Member Profile

Membership type: full
PhD Fellowship
Grace Mafaune
Country of origin: Zimbabwe Currently in: Zimbabwe, Marondera General field of specialization: Agricultural SciencesPhD Fellowship
2014 Master Agricultural Sciences2004 Undergraduate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Evaluation of long term impacts of different fertilizer combinations on soil acidity, fertility and maize yield in a semi-arid area of Zimbabwe Enhancement of nitrogen fixation capacity of under-prioritized grain legumes in Zimbabwe
Publications resulting from Research:
1. G. Kanonge, G. Manzeke, R. Chikowo, F. Mtambanengwe and P. Mapfumo (2011). Fertilization of legume – maize sequences for improved productivity under variable rainfall conditions on resource poor farms in Eastern Zimbabwe. CIALCA Conference Abstracts. No 60, pp 84.
2. G. Kanonge Mafaune, T. Gwandu and L. Matarirano. (2012). Coppicing tree legumes intercropped with maize for improved crop productivity and weed management on a clay soil in north-eastern Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the ISFM Africa conference.
3. G. Kanonge, H. Nezomba, R. Chikowo, F. Mtambanengwe and P. Mapfumo (2015). Assessing the potential of organic and mineral fertilizer combinations on legume productivity under smallholder management in Zimbabwe, South African Journal of Plant and Soil, DOI: 10.1080/02571862.2015.1053156
4. M. S. Chiduwa, A. Tumbure, Dube. M and G. Kanonge-Mafaune (2016). Quantifying benefits of rhizobia inoculation on neglected grain and pasture legume crops in Zimbabwe. Poster paper presented at the 17thAABNF Biennial Conference.
5. G. Kanonge-Mafaune, M.S. Chiduwa, E. Chikwari & C. Pisa (2018). Evaluating the effect of increased rates of rhizobial inoculation on grain legume productivity. Symbiosis Journal DOI: 10.1007/s13199-018-0550-7
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Research• Design and implement research projects based on the identified gaps and problems and prepare research protocols on; Sustainable Plant Production Systems, Integrated Soil Fertility and Microbiology Conservation agriculture and other farmer driven interventions. • Collect, characterize and conserve legume plant and microbial genetic resources for research and rhizobia inoculant production • Coordinate activities for Production, Awareness, Distribution and Quality control of grain and pasture legume inoculants • Implement greenhouse, on-station and on-farm research trials to facilitate effective testing and adoption of technologies • Analyze and synthesize data from research trials, writing technical and scientific reports and publications • Establish collaborative programmes with public-private sector organizations such as the sister institutes in the DRSS, seed companies, agrochemical companies, non-governmental organizations & universities; to supplement the government budget and for knowledge and information exchange • Performance management, supervision and appraisal of subordinate (factory, field & laboratory) staff • Offering advisory and training services to tertiary students, farmers and relevant agro-business stakeholders on principles of sustainable and cost cutting technologies in plant production, germplasm conservation, essentiality of soil testing and fertilizer recommendations • Conduct seminars and participate in conferences and workshops to present research results and disseminate information on soil fertility & microbiology. • Provide soil testing expertise and fertilizer recommendations for all field and horticultural crops grown in Zimbabwe.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2016 Gaborone, Botswana 17th AABNF Biennial Conference. Solutions for food security in Africa through sustainable soil fertility management of ecosystems under climate change.2015 Accra, Ghana IAEA Training Fellowship in Isotopic applications in Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Biological Nitrogen Fixation Studies2012 Nairobi, Kenya Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Africa: From Microbes to Markets: ISFM Africa International Conference2011 Rwanda Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa: CIALCA International Conference2009 South Africa The 9th African Crop Science Society Conference2006 Zambia SADC Regional Training Course on Soil and Water Conservation Techniques Under Drought ConditionsAffiliations
Soil Science Society of ZimbabwePresentation given
2016Evaluating the effect of increased rates of rhizobial inoculation on grain legume productivity. Oral paper presented.BotswanaEvent: 17thAABNF Biennial Conference2016Quantifying benefits of rhizobia inoculation on neglected grain and pasture legume crops in Zimbabwe. Poster paper presentedBotswanaEvent: 17thAABNF Biennial Conference2012Coppicing tree legumes intercropped with maize for improved crop productivity and weed management on a clay soil in north-eastern Zimbabwe. Oral paper presentedKenyaEvent: ISFM Africa conference2011Fertilization of legume – maize sequences for improved productivity under variable rainfall conditions on resource poor farms in Eastern ZimbabweRwandaEvent: CIALCA Conference2009Assessing the potential of organic and mineral fertilizer combinations on maize and legume productivity under smallholder management in ZimbabweSouth AfricaEvent: African Crop Science Conference -
TWAS Awards
Oct 2011International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) Postgraduate Scholar AwardAn international scholar award for postgraduate study received at Masters' study level -
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship awarded 2018