Member Profile

Ana Lima Ceconi
Country of origin: Brazil Currently in: Brazil, Jaraguá do Sul - Santa Catarina General field of specialization: Other-
2021 Doctorate Other -
Current Research Activities
Student of the Pedagogy course (UFSM) and Specialization in Science and Mathematics Teaching (IFSC). PhD in Science Education and Teaching from the Federal University of Rio Grande Sul (UFRGS-2021); Master in Science Education from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM-2015); Degree in Natural Sciences from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM-2014) and a Degree in Biological Sciences from Faculdade Nilton Lins (FNL-2011). I have experience in Phytochemical, Chemical, Parameters and Quality Control of Natural Products; study in Pharmacological Activities: pre-clinical, toxicological, analgesic and anti-inflammatory analysis of plant extracts from Amazonian plants (in vivo and in vitro); study in Educational Activities in Science Teaching and experimentation. Participation and collaboration in Research and Extension Projects: Science Education and Teaching, Popularization & Dissemination of Science. Teacher representing the National Science Olympiad (ONC) and the National Energy Efficiency Olympiad (ONEE) in public schools; Collaborator of the Laboratory of Neurosciences and Human Behavior of the Department of Pharmacy at UNICENTRO, campus Guarapuava-PR. Currently I develop educational experimental activities of Research, Teaching and Extension related to the improvement of Science Teaching (UFSM-UNICENTRO-UFRGS) through the interaction between students and teachers of Elementary and Secondary Education of the Municipal and State Teaching Network of Public Schools (PR , RS and SC). Member of the UFSM and UNICENTRO Group of the National Network of Education and Sciences New Talents of the Public Network. Teacher of the Guaranteed Education Program curricular component of Sciences of the Municipality of Jaraguá do Sul-SC, aimed at students of Elementary School Final Years through Science Club at School (experimental and practical workshops).