Member Profile

Membership type: full
Loveness Msofi
Country of origin: Malawi Currently in: Malawi, Lilongwe General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2012 Master Agricultural Sciences2008 Undergraduate Other -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
the role of market oriented agricultural extension in promoting agricultural commercialisationCurrent profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachinglecturer in extension and rural development research in agricultural commercialisation, agricultural extension, rural development, youth employement
Workshop and Conference Attended
2015 Berlin, Germany 24th International Association for Feminist Economics2014 Davao, Philippines 5th International Conference on Agribusiness Economics and Management2013 Nairobi, Kenya Women's Leadership and Management skills workshopAffiliations
Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA)Presentation given
2015Analysis of Competitiveness of Women farmers in Dairy EnterprisesBerlin, GermanyEvent: 24th IAFFE conference2014A study of women farmers empowerment though competitive analysesDavao, PhilippinesEvent: 5th ICAEM conference -
Other Awards
Jan 2013African Women in Agricultural Research and Development fellowshipThis is a 2 year career development fellowship in science, leadership and mentoring skills for women agricultural scientistsMar 2013Future Agricultures Consortium Early Career FellowshipA fellowship award worth 5000 pounds to conduct a research on the competitiveness of women farmers in dairy enterprises.Sep 2011Dr. Sung-Ching Hsieh Scholarship for outstanding academic performanceThe scholarship worth $350 for outstanding academic perfomance