Member Profile

Membership type: full
María del Rosario García Meza
Country of origin: Guatemala Currently in: Guatemala, Quetzaltenango General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2010 Master Social and Economic Sciences2006 Undergraduate Other -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
Women feeding Lactation practices among different cultures in Guatemala Body Composition in Eldery from the Western Highlands of Guatemala
Publications resulting from Research:
•Making the health system work by and for Indigenous women in Guatemala: a community led multisectoral collaboration. Nieves C, García-Meza R, Ukhova D, Xinico S, Palma S, Simpson S. British Medical Journal -BMJ- United Kingdom. Doi:
• Semantics of the Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030 for Nutrition: The connotation gained (or lost) in translation from English to Spanish Rosario García-Meza, Emily Yates-Doerr and Noel W. Solomons.
• Late Introduction of complementary food: practices and perceptions among mothers of ≤2 years old children in Baja Verapaz, Guatemala. Rosario García-Meza, Gabriela Montenegro- Bethancourt, Wendy González, Allison Tumilowicz, Annabelle Bonvecchio, Marieke Vossenar and Noel W. Solomons.
• Qualitative Studies to Inform Public Health Interventions: Case Study for Adherence to Diarrhea Treatment in the Guatemalan Western Highlands. García-Meza, R.; Roche M.; Solomons N.W. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición. November 2015.
• Ritual fluids in relation to early child nutrition in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala M Vossenaar, R Garcia- Meza, NW Solomons, CM Doak, L Peters, & M Campos Ponce. (2012). Sight & Life Magazine, 26(2), 40-46.
•Household food distribution: A Gender based analysis of the corn flour preparations within Mayan Women from the Western Highlands in Guatemala. – CeSSIAM Guatemala 2012. García-Meza R, Orozco M. y Solomons W.N. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición. November 2012
•Intergenerational Transmission of Factors that Determine Infant Feeding Practices: a Qualitative Approach to Examining Guatemalan Maternal Experiences– CeSSIAMGuatemala2011. García- Meza R, Padilla O., Doak C., Vossenaar M. and Solomons W.N. FASEB, 2012.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTo coordinate health and nutrition participatory action research and research initiatives. To plan and implement annual budget focused for the Western Highlands initiatives. To support team growth and professional development through training and mentoring of the staff, local partners and foreign interns. To prepare publications and share research evidence with decision making actors related to nutrition, public health, private and academic sectors to influence local and regional agendas. To represent the organization in local and regional spaces and donors.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 Guatemala Successful Literature Review - Principles and Practice – Practical Course. FINUT/INCAP2018 Guadalajara, México Latin American Society of Nutrition Congress -SLAN-2018 Aberdeen, Scotland Hermeneutic Phenomenology Course Applied to Complex Analysis – Robert Gordon University and Lancaster University.2017 Buenos Aires, Argentina International Congress of Nutrition –ICN-2017 on-line Protecting Human Rights in ResearchAffiliations
American Society of Nutrition -ASN-.Latin American Society of Nutrition -SLAN-Presentation given
2015Qualitative Studies to Inform Public Health Interventions: Case Study for Adherence to Diarrhea Treatment in the Guatemalan Western Highlands.Punta Cana, República DominicanaEvent: Congress of the Latin American Society of Nutrition Congress -SLAN-.2017Nutrition Environments - A Qualitative Study in the urban areas from Quetzaltenango, GuatemalaGuatemalaEvent: Regional Meeting of Social Sciences – CUNOC, FLACSO, CEUR, CeSSIAM.2017Late Introduction of complementary food: practices and perceptions among mothers of ≤2 years old children in Baja Verapaz, Guatemala and Semantics of the Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030 for Nutrition:The connotation gained (or lost) in translationBuenos Aires, ArgentinaEvent: International Congress of Nutrition2015Maternal Perceptions and Experiences with an Intervention to Increase Adherence to WHO- recommended Zinc (Zn) + Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) for Diarrhea Treatment in Western Guatemala.Boston, USA.Event: Congress of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology –FASEB -
Other Awards
Jun 2019Receipt of the Naparstek Mentorship Award. School of Medicine and Public Health. TUFTS University, Boston.Award that recognized excellence in mentorship provided to students from Public Health Master programs during their Applied Learning Experience.Jul 2007Receipt of the CARE TDY Program Award to cover Tuition fees for Master Studies. Atlanta, United States.Award that CARE USA provides to employees around the word who demonstrate excellence and commitment in their work. This is usually used for exchange programs, and in this case, was used for paying tuition fees for an International Master's degree program.