Member Profile

Membership type: full
Indika Kaumudini Herath
Country of origin: Sri Lanka Currently in: Sri Lanka, Gampaha General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2013 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Environmental science related research focusing on environmental impact of Agricultural systems, responsible use of resources to safeguard environment, Soil-plant nutrient dynamics, carbon and water footprinting
Publications resulting from Research:
Summary – Total 70: Peer Reviewed Journal papers – 12; Book Chapters-03; Full papers in Conference proceedings -32; Abstracts in Conference proceedings-15 ; Popular articles, Reports & presentations – 08; Invited presentations-02.
Refereed Research Articles in Scientific Journals
1. Herath, H.M.I.K. and Wijebandara, D.M.D.I. 2017. Potential Use of King Coconut Husk as a Nutrient Source for Organic Coconut Cultivation. Journal of Food and Agriculture 2017, 10 (1 & 2): 1 – 8.
2. Herath, H.M.P.M , Herath, H. M. I. K. and Ratnayake, W. M. 2017. Potential use of Mucuna bracteata as a Cover Crop for Coconut Plantations in the Low Country Intermediate Zone of Sri Lanka. Journal of Food and Agriculture 2017, 10 :1 & 2.: 26 - 34
3. Herath, H. M. I. K., Silva, H. M., Synthya P.G. and Vidhana Arachchi, L. P. 2016. Impact of Cover Crops on Soil Quality Parameters of Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.)-Grown Red Yellow Podzolic Soil. Journal of Food and Agriculture 2016, 9 (1 & 2): 14 – 23
4. Herath, I., Green, S., Horne, D., Singh, R. and Clothier, B. 2014. Quantifying and reducing the water footprint of rain-fed potato production Part I: Measuring the net use of blue and green water. Journal of Cleaner Production, 81: 111-119.
5. Herath, I., Green, S., Horne, D., Singh, R. and Clothier, B. 2014. Quantifying and reducing the water footprint of rain-fed potato production Part II: A hydrological assessment using modelling supported by measurements. Journal of Cleaner Production, 81:103-110.
6. Herath, H.M.I.K., (2014). Potential of Potassium Supply in Locally Available Soil Amendments for Use in Coconut Plantations. Journal of Food and Agriculture. 7(1-2), pp.18–24. DOI:
7. Herath, I., Deurer, M., Horne, D., Singh, R., and Clothier, B., 2011. The water footprint of hydroelectricity: A methodological comparison from a case study in New Zealand. Journal of Cleaner Production 19: 1582-1589.
8. Herath, I., Green, S., Singh, R., Horne, D., van der Zijpp, S., and Clothier, B. 2013. Water footprinting of agricultural products: a hydrological assessment for the water footprint of New Zealand's wines. Journal of Cleaner Production, 41: 232-243.
9. Herath, I., Green, S., Horne, D., Singh, R., McLaren, S. and Clothier, B. 2013. Water footprinting of agricultural products: Evaluation of different protocols using a case study of New Zealand wine. Journal of Cleaner Production, 44: 159-167.
10. Herath, H.M.I.K., Saumyakumara, A.P.A., Tennakoon, N.A. 2006. Soil fertility status of common coconut growing soil series in Sri Lanka. Journal of the Soil Science Society of Sri Lanka, Volume 18 : 35-40 : ISSSN 1015-0803
11. Herath, H. M. I. K. and Ranjith. B. Mapa. 2003. Use of Effective Micro organisms (EM) in accelerating the composting process. Sri Lankan journal of Agricultural Science. 40: 79-87. ISSSN 1013-8137
12. Herath, H. M. I. K., M. W. Wickramasinghe and R. B. Mapa. 2004. Use of Effective Micro organisms (EM) and urea on decomposition of rice straw. International journal of Tropical Agricultural Research & Extension 7: pp 62-68.
Book Chapters
13. Clothier, B.E., S. Green, K. Müller, R. Gentile, I. Herath, K. Mason and A. Holmes. 2013. Orchard Ecosystem Services: Bounty from the Fruit Bowl. In “Ecosystem Services in New Zealand: Condition and Trends”, J. Dymond (Ed), Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln. ISBN 978-0-478-34736-4 (print) ISBN 978-0-478-34737-1 (online)
14. Herath, H. M. I. K. and K. G. M. C. P. B. Gajanayaka . 2018. Soil associated with Biosystems In Biosystems Technology: Part I. (Sinhala) Department of Educational Publications. Sri Lanka.
15. Herath, H. M. Indika, K. (2019) Ethics in Academic Research. In Development of Career and Teaching Learning Environment in Higher Education: Concept and Applications (Eds. Jayasinghe Mudalige, U.K., and Jayaweera, A.), Staff Development Centre, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. pp 161-172. ISBN: 978-955-7442-25-9
Papers in Conferences/Forums/Workshops
16. Weerasooriya, P.D.U.J. Herath H.M.I.K. and Chamara, A.H.M.N. 2018. Potential of Bittern Solution to be used as a Fertilizer Source for Adult Coconut Palm. Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila. pp II:198-202 ISSN 2386-1487
17. Malshan, P.D.C. Herath H.M.I.K. and Liyanaarachchi, L.A.T.S.2018. Land Suitability Assessment using GIS Applications for Efficient Soil Management: A Case Study of Dummalapitiya Estate on Red Yellow Podzolic Soil. Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila.
18. Darshani, R.P.T. Weerakkody, W.J.S.K. Herath H.M.I.K. and Rathnayake, L. A. 2018. Efficacy of Biochar Derived from Waste Materials in Enhancing the Quality of Coco-Based Growing Media. Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila.
19. Herath, H.M.S.N. Subasinghe, H.M.P.A Herath H.M.I.K. and Idamekorala, P. R. 2018. Effect of Different Types of Fertilizer on Growth Performances of Betel (Piper betle L.) for Production of Quality Stem Cuttings. Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila.
20. Abesinghe, W.A.M.C.K., Rathnayake, W. M and Herath H.M.I.K . 2018. Growth and Yield Performances of Rabi Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Intercropped with Coconut under Different Fertilizer Combinations. Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila.
21. Kumari, G.D.D.P. Subasinghe, H.M.P.A Herath H.M.I.K . and Idamekorala, P. R. 2018. Evaluation of Different Planting Hole Filling Materials on Growth Performance of Betel (Piper betle L.) for Production of Quality Stem Cuttings. Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila.
22. Wijesinghe, W.A.K.P., Herath, H.M.I.K and Kumuduni H. K. 2018. Use of Pond Waste from Shrimp Farming as a Fertilizer for Coconut. Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila.
23. Herath, H.M.P.M., and Rathnayake, W. M. and Herath H.M.I.K Investigation on the Potential of Mucuna bracteata as a Cover Crop in Coconut Plantations in the Low Country Intermediate Zone of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila.
24. Liyanage, N.U., Herath H.M.I.K and Chamara, A.H.M.N. 2018. Potential of using Bittern Solution as a Fertilizer for Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila.
25. Jayarathne, K.D.T., Herath H.M.I.K and Liyanaarachchi, L.A.T.S .2018. Mapping of Spatial Variability in Soil Chemical Properties for Efficient Nutrient Management: A Case Study on Red Yellow Podzolic (RYP) Soils. Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila.
26. Mendis, B. M. D. T., Gunathilake, H.A.W.S. Herath, H.M.I.K and Karunarathne, K.H.M.I. 2018. Effect of Mulching on Root Distribution of Coconut (Cocos nusifera L). Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila.
27. Samarasekara S.V.P.N.E., Herath H.M.I.K. and Gajanayake. B. 2017. Changes in Soil Properties and Plant Nutrient Levels of Young Coconut as a Result of Applied Soil Amendments. Proceedings of 16th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila. pp575-579 : ISBN 978-955-7442-12-9 ISSN 2386-1487
28. Clothier, B.E., Green, S.R., Müller, K., Gentile, R.M., Mason, K., Herath, I. and Holmes, A. 2016. Orchard natural capital supplying valuable ecosystem services. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 1130:1-10 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1130.1
29. Dissanayake, D. M. P. D., Kumari, L.M.S.S., Herath, H.M.I.K., Herath, H.M.S.K. Wijebandara, D.M.D.I Nirukshan, G.S. 2016. Effect of sodium chloride application on nitrification rates in coconut growing Sandy Regosol. Proceedings of the 6th symposium on Plantation Crop Research 02-04 October, BMICH, Colombo.
30. Nirukshan, G. S., Dissanayake, D.M.P.D. , Hearth H.M.I.K. and N.A Tennakoon, (2016). Comparison of Plant and Soil Nutritional Status between organically and conventionally cultivated two Coconut Lands in the intermediate zone of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of fifth symposium of Young Scientists Forum of Sri Lanka. 22nd January 2016. Colombo. Sri Lanka.
31. Dananjaya M.H., Herath, H.M.I.K. Gajanayake, B. Wijebandara D.M. D. I. and Pathirana K.P.A (2016) Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon in Different Soil Types of Trincomalee District. Proceedings of the 16th Agricultural Research Symposium. Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
32. Herath, I. 2014. The Water Footprint of Coconut production: A Preliminary Assessment. Proceedings of the 5th symposium on Plantation Crop Research 15-17 October, BMICH, Colombo. pp 299-304 ISBN 978-955-761-400-7
33. Clothier, B., Green,S., Herath, I., Périé E,. van den Dijssel C., Deurer, M. Mason, K., Dryden, G and Butcher, M. 2014. Minimizing the Water Footprints of Fruit for Multiple Benefits. Acta Horticulturae. Vol.1038. pp 27-34. ISSN 05677572
34. Ganga, D. D. E. H., Herath, I. Scynthya, P. G., Fernandupulle, M. N. D. 2014. Effect of long-term phosphorus fertilizer application on phosphorus solubilizing bacteria in coconut growing soils. Proceedings of the 13th Agricultural Research Symposium. Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. ISBN 978-955-4709-17--1.
35. Herath, I., Green, S and Clothier, B., Water Footprinting: An Indication of Impacts of Agriculture on Water Resources . Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment (ISAE) 2013, 28 November 2013, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
36. Herath, I., Clothier, B., Green, S., Horne, D. and Singh, R. & van den Dijssel, C. 2013. Is the grey-water footprint helpful for understanding the impact of primary production on water quality? In: Accurate and efficient use of nutrients on farms. (Eds L.D. Currie and C L. Christensen). Occasional Report No. 26. Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
37. Clothier, B., Herath, I. Green, S., 2013. Reducing the Water Footprint of Irrigated Agriculture. In sharing Irrigation Knowledge for Better Outcomes. Irrigation Australia 2013 Regional Conference-Griffith. 28-30 May 2013, Australia.
38. Clothier, B., Herath, I. Green, S., 2013. Water footprint of Primary Production-treading lightly? Land Treatment Conference. 11 April 2013. Blenheim, New Zealand.
39. Herath, I., Clothier, B., Green, S., Horne, D. and Singh, R. 2012. Methodological challenges in agricultural product water footprinting: A case study of New Zealand wine. Proceedings of the Joint Australian and New Zealand Soil Science conference, Hobart, 2 - 7 December 2012.
40. Herath, I., Clothier, B., Green, S., Deurer, M., Horne, D., Singh, R. and van der Zijpp, S. 2012. Variability in agricultural product water footprints: A case study of New Zealand wine. Proceedings of the 2nd New Zealand Life Cycle Assessment Centre Conference 28th–29th Mar 2012. Auckland, New Zealand.
41. Herath, I., Clothier, B., Green, S., Horne, D., Singh, R., Marsh, A., Buchanan, A. and Burgess, R. 2012. Measuring the Grey Water Footprint of Potatoes. In: Advanced Nutrient Management Gains from the Past - Goals for the Future. (Eds L.D. Currie and C.L. Christensen). Occasional Report No. 25. Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Teaching
Other Awards
Nov 2016President’s award for Scientific Publications in recognition of scientific merit of publications in year 2014