Member Profile

Membership type: full
Judith Miranda Alejo
Country of origin: Bolivia Currently in: Spain, Valencia General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2019 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences2011 Master Agricultural Sciences2009 Undergraduate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Miranda-Alejo JC, León-Jurado JM, Pieramati C, Gómez-Carpio MM, Valdés-Hernández J, Barba-Capote CJ. Evaluation of genetic and phenotypic trends for peak, yield and lactation persistency traits in the Murciano-Granadina goat breed. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias. 2020 Jun 11; 2. doi:// Impact Factor: 1.33; Area and position: Animal Science and Zoology Q3
2. Miranda-Alejo JC, León-Jurado JM, Pieramati C, Gómez-Carpio MM, Valdés-Hernández J, Barba-Capote CJ. Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Peak Yield, Yield and Persistency Traits in Murciano-Granadina Goats Using Multi-Traits Models. Animals. 2019 Jul 9(7), 411. doi: 10.3390/ani9070411. Impact Factor: 2.32; Area and position: Animal Science Q1
3. Miranda-Alejo JC, León-Jurado JM, Pieramati C, Gómez-Carpio MM, Valdés-Hernández J, Barba-Capote CJ. Use of Spline function for the characterisation on peak yield, peak day and persistency in lactation curves in Murciano-Granadina goats. Italian Journal of Animals Science. 2019 Apr vol: 18 (1): 888-897. doi: 10.1080/1828051X.2019.1593057. Impact Factor: 1.27; Area and position: Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science Q2
4. Miranda-Alejo JC, Gómez MM, León JM, Pieramati C, Valdés J, Fernández J, Delgado JV. Previous fit of persistency trait for factor lactation number in Murciano-Granadinas goats. AICA. 2018 Oct 12, 45-51. doi: Impact Factor:; Area and position: Conservation of domestic animal genetic resources
5. Valdes-Hernández J, Vicente JS, Miranda-Alejo JC, García-Domínguez X, Delgado-Bermejo JV, Marco-Jiménez F. Influence of the maternal genotype on pre-postnatal survival in selected rabbits by growth rate. AICA. 2017 Sep 10, 245-250. doi: Impact Factor: Area and position: Conservation of domestic animal genetic resources
6. Miranda-Alejo JC, Valdés-Hernández J, Pieramati C, León-Jurado JM, Arando A, Navas FJ, Pizarro MG, Nogales S, Delgado-Bermejo JV. Preliminary evaluation of genetic trend of peak traits and persistency in Murciano-Granadinas goats. AICA. 2017 Sep 10, 240-244. doi: Impact Factor: ; Area and position: Conservation of domestic animal genetic resources
7. Miranda-Alejo, JC and Valdés-Hernández, J. Chapter 25 of transporting with donkeys. 2013. Contribution for the elaboration of the Book of the Donkey (The Donkey in the history). Coordinating entity University of Córdoba-Spain.
8. Gómez M, Miranda-Alejo JC, León JM, Pleguezuelos J, Delgado JV. First results of the genetic evaluation for linear morphological traits in the Murciano-Granadina breed. AICA. 2012 Oct 2 239-242. doi: Impact Factor: ; Area and position: Conservation of domestic animal genetic resources
9. Miranda-Alejo JC, Valdés-Hernández J, Pérez-García L, Pérez-Ruano M, Díaz Serrano I, Ribot-Guzmán E, Romero-Hernández Y, Andrial Durand P. Evaluation of the economic losses due to mortality of calves in the Cattle Genetic Enterprise "Valle del Peru". Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias. 2009 Apr ISBN: 978-959-16-0967-1. doi: ISSN-e: 2071-0054. Impact Factor: ; Area and position: Animal and Agricultural Science
10. Valdés-Hernández J, Miranda-Alejo JC, Pérez-García L, Pérez-Ruano M, Díaz Serrano I, Ribot-Guzmán E, Romero-Hernández Y, Andrial Durand P. Clinical-epidemiological and economic evaluation of bovine mastitis in two units of the "Nazareno" Animal Genetic Enterprise. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias. 2009 Apr ISBN: 978- 959-16-0967-0. doi: ISSN-e: 2071-0054. Impact Factor: ; Area and position: Animal and Agricultural Science
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchCollaborator - consultant
Other Awards
Apr 2019Cooperation and Education Plan for Development University of CordobaFunds for the execution of the project: Preliminary evaluation of trypanosomiasis present in small ruminants and South American camelidsFeb 2014Horse breeding of the Armed Forces - Ministry of Defense SpainRecognition for performing animal health work in nature reservesJul 2009Cum Laude Recognition award for outstanding academicRecognition for achieving the highest grades in the veterinary facultyJun 2008First prize in the XVI Forum of Science and Technology of the Genetic Livestock Company "Valle del Peru"Recognition of research work applied to livestock companies