Member Profile

Membership type: full
Mahesha Kapurubandara
Country of origin: Sri Lanka Currently in: Sri Lanka, Nawala General field of specialization: Computing and Information Technology-
2009 Doctorate Computing and Information Technology -
Current Research Activities
Computing and Information Technology
Business Process Improvement, online learning
Publications resulting from Research:
2014- Hol ,A., Kapurubandara, M., Parameters Guiding E-Transformation in Developed and Developing Countries, International Journal of E-Business Development, Vol 4,
Khan, K., Kapurubandara, M., Chadha, U., Incorporating Business Requirements and Constraints in Database Conceptual Model", Australian Computer Science Communications, Australian Computer Society, 26(6):59-64, 2004
Kapurubandara, M., & Lawson, R. (2008). E-commerce adoption and appropriation by SMEs in Sri Lanka. In K. Roubah, O. Khlail & A. Hassanien (Eds.), Emerging Markets and e-commerce in Developing Economies: Idea Group Inc. (premier reference guide), ISBN: 978-1-60566-100-1; pp 105-130; September 2008
Kapurubandara, M, Ana Hol, Athula Ginige (2010). “SMEs in Developed and Developing Countires Treading Similar Paths Towards Etransformation”,. Proceedings of the ICETE International Conference , Athens, Greece, 26-28 July 2010
Kapurubandara, M. (2008). A model to eTransform SMEs in developing countries. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS’08), “Sustainable Development through Effective Man-Machine Co-existence”, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 12-14 December 2008, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2900-4, pp 401-406
Kapurubandara, M., & Lawson, R. (2007). SMEs in Developing Countries need support to address the challenges of adopting e-commerce technologies. Paper presented at the 20th Bled eConference, eMergence: Merging and Emerging Technologies, Processes, and Institutions, Bled, Slovenia, June 4 - 6, 2007, ISBN 978-961-232-204-5, (E-LOCATION/ ACCESS:
Kapurubandara, M., & Lawson, R. (2007). SMEs in Developing Countries face challenges in adopting e-commerce technologies. Paper presented at the IEEE DEST Conference Series 2007, Cairns, Australia, February 2007, ISBN: 1-4244-0470-3, pp 141-146
Kapurubandara, M., & Lawson, R. (2006). Barriers to Adopting ICT and e-commerce with SMEs in Developing Countries; An Exploratory Study in Sri Lanka – Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Collaborative Electronic Commerce Technology and Research CollECTeR, Adelaide, Australia, ISBN: 0-864187831
Kapurubandara, M. (2006). An exploratory study of SME barriers for adoption of ICT and ecommerce in the Developing Countries -An empirical pilot study of Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Management and Business, IMB 2006, Sydney, Australia, ISBN : 174108122X, pp 367-377
Kapurubandara, M. (2006). A model for adoption of ICT and e-commerce in the Developing Countries, Proceedings of International Conference on Business and Information BAI 2006, Singapore, July 12-14. Volume 3, ISSN 1729-9322,
Kapurubandara, M, Arunatileka,S. Ginige, A.(2004) Application of eBusiness Strategies for SMEs in Developing Countries, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, ecommerce and e-Service (EEE-04), ISBN 0-7695-2073, pp 49-59, Taipe, Taiwan.
Kapurubandara, M., (2009). A Framework to e-Transform SMEs in Developing countries, The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries (EJISDC), Vol 39, ISSN: 1681-4835,
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAdministrationTeachingA strategist, in International development with a proven track record of uplifting Higher Education. I have extensive experience in partnership development and internationalization in Australia, UK, US, Canada and Asian region. My areas of expertise include international partnerships development and advancement, trans-national collaboration, global student recruitment and off-shore facilities development.
CSSL, Sri Lanka -
Other Awards
Dec 2016ICT Educator of the Year Finalist - SEARCC Awards, Sydney, Australia,The awards recognize the achievements of outstanding individuals in their field. Specifically the achievements and talent of individual ICT professionals and educators who are contributing t the use of ICT in their institutions.Oct 2016Female ICT Leader of the Year - Computer Society of Sri LankaThe award is presented to a female ICT professional who has demonstrated innovative and pioneering leadership and made a significant contribution to the ICT industry. The selected individual should have not only made a substantial industry contribution, but also a significant contribution to bridging the Gender Digital Divide.Sep 20166th Professional & Career Women’s’ Awards Silver Medal - Women in Management Awards, Sri Lanka,The award recognizes the Top50 Professional & Career Women, who are extraordinary leaders and who have demonstrated track record of accomplishment and impact to the workplace and society.