Member Profile

Membership type: full
tania pozzo
Country of origin: Bolivia Currently in: United States, Union city California General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2013 Doctorate Other2006 Master Other -
Current Research Activities
strain / protein engineer, protein chemist, glycobiologyst
Publications resulting from Research:
• Cabero K., Pozzo T., Liden G., Nordberg Karlsson E., (2012) A cellulolytic Hypocrea strain isolated from South American brave straw produces a modular xylanase. Carbohydrate research, 356, 215–223.
• Higdon SM., Pozzo T., Yang ML., Kong N., Huang B., Lee yang M., Jeannote R., Brown T., Bennett AB., Weimer B. (2020). Genomic characterization of a diazotrophic microbiota associated with maize aerial root mucilage. bioRxiv
• Higdon SM., Pozzo T., Tibbett EJ., Chiu C., Jeannote R., Weimer B., Bennett AB. (2020). Diazotrophic bacteria from maize exhibit multifaceted plant growth promotion traits in multiple hosts. bioRxiv
• Khan S., Pozzo T., Megyeri M., Lindahl S., Sundin A., Turner C., Nordberg Karlsson E. (2011) Aglycone specificity of Thermotoga neapolitana β-glucosidase 1A modified by mutagenesis, leading to increased catalytic efficiency in quercetin-3-glucoside hydrolysis. BioMedCentral Biochemistry 12:11, 2-15.
• Kazi A., Khan S., Kulkarni T., Pozzo T., Nordberg Karlsson E. (2013) Book Chapter 2: Glycoside hydrolases for modification of glycosylation in polyphenolic antioxidants. Book Advances in Enzyme Biotechnology, Springer. |
• Plaza M., Pozzo T., Liu J., Kazi A., Turner L., Nordberg Karlsson E. (2014) Review: Substituent effects on in Vitro Antioxidizing properties, stability and solubility in flavonoids. Journal of Agricultural and food chemistry, 62, 3321-3333.
• Pozzo T., Plaza M., Romero-García J., Faijes M., Nordberg Karlsson E., Planas A. (2014). Glycosynthases from Thermotoga neapolitana β-glucosidase 1A: A comparison of α-glucosyl fluoride reactions with reactions using exogenous nucleophile. Journal of molecular catalysis B: enzymatic, 107, 132-139.
• Pozzo T., Romero-García J., Faijes M., Planas A., Nordberg Karlsson E. (2017). Rational design of a thermostable member from glycoside hydrolase family 3 introduces β-glycosynthase activity. Glycobiology: Structural Biology, 2, 165-175.
• Amicucci MG., Galermo AG., Guerrero A., Treves G., Nandita E., Higdon SM., Pozzo T., Labavitch JM., Bennett AB., Lebrilla CB. (2019) Analysis of a Maize Polysaccharide and a Platform for the General Structural Characterization of Polysaccharides. ACS AnalChem.
• Pozzo T., Linares-Pasten J., Nordberg Karlsson E., Logan DT. (2010) Structural and functional analysis of a β-Glucosidase 3B from Thermotoga neapolitana: A thermostable three- domain representative of a glycoside hydrolase 3. Journal of Molecular Biology 397:3, 724-739.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Other
TWAS Awards
Mar 2014FellowshipAwarded as an International Fellow by the L'OREAL-UNESCO Programme for Young Women in Life Sciences. 2014 to 2015Jun 2015FellowshipInnovative Developmental Award, Academic Federation Research Grants June 2015 – June 2017, Davis, CA | Award amount: 15,000 USD$Sep 2014AwardRecipient of the Marie Curie Award in 2014 from the Gender Commission of the National Academy of Sciences of Bolivia.Other Awards
Sep 2003FellowshipFull scholarship for a Master’s Program from the Swedish Institute. 2003- 2005 Lund Sweden