Member Profile

Membership type: affiliate
Carolina Lopera Londoño
Country of origin: Colombia Currently in: Sweden, Uppsala General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences-
2020 Undergraduate Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences -
Current Research Activities
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
Publications resulting from Research:
Obeng S, Wilkerson JL, León F, Reeves ME, Restrepo LF, Gamez-Jimenez LR, Patel A, Pennington AE, Taylor VA, Ho NP, Braun T, Fortner JD, Crowley ML, Williamson MR, Pallares VLC, Mottinelli M, Lopera-Londoño C, McCurdy CR, McMahon LR, Hiranita T. Pharmacological Comparison of Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine: In Vitro Affinity and Efficacy for μ-Opioid Receptor and Opioid-Like Behavioral Effects in Rats. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 376(3), 410-427. DOI:
Kamble SH, León F, King TI, Berthold EC, Lopera-Londoño C, Siva Rama Raju K, Hampson A, Sharma A, Avery B, McMahon L, McCurdy C. Metabolism of a Kratom Alkaloid Metabolite in Human Plasma Increases Its Opioid Potency and Efficacy. ACS Pharmacol. Transl. Sci. 3(6):1063–1068, 2020. DOI:10.1021/acsptsci.0c00075
Lopera-Londoño C, Pino-Marín D, Ceballos M, Amariles P. Perception of the students of the programs of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Technology in Regency of Pharmacy and Medicine of the University of Antioquia about the therapeutic use of cannabinoids. Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander. Salud 50(3):215-223, 2018. (in Spanish) DOI: 10.18273/revsal.v50n3-2018006
Lopera Londoño C, Vasquez Escobar J, Pardo Montaguth G, Benjumea Gutiérrez D. Spiders from Colombia: biology, poisoning, and potential therapeutic uses of their venom [Arañas de Colombia: biología, envenenamiento y potenciales usos terapéuticos de su veneno] (ISBNe 978-958-5596-53-5). 1ra Ed. Medellin: Imprenta Universidad de Antioquia. 2020. (in Spanish). Link: