Member Profile

Membership type: full
Diana Alethia Guerrero Hernández
Country of origin: Mexico Currently in: Mexico, Mexico city General field of specialization: Other-
2020 Master Other -
Current Research Activities
I'm studying PhD in Philosophy of Science, in Science and Technology Studies and I'm working in different issues related with gender and education in STEM areasCurrent profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingHigher Education StudyOtherI am bachelor’s degree lecturer in different courses related to Philosophy and History of Biology and gender perspectives in STEM areas. I am working hand in hand with the Gender Equality Commission in the Faculty of Sciences of the UNAM in the development of materials, courses and subjects related to science and gender issues. I am also a Community Orientation Person (POC) in the Faculty of Sciences and a member of the Gender Equality Commission of UNAM (CIGU).