Member Profile

Bello Iliyath
Country of origin: Benin Currently in: Benin, Bohicon General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2019 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
The central theme of my research in agricultural research programs serving sustainable agricultural development in Benin is entitled: "Varietal improvement and selection of rice varieties resistant / tolerant to abiotic and biotic stresses". The results of my research have enabled me to have six (06) Scientific Articles, one (01) technical sheet, one (01) Technical and Information Document (01), one (01) Technical Document to my credit. Information (01), a Technical-Economic Referential (01) and edited Communication Summaries (05), published nationally and internationally. The central theme of my research work relates to the following two (02) axes: (i) Inventory and characterization of rice cultivars produced in Benin and Research and (ii) Participatory selection of high-performance varieties of rice cultivated in Benin
Publications resulting from Research:
[1] [A. I. Bello, Y. Agnoun, H. A. Salami, C. Akakpo, Agbessi, Toviho, M. Sie, A. Adjanohoun and C. Agbangla]
[Assessment of the phenotypic variability of rice accessions (Oryza sp.). collected in Benin using agro morphological markers] [Scholars Research Library Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources, 2018, 8 (2)]
Available online at [pp. 17 à 31] [2018]
[2] [A. I. Bello, A. I. Kassankogno, H. A. Salami, H. Ramanou, M. Sié, A. Adjanohoun, C. Agbangla] [Screening of Rice Accessions Resistant to Blast in Benin] [Journal of Diseases and Medicinal Plants. 2018; 4(3): 69-79. DOI:10.11648/j.jdmp.20180403.12 ISSN: 2469-8202 (Print); ISSN: 2469-8210 (Online)],
[pp. 69 à 79] [2018]
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAdministrationI'm Head of the Rice Research Program at the National Instituate of Agricultural Research of Benin. In addition to this I take care of all activities relating to the selection and varietal improvement of rice as well as the breeder seed production.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2018 Singapour Participation in the 5th international congress on riceAffiliations
AfricaRice, CenterPresentation given
2018Evaluation of the phenotypic variability of accessions of rice (Oryza sp.) Collected in Benin using agromorphological markers”SingapourEvent: 5th Rice Congress rICE2018TrainingIRRI, PhillipinesEvent: Training on the selection and varietal improvement of plants