Member Profile

Membership type: full
Jeninah Karungi-Tumutegyereize
Country of origin: Uganda Currently in: Uganda, Kampala General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2007 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Crop protection with a focus on development of integrated pest management packages for selected crops and dissemination of the packages among farming communities; Impacts of land use and management practices on pest infestations, biological control status and impact on other ecosystem services
Publications resulting from Research:
Ssekandi W., J. W. Mulumba, P. Colangelo, R. Nankya, C. Fadda, J. Karungi, M. Otim, P. De Santis & D. I. Jarvis. 2015. The use of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) traditional varieties and their mixtures with commercial varieties to manage bean fly (Ophiomyia spp.) infestations in Uganda, Journal of Pest Science, DOI 10.1007/s10340-015-0678-7.
Lederer J, Karungi J, and Ogwang, F. 2015. The potential of wastes to improve nutrient levels in agricultural soils: A material flow analysis case study from Busia District, Uganda. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, DOI:10.1016/j.agee.2015.03.024.
Mugisa, I.O., Karungi, J., Akello, B., Ochwo-Ssemakula, M.K.N., Biruma, M., Okello, D.K., and Otim, G. 2015. Assessing the effect of farmers’ practices on the severity of groundnut rosette virus disease in Uganda. African journal of Agricultural Research, 10(9): 995-1003.
Awio, T. Bua, B. Karungi, J. 2015. Assessing the Effects of Water Management Regimes and Rice Residue on Growth and Yield of Rice in Uganda, American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 7(2): 141-149.
Karungi, J., Nambi, N., Ijala, A. R., Jonsson, M., Kyamanywa, S. and Ekbom B. 2015. Relating shading levels and distance from natural vegetation with hemipteran pests and predators occurrence on coffee, Journal of Applied Entomology, DOI: 10.1111/jen.12203.
Jonsson M., Ijala, A.R., Ekbom, B., Kyamanywa, S. and Karungi, J. 2014. Contrasting effect of shade levels and altitude on two important coffee pests. Journal of Pest Science. DOI: 10.1007/s10340-014-0615-1
Lederer, J., Karungi, J. and Ogwang, F. 2014. Nährstoffflüsse in Uganda: Eine Fallstudie aus dem Busia District, Österr Wasser- und Abfallw, 66:40-50. DOI 10.1007/s00506-013-0129-8.
Kirinya, J., D.B. Taylor, S. Kyamanywa, J. Karungi, J.M. Erbaugh, and J. Bonabana-Wabbi. 2013. Adoption of integrated pest management (IPM) technologies in Uganda: review of economic studies. International Journal of Advanced Research (2013), Volume 1, Issue 6, 401-420.
Ssemwogerere, C., Ochwo-Ssemakula, M.K.N., Kovach, J., Kyamanywa, S. and Karungi, J. 2013. Species composition and occurrence of thrips on tomato and pepper as influenced by farmers’ management practices in Uganda. Journal of Plant Protection Research, 53(2):158:164.
Karungi, J., T. Obua, S. Kyamanywa, C.N. Mortensen and M. Erbaugh. 2013. Seedling protection and field practices for management of insect vectors and viral diseases of hot pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) in Uganda, International Journal of Pest Management 59(2):103-110
Bua, B., Karungi, J. and Kawube, G. 2013. Occurrence and effects of pineapple mealybug wilt disease in Central Uganda, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 3: 410-416.
Lubanga, U. K., Karungi, J., Kyamanywa, S. and Ekbom, B. 2012. Assessing the potential of trap cropping in the management of different insect taxa on white cabbage. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, Vol. 32(4): 218-223.
Gafishi Kanyamasoro, M., Karungi, J., Asea, G. and Gibson, P. 2012. Determination of the heterotic groups of maize inbred lines and the inheritance of their resistance to the maize weevil. African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 20(1): 99 - 104.
Karungi, J., Kyamanywa, S and Ekbom, B. 2010. Organic soil fertility amendments and tritrophic relationships on cabbage in Uganda: experiences from on-station and on-farm trials, African Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 5(21), pp. 2862 - 2867.
Karungi, J., Lubanga, U.K., Kyamanywa, S and Ekbom, B. 2010. Oviposition preference and offspring performance of Crocidolomia pavonana (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on different host plants. Journal of Applied Entomology, 134: 704–713.
Karungi, J., Agamile, P., Kovach, J. and S. Kyamanywa, S. 2010. Cover cropping and novel pesticide usage in the management of pests of hot pepper (Capsicum chinense). International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 84–92.
Karungi, J., Ekbom, B. and Kyamanywa, S. 2006. Effect of organic versus conventional fertilizers on insect pests, natural enemies and yield of Phaseolus vulgaris. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 115: 51-55.
Karungi, J., Kyamanywa, S. and Ekbom, B. 2006. Comparison of the effect of market crop wastes and chemical soil fertility amendments on insect pests, natural enemies and yield of Brassica oleracea. Annals of Applied Biology, 149: 103-109.
Karungi, J., Adipala, E., Ogenga-Latigo, M. W., Kyamanywa, S. and Oyobo, N. 2000. Pest Management in cowpea. Part 1. Influence of planting time and plant density on cowpea field pests’ infestation in eastern Uganda. Crop Protection, 19: 231-236.
Karungi, J., Adipala, E., Kyamanywa, S., Ogenga-Latigo, M.W., Oyobo, N. and Jackai, L.E.N. 2000. Pest management in cowpeas. Part 2. Integrating planting time, plant density and insecticide application for management of cowpea field insect pests in eastern Uganda, Crop Protection, 19: 237-245.
Karungi, J., Adipala, E., Nampala, P. M., Ogenga-Latigo, M.W. and Kyamanywa, S. 2000. Pest management in cowpea. Part 3. Quantifying the effect of cowpea field pests on grain yields in eastern Uganda. Crop Protection, 19: 343-347.
Karungi, J., Nampala, P. M., Adipala, E., Kyamanywa, S. and Ogenga-Latigo, M.W. 1999. Population dynamics of selected cowpea insect pests as influenced by different management strategies in eastern Uganda. African Crop Science Journal, 7(4), 487 – 495.
Nampala, P., Ogenga-Latigo, M.W., Kyamanywa, S., Adipala, E., Karungi, J., Oyobo, N. and Jackai, L.E.N. 1999. Integrated management of major field pests of cowpea in eastern Uganda. African Crop Science Journal 7 (4): 479 –486.
Adipala, E., Nampala, P. M., Karungi, J. and Isubikalu, P. 2000. A review on options for management of cowpea pests. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 5: 185-196.
Asiimwe, D., Tusiime, G., Karungi, J., Kyamanywa, S., Miller, S and Rubaihayo, P.R. 2014. Comparison of the reaction of MT56 with other popular tomato genotypes to bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) in six locations in Uganda. In: 11th African Crop Science Society conference Proceedings, Vol. 11: 203 – 209.
Kyamanywa, S., Karungi, J., Ekbom, B. and Wasswa, P. 2007. Influence of market crop residues on olfactory and visual stimuli in host finding by bean aphids (Aphis fabae). 8th African Crop Science Society conference Proceedings, 8: 1035-1044.
Karungi, J., Isubikalu, P., Nampala, P., Semana, A. R. and Adipala, E. 2005. Enhancing technology generation and dissemination using a farmer field schools approach. 7th African Crop Science Society Conference (5-9 December 2005, Kampala, Uganda) Proceedings, 7(2): 827-831.
Karungi, J. 2002. Successful utilization of two entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana and Methrhizium anisopliae for insect control: prospects for sub-Saharan, Integrated Pest Management Conference Proceedings (Published by African Crop science Journal Volume 6), pp. 382-387.
Karungi, J., Nampala, P.M. and Adipala, E. 2001. The farmer field schools approach for generation and dissemination of cowpea integrated pest management technologies in Uganda, 5TH African Crop Science Society Conference (21-26 October 2001, Lagos, Nigeria) Proceedings, 5: 147-151.
Karungi, J., Nampala, P. M., Ogenga-Latigo, M.W., Kyamanywa, S. and Adipala, E. 1999. Development of a minimum insecticide spray schedule for control of cowpea pests in Uganda. 4th African Crop Science Society Conference (10-15 October 1999, Casablanca, Morocco) Proceedings, 4: 563-567
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingTeaching at undergraduate and graduate levels, student research supervision, conducting research and outreach
African Crop Science SocietyPresentation given
Event: -
TWAS Awards
May 2010AwardTWAS (The World Academy of Sciences) Young Affiliate Fellow Award by TWAS and TWAS Regional Office for Sub-Saharan Africa (TWAS-ROSSA) for the period 2010–2014.Other Awards
Mar 2009International Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Excellence AwardInternational Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Excellence Award, given at the 6th International IPM symposium, Portland, Oregon, USA, 24-26 March 2009.Oct 2012TWAS-DFG (The World Academy of Sciences and the German Research Foundation) sub-Saharan Scientist Cooperation Visit awardTWAS-DFG (The World Academy of Sciences and the German Research Foundation) sub-Saharan Scientist Cooperation Visit award fulfilled at the Centre or International Development and Research (ZEU), Justus-Liebig University Giessen Germany, 2013.Nov 2014Fellow, Uganda National Academy of SciencesInducted Fellow, Uganda National Academy of Sciences. November 2014