Member Profile

Membership type: full
Arachchige Jayaruwani Fernando
Country of origin: Sri Lanka Currently in: Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2017 Master Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Food process engineering: Drying technology, Design and development of food processing machines LEAN management
Publications resulting from Research:
Fernando, A. J. and Amaratunga, K. S. P. (2022). Application of far-infrared radiation for sun-dried chili pepper (Capsicum annum l.): drying characteristics and color during roasting. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
Fernando, A. J., Amaratunga, K. S. P., Dharmasena, D. A. N., Abeyrathna, R. M. R. D., Gajasinghe, I. L., Weerakoon, H. S. T., Ekanayake, E. M. A. C., and Bandara, D. M. S. P. (2022). Pulse-width-modulation control of a heat pump dryer with cascade evaporators and parallel-flow condensers. Tropical Agricultural Research, 33(1):9–17
Kavindi, M. A. R., Amaratunga, K. S. P., Ekanayake, E. M. C., Fernando, A. J., and Abesinghe, A. M. S. K. (2022). CFD simulation of airflow distribution in a heat pump assisted deep-bed paddy dryer. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 38(1):1–8
Fernando, A. J., Amaratunga, K. S. P., Madushanka, H. T. N., and Jayaweera, H. R. Y. S. (2021b). Drying performance of coffee in a batch-type heat pump dryer. Transactions of the ASABE, 64(4):1237–1245
Fernando, A. J., Gunathunga, C., Brumm, T., and Amaratunga, S. (2021d). Drying turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) using far-infrared radiation: Drying characteristics and process optimization. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 44(9)
Galappaththi, G. M. A. S., Weerasooriya, G. V. T. V., Fernando, A. J., and Senanayaka, D. P. (2021). Development of solar assisted multi-crop dryer. Sri Lankan Journal of Agriculture and Ecosystems, 3(1):17–29
Chopra, S. and Fernando, A. J. (2020). Modeling employees behavior intention with the adoption of a suggestion system for lean initiatives. Journal of Technology, Management & Applied Engineering, 36(2)
Ekanayake, E. M. A. C., Amaratunga, K. S. P., Kariyawasam, H. K. P. P., Fernando, A. J., and Abeyrathne, R. M. R. D. (2019). Design and development of a closed cycle heat pump drying system for industrial drying of rice and chili. Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 6(12):1–7
Sewwandi, U. G. C., Ekanayake, E. M. A. C., Amaratunga, K. S. P., Fernando, A. J., and Abeyrathne, R. M. R. D. (2019). Drying characteristics of katuwelbatu (Solonum virginianum L.) during heat–pump drying. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 10(10):1670–1672
Sandaruwan, E., Weerasooriya, G., and Fernando, A. J. (2019a). Design and development of a two-wheel tractor coupled bund plastering and canal (kiwul-ela) making equipment. Sri Lankan Journal of Agriculture & Ecosystems, 1(1):102–116
Fernando, A. J., Amaratunga, K. S. P., Priyadarshana, L. B. M. D. L., Galahitiyawa, D. D, K., and Karunasinghe, K. G. W. U. (2015). Roasting chilli (Capsicum annum L.) using far-infrared radiation. Tropical Agricultural Research, 25(2):180– 187
Dissanayake, T. M. R., Amarathunga, K. S. P., Thilakaratne, B. M. K. S., Bandara, D. M. S. P., and Fernando, A. J. (2015). Gelatinization of rough rice using farinfrared (FIR) radiation. Tropical Agricultural Research, 26(4):707–713
Bandara, D. M. S. P., Amarathunga, K. S. P., Thilakaratne, B. M. K. S., Gunawardana, C. R., Dissanayake, T. M. R., Dharmasena, D. A. N., and Fernando, A.J. (2015). Use of evaporative water cooling EWC in grinding chili. Engineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, 48(3)
Bandara, D. M. S. P., Amarathunga, K. S. P., Thilakaratne, B. M. K. S., Dissanayake, T. M. R., Dharmasena, D. A. N., and Fernando, A. J. (2014). Feasibility study for evaporative cooling of grinding chili (Capsicum annum L.). Tropical Agricultural Research, 26(1):189 – 194
Fernando, A. J., Adhikarinayake, T. B., and Weerasooriya, G. V. T. V. (2013). Design and development of a two wheel tractor driven coconut fertilizer applicator. COCOS, Journal of the Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka, 20(1):27–37
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingHigher Education StudyTeaching courses: Food Process Engineering, Engineering Physics, Machine design, Thermodynamics