Member Profile

Membership type: full
PhD Fellowship
Elina Maharjan
Country of origin: Nepal Currently in: Nepal, Kathmandu General field of specialization: Agricultural SciencesPhD Fellowship
2016 Master Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, virus etc. and plants extract are used as alternative biological control agent instead of chemical insecticides. insecticidal agent. The research involve identification of bacteria from various sample and extraction of certain part of plants, discovery of the insecticidal compounds and observe insecticidal activity against phytopathogens.
Publications resulting from Research:
Elina Maharjan, Pooja Shakya, Balkrishna Bhattachan, Bharat Prasad Baral and Dhiraj Shrestha. Phenotypic Characterization of Beta-lactamases Producing Gram-Negative Bacteria in a Tertiary Hospital, Nepal. Nepal Journal of Biotechnology, 2019, 7(1), 74-81
Pooja Shakya, Dhiraj Shrestha, Elina Maharjan, Vijay Kumar Sharma and Rabin Paudyal. ESBL Production Among E. coli and Klebsiella Spp. Causing Urinary Tract Infection: A Hospital Based Study. The Open Microbiology Journal, 2017, 11, 3-10
Workshop and Conference Attended
2018 Kathmandu, Nepal Training Workshop on Scientific Writing2019 Kathmandu, Nepal POLY-CHAR 20192018 Kathmandu, Nepal 6th Microsymposium on Applied Sciences [Nano/Bio]-20182018 Kathmandu, Nepal 16th International Symposium on Biocosmology (16ISBC)2017 Kathmandu, Nepal 6th Asia Pacific Conference of Young Scientists 2017 (APCYS-2017)2017 Kathmandu, Nepal Symposium on Nanomaterials Fabrication and Applications2017 Kathmandu, Nepal 3rd National Summit of Health and Population Scientists in NepalAffiliations
Research Centre for Applied Science and Technology (RECAST), Tribhuvan UniversityPresentation given
2018International Symposium on Himalayan Biodiversity and BioresourcesPokhara, NepalEvent: Extended-spectrum β-lactamase and Metallo β-lactamase in Gram Negative bacteria from various clinical specimens.2018Synergistic Effect of Curcumin Microcapsule Loaded Anticancer HydrogelGuwahati, Assam, IndiaEvent: International Symposium on Advances in Sustainable Polymer 20172017Prevalance of Extended Spectrum β-lactamase and Metallo β-lactamase in Gram Negative isolates from different Clinical SampleKirtipur, Kathmandu, NepalEvent: 2nd Young Scientists Summit 20172014Prevalance of Extended Spectrum Beta-lactamase (ESBL) and Metallo Beta lactamase (MBL) producing Gram Negative bacterial isolates from various clinical isolates.Lalitpur, NepalEvent: 5 National Conference on Microbiology -
Other Awards
Sep 2019India Science and Research Fellowship (ISRF) 2019, Centre for Co-operation in Science & Technology among Developing Societies (CCSTDS)ISRF fellowship program is conducted by Centre for Co-operation in Science and Technology among Developing Societies (CCSTDS). This fellowship program provides opportunity to continue advanced study in research work, support and network to pursue goal. Having this fellowship allow to develop new skill, learning experience, interacting with new working environment, strengthen research infrastructure and technology intensity. Besides, it also helps connects with the country research and gain knowledge as well as exchange culture and tradition. -
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship awarded 2020