Member Profile

Membership type: full
Joyce Marumo
Country of origin: South Africa Currently in: United States, Ithaca, New York General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2015 Master Agricultural Sciences2011 Undergraduate Agricultural Sciences2021 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
- Focused on dairy cattle nutrition, behavior and physiology - Modelling environmental and social impact on milk dynamics in dairy cattle. - Nutrition models to address environmental pollution.
Publications resulting from Research:
J.L. Marumo, P.A. LaPierre and M.E. Van Amburgh (2023). Enteric Methane Emissions Prediction in Dairy Cattle and Effects of Monensin on Methane Emissions: A Meta-Analysis (2023). Animals 13(8), 1392.
Ortega, A.F., Zanotti, A., Coombe, R., Fox, N., LaPierre, P.A., Marumo, J.L., Coon, C., D.M. Barbano and M.E. Van Amburgh (2022). Abomasal Infusions of Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids to Evaluate Productive Efficiencies, and Energy and Amino Acid Utilization in Lactating Dairy Cattle: Cornell University Nutrition Conference, Syracuse, New York, 18-20 October 2022.
J.L. Marumo, D. Lusseau, J.R. Speakman, M. Mackie and C. Hambly (2022). Influence of environmental factors and parity on milk yield dynamics in barn-housed dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 105(2): 1225-1241. doi: 10.3168/jds.2021-20698
J.L. Marumo, D.N. Fisher, D. Lusseau, M. Mackie, J.R. Speakman and C. Hambly (2022). Social associations in lactating dairy cows housed in a robotic milking system. Applied Animal Science Behaviour 249: 105589. doi: 10.1016/j.applanim.2022.105589
J.L. Marumo, C. Hambly, D. Lusseau & J.R. Speakman (2020). Effect of regrouping lactating dairy cows on behavioural variability. In Proceeding of the British Society of Animal Science Conference – Advances in Animal Biosciences: The Challenge of Change. 30th Mar- 01 April 2020, Nottingham, UK. Page 027 (Abstr.). doi:10.1017/S2040470020000011
J.L. Marumo, F.V. Nherera-Chokuda, J.W. Ng’ambi & M.C. Muya. 2018. Effect of replacing a commercial pelleted calf meal with lucerne leaf meal on performance of neonatal and transitional Holstein heifer calves. Animal Production Science. Animal Production Science 58(5): 834-840.
F.V. Nherera-Chokuda, C.J. Smit, M.C. Muya & J.L. Marumo. 2017. Effect of heat treatment on forage quality of bio-fortified orange fleshed Ipomea batatas crop residues and roots. African Journal of Agricultural Research 12(31): 2499-2506.
KT Ramapuputla, FV Nherera, MC Muya, JL Mangena & D. Luseba. Fiber composition and rumen degradation of agro-by-products utilized in steer fattening and dairy cattle rations. June 2016. Grassroots newsletter Volume 16 No.2.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchOtherCurrently joined Cornell University in New York as a Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Animal Science.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2014 South Africa; Pretoria 47th SASAS ANNUAL CONGRESS2014 South Africa, Pretoria Animal Feed Manufacturer Association (AFMA) Symposium2014 South Africa, University of Pretoria Training course in Livestock and Climate Change2011 University of Pretoria, South Africa Student Industry Day hosted by SASAS Northern Branch2015 Agricultural Research Council, South Africa, Pretoria Mentorship Orientation Workshop2013 Limpopo Province, Bolivia Lodge Faculty Research day: University of Limpopo2016 George, Western Cape: South Africa 51st Grassland Society for Southern Africa Annual Congress2019 Turkey, Cappadocia 11th Interanational Animal Science conference2017 Mpumalanga-Limpopo Border, South Africa 52nd Annual Grassland Society for Southern Africa (GSSA) congress2018 University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom Introduction to R & Introduction to Statistical Modelling using R2018 University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom Introduction to Unix and Maxwell Workshop2019 University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK Leadership & Cultural Intelligence2018 University of Cumbria, England, United Kingdom Introduction to R and Statistical analysis with R2018 University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom Postgraduate basic statistics workshopAffiliations
South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP)British Society of Animal Science (BSAS)Higher Education Academy, United KingdomAmerican Dairy Science AssociationNational Postdoctoral Association (NPA), USAPresentation given
2014Concentrate & Lucerne leaf meal, rumen metabolism & growth of neonatal dairy calves with no exposure to foragingUniversity of Pretoria, South AfricaEvent: 47th SASAS CONGRESSJuly 2016The nutritional value of Lucerne leaf meal inclusion in the dairy calf dietsGeorge, Western Cape; South AfricaEvent: 51st Grassland Society of Southern Africa Annual Congress2016Yield, composition and bacteriology of raw milk from semi-intensively managed dairy cows on smallholder farms in South Africa.Stellenbosch University, South AfricaEvent: 49th SASAS Annual Congress2016Growth of heifers and milk yield of first lactation cows on communal area smallholder dairy farms.Stellenbosch University, South AfricaEvent: 49th SASAS Annual Congress2019Influence of environmental factors on milk yield in Scottish dairy cattleTurkey, CappadociaEvent: 11th Interanational Animal Science conference2017Retrogression in rumen and body metabolism of starving cattle on communal area grazing lands: case study of smallholder dairy cattle in vhembe district, South AfricaWITS Rural Facility, Mpumalanga-Limpopo Border, South AfricaEvent: 52nd Annual Grassland Society for Southern Africa (GSSA) congress -
Other Awards
May 2012Professional Development Programme (PDP) ScholarshipScholarship for Masters degree in Agric Animal Production (Dairy Nutrition) received under Agricultural Research Council of South AfricaOct 2011Overall Best Studentthe prize as the overall best student in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Animal Production from University of Limpopo.Oct 2011Best student in fourth levelAwarded as Best student in fourth level in the Department of Agricultural Economics of University of Limpopo.Jan 2011Merit Award for Tuition feesAwarded Merit Award for Tuition fees by Vice Chancellor (University of Limpopo)Jan 2009Hosken Consolidated Investments Limited (HCI) FoundationAwarded as the best performing student