Member Profile

Membership type: full
Delfina Hlashwayo
Country of origin: MOZAMBIQUE Currently in: MOZAMBIQUE, Maputo General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences-
2018 Master Agricultural Sciences2023 Doctorate Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences -
Current Research Activities
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
Public health, ethnopharmacology, antibiotic resistance, alternative medicine
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Hlashwayo DF, Noormahomed EV, Bahule L, et al. Microbiological assessment reveals that Salmonella, Shigella and Campylobacter infections are widespread in HIV infected and uninfected patients with diarrhea in Mozambique. PLOS Glob Public Health. 2023;3(5):e0001877. Published 2023 May 22.
2. Hlashwayo, D. F., Noormahomed, E. V., Bahule, L., Benson, C. A., Schooley, R. T., Sigaúque, B., Barrett, K. E., & Bila, C. G. (2023). Susceptibility antibiotic screening reveals high rates of multidrug resistance of Salmonella, Shigella and Campylobacter in HIV infected and uninfected patients from Mozambique. BMC infectious diseases, 23(1), 255.
3. Noormahomed, E. V., Noormahomed, S., Hlashwayo, D., Martins, E., Ismail, M., Bickler, S. W., Nachega, J., Mahoche, M., Barrett, K. E., Benson, C. A., & Schooley, R. T. (2022). Fostering Sustainable Biomedical Research Training in Mozambique: A Spin-Off of the Medical Education Partnership Initiative. Annals of global health, 88(1), 65.
4. Langa, I., Padama, F., Nhancupe, N., Pondja, A., Hlashwayo, D., Gouveia, L., Stelzle, D., da Costa, C. P., Schmidt, V., Winkler, A. S., & Noormahomed, E. V. (2022). The burden of T. solium cysticercosis and selected neuropsychiatric disorders in Mocuba district, Zambézia province, Mozambique. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 16(7), e0010606.
5. Hlashwayo, D.F., Barbosa, F.M.A., & Massingue, A. (2021). Medicinal plants in response to COVID-19 in Mozambique: are they promising for a cure?. Revista Científica Da UEM: Série Ciências Biomédicas E Saúde Pública.
6. Hlashwayo, D. F., Sigaúque, B., Noormahomed, E. V., Afonso, S. M. S., Mandomando, I. M., & Bila, C. G. (2021). A systematic review and meta-analysis reveal that Campylobacter spp. and antibiotic resistance are widespread in humans in sub-Saharan Africa. PloS one, 16(1), e0245951.
7. Manuel, L., Bechel, A., Noormahomed, E. V., Hlashwayo, D. F., & Madureira, M. D. C. (2020). Ethnobotanical study of plants used by the traditional healers to treat malaria in Mogovolas district, northern Mozambique. Heliyon, 6(12), e05746.
8. Hlashwayo, D. F., Barbosa, F., Langa, S., Sigaúque, B., & Bila, C. G. (2020). A Systematic Review of In Vitro Activity of Medicinal Plants from Sub-Saharan Africa against Campylobacter spp. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2020, 9485364.
9. Hlashwayo, D. F., Sigaúque, B., & Bila, C. G. (2020). Epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter spp. in animals in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review. Heliyon, 6(3), e03537.
10. Barbosa, F., Hlashwayo, D., Sevastyanov, V., Chichava, V., Mataveia, A., Boane, E., & Cala, A. (2020). Medicinal plants sold for treatment of bacterial and parasitic diseases in humans in Maputo city markets, Mozambique. BMC complementary medicine and therapies, 20(1), 19.
11. Hlashwayo, D.F., S. Langa, A.O. Mocumbi (2018). Ocorrência de factores de risco para doenças crónicas em trabalhadores de saúde num hospital urbano de Moçambique [Occurrence of risk factors for chronic diseases in health workers in an urban hospital in Mozambique]. Revista Moçambicana de Ciências de Saúde, 4(1): 13-21.
12. Hlashwayo, D., I. Dobe, R. Nhabete, F. Simião, T. Maculule, C. Salomão, N. Manafe, A.O. Mocumbi (2016). Exequibilidade de testes rápidos de marcadores cardíacos e de coagulação em pacientes HIV positivos em ambiente de consulta em ambulatório [Feasibility of rapid tests for cardiac and coagulation markers in HIV positive patients in the ambulatory consultation setting]. Revista Moçambicana de Ciências de Saúde, 3(1): 9-13.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingHigher Education StudyLecturer and researcher Academic editor at PLOS ONE and PLOS Global Public Health