Member Profile

Membership type: full
Thuy Nguyen
Country of origin: Brazil Currently in: Brazil, Sao José do Rio Preto General field of specialization: Mathematical sciences-
2013 Doctorate Mathematical sciences2010 Master Mathematical sciences -
Current Research Activities
Mathematical sciences
My name is Thuy. I am a Ph.D. in Mathematics, obtained by the Aix-Marseille University, France. My PhD thesis involves Algebraic Topology and Algebraic Geometry. My current research interests involve Singularity Theory, Characteristic classes, Lipschitz geometry, polynomial mappings and Jacobian conjecture approached by intersection homology. Currently I am a Researcher/Lecturer with a permanent position ("Professor Doutor Regime RDIDP") at São Paulo State University (UNESP), campus São José do Rio Preto, Brazil. From 2006-2015, I was a Lecturer in Mathematics at Can Tho University, Vietnam. For more information, here is my homepage:
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Poincaré-Hopf Theorem for singular analytic varieties: the Marie-Hélène Schwartz ideas in Lipschitz framework.
With Mostowski T. and Brasselet J.-P.
Banach Center Publications, Volume 128, Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences Warszawa, 2024.
2. A singular variety associated to the smallest degree Pinchuk map.
Matemática Comtemporânea, 2023.
3. Local Euler obstruction, old and new III.
With Nivaldo G. Grulha Jr. and J.-P. Brasselet.
Journal of Singularities, v.25, p.90 – 122, 2022.
4. An elementary proof of Euler’s formula using Cauchy’s method.
With J.-P. Brasselet.
Topology and its applications, v.293, p.107558, 2021.
5. Teorema de Poincaré-Hopf (in Portuguese).
With Brasselet J.-P.
Revista eletrônica Paulista de Matemática, v.16, p.134-162, 2019.
6. On singular varieties associated to a polynomial mapping from Cn to Cn-1.
With Ruas M.A.S.
Asian Journal of Mathematics, v.22, p.1157-1172, 2018.
7. On singular varieties associated to a polynomial mapping.
With A. Valette and G.Valette.
Journal of Singularities. v.7, p 190-204, 2013.
8. Some classes satisfying the 2-dimensional Jacobian conjecture, 2024. ArXiv:1902.05923.
9. Local bi-Lipschitz classification of semi-algebraic surfaces, version 2024. ArXiv:1902.02235
With Brasselet J.P. and Ruas M.A.S., 2024.
10. Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson classes in the view-point of Obstruction Theory and Lipschitz framework.
With Mostowski T. and Brasselet J.-P, 2024.
11. Ph.D. Thesis (in French):
Etude de certains ensembles singuliers associés a une application polynomiale.
Rapporteurs: Mutsuo OKA, HA Huy Vui. Published on: HAL Open Science, tel-00875930.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeaching
Presentation given
2023Geometry of polynomial maps at infinityUniversity of Oslo, NorwayEvent: Mini-workshop: Dynamics and Geometry2023Complex geometry of polynomial maps at infinitySophus Lie Conference Centre, Nordfjordeid, NorwayEvent: Oka Theory and Complex Geometry Conference2022A proof for the Euler formulaPoznan, PolandEvent: Applied Topology em Bedlewo2022A view of point for the 2-dimensional Jacobian conjectureWarsaw, PolandEvent: Gdansk-Kraków-Lódz ́-Warszawa Workshop in Singularity Theory2022Euler-Poincaré CharacteristicVitoria, Santo Espirito, BrazilEvent: Brazil-Chile-Mexico Meeting on Singularities and 2nd Meeting on Foliations and Singularites2019Some aspects of the Complex Jacobian ConjectureKU Leuven, BelgiumEvent: Seminar Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry2019On singular variety associated to a polynomial mapping from C^n to C^{n-1}Qui Nhon, VietnamEvent: Vietnam-USA Joint Mathematical Meeting2023Poincaré-Hopf Theorem and Schwartz-MacPherson Classes in the Lipschitz stratifications frameworkKiel, GermanyEvent: Characteristic Classes and Singular Spaces2024Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson classes under Obstruction Theory and Lipschitz frameworkPhu Yen, VietnamEvent: Singularities and Algebraic Geometry2024Polynomial maps via Intersection HomologyICTP, Trieste, ItalyEvent: Trieste Algebraic Geometry Summer School (TAGSS) 2024 - Tropical Geometry and Related Topics