Member Profile

Membership type: full
Liliana María Gomez Luna
Country of origin: Cuba Currently in: Cuba, Santiago de Cuba General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
1997 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Productive potential and toxicity of microalgae and cyanobacteria isolated-strains Implementation of a pilot diagnostic and surveillance system for early warning and response to emerging risks due to cyanobacterial contamination in agricultural systems. Valuation of environmental scientific services for the mitigation of climatic stress in eastern Cuba. Environmental risks vs. development: an intersectoral, interdisciplinary and ecosystemic vision of risks and their drivers in eastern Cuba.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Liliana Gómez Luna,Odalys Asín, Yadenis Ortega. Primer reporte de Oxyrrhis marina DUJARDIN 1841 en la bahía de Guantánamo, Cuba. Revista de Investigaciones Marinas 34(1): 2014 (SCIELO, SCOPUS).
2.Liliana Gomez. El desafío ambiental: enseñanzas a partir de la COVID. 2020. Medisan 24 (4) (SCIELO).
3. Boix, Yilan Fung, Dubois, Albys Esther Ferrer, Hendrix, Sophie, Luna, Liliana Maria Gómez, Beenaerts, Natalie, Manrique, Clara Esther Martínez, Victório, Cristiane Pimentel, & Cuypers, Ann. Assessment of the Antioxidative Potential of Rosmarinus officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) Irrigated with Static Magnetic Field-Treated Water 2020. Braz. arch. biol. technol. [online]. 2020, vol.63 [cited 2021-01-19], e20190142. 2020. ISSN 1678-4324. (SCOPUS)
4. Gomez-Luna, L. M. et al. 2021. Efecto del pH sobre el crecimiento y viabilidad celular de una cepa local de Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck. Revista Tecnología Química 41(252-276). (SCIELO)
5. Gomez-Luna, L. M. et al. 2022. Cultivo y aplicaciones de Chlorella vulgaris: principales tendencias y potencialidades en la agricultura. Revista Tecnología Química 42.1(70-93). (SCIELO)
6. Gomez-Luna, L. M. et al. Implementación de un protocolo de gestión de riesgo por presencia de fitotoxinas en la laguna de Baconao, Santiago de Cuba. Bull. Mar. Sci. 50 (1): 43-78. 2021., (DOAJ, BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACT, SCOPUS, SciELO, SJR, Citation Index del Web of Knowledge, ZOOLOGICAL RECORDS, BIOSIS)
7. Rodríguez Tito, JC.; Gomez Luna, L.; Nope, WN.; Hubert, A. I. 2022. First report of microcystin- LR occurrence in water reservoirs of eastern Cuba and environment trigger factors. Toxins, 14(3), 209. (SCOPUS, Web of Sci)
8. La seguridad alimentaria familiar en el contexto de la crisis epidemiológica por la COVID-19. RAMÍREZ, Yousy Baby; GÓMEZ LUNA, Liliana María; SALAS VINENT, Mayra Elena. Disponible en: Estudios del Desarrollo Social: Cuba y América Latina, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. 38-50, june 2022. ISSN 2308-0132. (WEB OF SCIENCE – CLARIVATE ANALYTICS, Clase, DOAJ)
9. Rodriguez Tito, José Carlos Y Gomez Luna, Liliana María. Trophic status of twenty-four water reservoirs in the eastern of Cuba. Rev Cub Quim [online]. 2020, vol.32, n.1 [citado 2020-03-16], pp.136-153. Disponible en: Epub 26-Feb-2020. ISSN 2224-5421. (SCIELO, ACADEMIC SEARCH (EBSCO), DOAJ, LATINDEX, PUBLINDEX, PERIÓDICA Y CLASE, REDALYC, SERPA/ROMEO).
10.Liliana Gomez, Antonio Sosa, Isabel Moreno, Abdiel Jover. Biodiversidad, morfometría y alimentación de los cangrejos del género Callinectes. Revista de Biología Tropical (Int. J. Trop. Biol. 2009, 57 (3): 671-686. (WoSC, SCOPUS)
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingOtherResearch as a project leader in different topics: applied phycology, microalgae biotechnology, cyanobacteria, and cyanotoxin occurrence in different ecosystems and management tools, Ecotoxicology Coordinator of Ph.D. Doctoral Program in Environmental Sciences Professor in High educational Studies (postgraduate and undergraduate level) Project management Research highlight leader in environmental issues and magnetic field effect on biological systems
Workshop and Conference Attended
2021 Panama ISSHA. 19th International Conference on Harmful Algae2021 La Habna, Cuba XIII Convención Internacional sobre medioambiente y Desarrollo 2021. I Congreso de Ciencias geoespaciales y Riesgo de Desastres2021 Panamá V Congreso Internacional de Macroinvertebrados y Ecosistemas Acuáticos2020 Mexico Magnetobiología 2020Affiliations
Science Academy of Cuba -
Other Awards
Mar 2002Internacional Award to Environmental Thinking in the CaribbeanThe Quintana Roo Government Award is due to a scientific book that touches on critical environmental issues in the Caribbean region, it was published by Siglo XXI Editors.Jan 2005Special Disctintion of High Education Ministry of CubaHigh Education Ministry in Cuba recognizes the contribution of professors and research in science, teaching, and undergraduate formationDec 2005Anual Prize of Heatl MinistryBecause of relevant contributions to health issues in researchDec 2007UNESCOParticipation in the rescue and conservation of the material and spiritual heritage values of the Castillo San Pedro de la Roca Historic SiteNov 2011Anual Prize of Health MinistryContribution with the cyanobacteria research in the east of Cuba