Member Profile

Membership type: full
Elda Alejandra González Castro
Country of origin: Nicaragua Currently in: Nicaragua, Managua General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2020 Master Biological Systems and Organisms2008 Undergraduate Chemical Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Isolation and characterization of strains of bacillus spp. producers of proteolytic enzymes and proposals for a protein hydrolyzate production process , using the crude enzyme extract obtained. Mathematical model for simulatios production process of yeast extrac.
Publications resulting from Research:
González Roberto, González Elda. 2015. Anaerobic digestion of complex organic substrates for the production of biogas and comprehensice energy use of the biogas produced. El Acontecer Digital UPOLI,1, 4-13
González Roberto, González Elda. 2011.Demostration plant for biogas productions with hidraulic pressuere digester. An integral energy solution. El Acontecer Digital UPOLI, report.
González Elda, González Roberto. 2011. Validation of the compact biogas system (SCB) Technology-ARTI to procedure biogas from kitchen aste under Nicaraguan condition. El Acontecer Digital UPOLI.
Piad Raúl, González Roberto, González Elda , Reyes Nadir, González Hermes. 2011. Evaluation of new prebiotic product produced at the bank scale, in productive and digestive physiological indicators in bolilers. El Acontecer Digital UPOLI.
Publication of a Chapter 12. Sustitution of antibiotics promoting groth in animal production by alternative additives produced in Nicaragua. in Book: Probiotic and technological Aspect of Lactic Bacteria. Published by University National of Agentina. 2010.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAdministrationDevelopment of chemical formulas of chemical products, research applied to biotechnology and use of waste
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 China Seminar on Agricultural Biotechnology Application for Developing Countries2019 Beijin China Country presentationAffiliations
RedBioLACPresentation given
2011Evidence to determine ceruloplasmin as marker for progression of alzheimer´s desease. PosterPanamaEvent: International symposium on Drug discovery for Neurodegenerative disease.