Member Profile

Membership type: full
Gehan T. El-Bassyouni Gehan
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, Cairo General field of specialization: Chemical Sciences-
1999 Doctorate Chemical Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Chemical Sciences
Publications resulting from Research:
- Preparation, Characterization and biocompatibility of Nominal Wollastonite/Calcium Hexaboride composites, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 289 (15 September 2022) 126337.
- Gamma ray and fast neutron shielding of ZrSiO4-Al2O3 ceramic refractor, Particulate Science and Technology 41(2) (2023) 250-260.
- Characterization, Biocompatibility and In-Vivo of Nominal MnO2-Containing Wollastonite Glass, Nanotechnology Reviews 11(1) (September 2022) 2800-2813.
- Glass-ceramic glaze from trachyte rock-limestone or magnesite, Silicon 15(16) (2023) 133-141.
-Some optical and microstructure characteristics of effective cost ZnO-containing hydroxyapatite, Physica Scripta, 98(1) (January 2023) 015828.
- Mechanical and physical properties of synthetic sustainable geopolymer binders manufactured using rockwool, granulated slag, and silica fume, Construction and Building Materials 367 (27 February 2023) 130143.
- Influence of manganese ions in calcium silicate glass– ceramics on optical, mechanical, and magnetic properties, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (JMSE) 34(4) (February 2023) 295.
- Improving the optical, electrical and dielectric characteristics of MgO doped borate glass for optoelectronic applications. Journal of Applied Physics (JAP) 133(6) (8 February 2023) 065102.
- Zinc Oxide Calcium Silicate Composite Attenuates Tramadol Toxicity in Mice, BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology 24(9) (9 February 2023) 1-10
National Research Centre (NRC)