Member Profile

Membership type: full
Solange Rosa Paredes Moscosso
Country of origin: Peru Currently in: Peru, Lima General field of specialization: Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology-
2017 Doctorate Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology2011 Master Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology2008 Undergraduate Engineering sciences -
Other Awards
Mar 2021CONCYTEC SCHOLARSHIP - Diploma in Public Engagement with ScienceAwarded an 8-month scholarphip for pursuing a Diploma in Public Engagement with Science at Universidad Peruana de Cayetano Heredia (Peru).Jan 2021TRAINING & TRAVEL GRANT, WELLCOME GENOME CAMPUSAwarded a grant for attending the Advance Course “Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics” (online) funded by the Wellcome Trust.Aug 2019TRAINING & TRAVEL GRANT, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH (NIH)Awarded a grant for attending the IV International Summit of Human Genetics and Genomics, representing Peru. This was held at and funded by the NHGRI/NIH (USA) and had a duration of one month.Aug 2013PhD STUDENTSHIP "BECA PRESIDENTE DE LA REPUBLICA"Awarded a fully-funded 4-year PhD studentship pursued at University College London (United Kingdom) and funded by the Peruvian government through PRONABEC.Sep 2013UCL STUDENTSHIP FOR POSTGRADUATE WORKAwarded a stipend studentship by University College London (United Kingdom).Dec 2007BOURSE DE RECHERCHE, INSERM U545, UNIVERSITÉ DE DROIT ET SANTÉ LILLE 2Awarded a 6-month research training grant funded by Universite de Droit et Sante Lille 2 (France) and Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria (Peru).Apr 2004UCSM ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIPAwarded an academic excellence scholarship funded by Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria, UCSM (Peru).