences-
2009 Master Chemical Sciences2003 Undergraduate Chemical Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Chemical Sciences
As a young scientist desiring to become a cation for positive influence in the field of science, I have always worked hard to bridge the gap between unemployment and job creation. This is evident in my previous researches where I have worked on locally available raw material in my country. I have been able to promote entrepreneurial skills among Nigerians by introducing the use of kaolin (white dirt) that is locally available in place of Talc (clay) in the formulation of coating mixture for paper. Also in another recent research, I have successfully explored the use of citric acid from citrus fruits and the result have been positive in substituting acetic acid a weak electrolyte in conductance measurement. All these researches have been published in scholarly journals. I have also explored the use of biochar from municipal organic waste feed stock as a bio remediation tool for oil polluted sites. And presently, as part of my PHD dissertation, I am currently trying to explore the use of biochar from non-lignin based feed stock such as animal manure and crop residue as a substitute to expensive inorganic fertilizer (NPK) with emphasis on interaction of biochar with soil micro-organism and environmental behavior. The motivation of this study stem from the fact that in Africa specifically, the Green Revolution initiated by Nobel Norman Borlaug has not had sufficient success (Evenson and Gollin, 2003), to a significant extent due to high costs of agrochemicals (Sanchez, 2002), among other reasons (Evenson and Gollin, 2003). Biochar provides a unique opportunity to turn the green revolution into sustainable agro ecosystem practice. Biochar can improve soil fertility and nutrient-use efficiency using locally available and renewable materials in a sustainable way. Good returns on ever more expensive inputs such as fertilizers rely on appropriate levels of soil organic matter, which can be secured by biochar soil management for the long term (Kimetu et al, 2008; Steiner et al, 2007). Farmers in resource-constrained agro ecosystems are able to convert organic residues and biomass fuels into biochar without compromising energy yield while delivering rapid return on investment
Publications resulting from Research:
P. Nkwoma Nene (2008). Studies on the suitability of metallic soap and kaolin (white dirt) in the formulation of coating mix for paper. American Eurasian network for scientific information. Adv.Sc 2(2), 73-76.
Nene P. Eluchie. The use of citric acid from citrus fruit as a substitute for weak electrolyte in conductance measurement. ( To appear in international journal of chemical engineering and Analytical Science). Accepted for publication
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeaching ( review of students research plan for their academic merit as well as give academic advise. Strong Analytical skill ( Testing of samples to determine their make up and properties, writing up experimental results and publish articles in research and scientific journals. Development of methods and standards to study chemical compounds.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2007 Nigeria Chemical society of Nigeria (Anambra State Chapter) 2nd Annual ConferenceAffiliations
Chemical society of NigeriaPresentation given
2007Effect of Temperature on the corrosion of Aluminium 0.1m Hcl in the presence of 0.1m potassium halide.NigeriaEvent: Chemical Society of Nigeria (Anambra State chapter) 2nd Annual conference. Book of Abstract Pg.43