Member Profile

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Fulgensia Kamugisha Mbabazi
Country of origin: Uganda Currently in: Uganda, Kampala General field of specialization: Mathematical sciences-
2019 Doctorate Mathematical sciences2007 Master Mathematical sciences -
Current Research Activities
Mathematical sciences
Effect of time delay in the control of banana bacterial disease . Model formulation and analysis for the steady states. The basic reproduction is computed. The transversality conditions for Hopf bifurcation to take place are stated and proved. Numerical experiments for different delays are performed.
Publications resulting from Research:
1) Tulirinya, J., Awichi, R. O., Mbabazi, F. K., & Nagulama, M. (2021). Modelling the influence of evaporation on residual chlorine in water storage tanks using CFD. East African Journal of Engineering, 3(1), 33-49.
2) Mbabazi, F. K., Gavamukulya, Y., Awichi, R., Olupot–Olupot, P., Rwahwire, S., Biira, S., & Luboobi, L. S. (2020). A Mathematical Model Approach for Prevention and Intervention Measures of the COVID–19 Pandemic in Uganda.
3) Mbabazi, F. K. (2020). Projection of COVID-19 Pandemic in Uganda| medRxiv.
4) Mbabazi, F. K., Mugisha, J. Y. T., & Kimathi, M. (2020). Global Stability of Pneumococcal Pneumonia with Awareness and Saturated Treatment. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2020.
5) Mbabazi, F. K., Mugisha, J. Y., & Kimathi, M. (2019, February). Hopf-bifurcation analysis of pneumococcal pneumonia with time delays. In Abstract and Applied Analysis (Vol. 2019). Hindawi.
6) Mbabazi, F. K., Mugisha, J. Y. T., & Kimathi, M. (2018). Modeling the within-host co-infection of influenza A virus and pneumococcus. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 339, 488-506.
Conference proceedings:
1) Mbabazi, F. K. & Kimathi, M (2017). Importance of Nested Models in Modeling Infectious Diseases, Enhancing Collaborative Research in Mathematical Sciences At: Strathmore University, Nairobi Kenya. [accessed Oct 04 2021]
2) Mbabazi F.K. (2015), A Unified Model to Assess ICT Integration into Distance Learning/Teaching in Mathematical Modeling, Jangwani Sea Breeze Resort Dar es salaam, Tanzania. : [accessed Oct 04 2021].
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAdministrationTeaching