Member Profile

Membership type: full
Amall Ramanathan
Country of origin: Jordan Currently in: Jordan, Amman General field of specialization: Physics-
2008 Doctorate Other1981 Master Physics1979 Master Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Surface, structural, electronic, kinetic and magnetic properties of transition metal nanostructures, using DFT computer simulation software programs; Optical and transport properties of Graphene and 2D layered material polymer composites; Currently, exploring optical, transport, magnetic and catalytic properties of novel hybrid nanostructures of low dimensional MoS2 (2D Molybdenum disulphate) for energy, environmental and biomedical applications.
Publications resulting from Research:
List of publications
1. Ramanathan A.A. (2019) The magnetism of a Ni monolayer on Vanadium: structure and exchange correlation effects. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. DOI: 10.1109/TNANO.2019.2954274
2. Ramanathan A.A. (2019) Toxicity of nanoparticles_ challenges and opportunities. Applied Microscopy (2019) 49:2. DOI: 10.1007/s42649-019-0004-6.
3. Ramanathan A.A. and Aqra M.W. (2019) An overview of the Green Road to the Synthesis of Nanoparticles. Journal of Material Science and reviews, 2(3), 1-11. Available at:
DOI: 10.9734/JMSRR/2019/46014
4. Ramanathan A.A., Aqra M.W. and Al-Rawajfeh A.E (2018) Recent advances in 2D- nanopores for desalination. ECLE 16(4), 1217-1231, DOI: 10.1007/s10311-018-0745-4
5. Ramanathan, A.A, and Khalifeh, J.M., (2018) Enhanced thermoelectric properties of suspended mono and bilayer of MoS2 from first principles, special issue IEEE nano 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TNANO.2018.2841640.
6. Ramanathan, A.A., (2018) A green and sustainable solution to fast food packing waste in Amman_conference proceedings GCREEDER 2018, Amman.
7. Aqra, M.W., Aqra, M and Ramanathan, A.A. (2018) Potential household energy savings with solar rooftops in Jubaiha-Amman_conference proceedings GCREEDER 2018, Amman.
8. Ramanathan, A.A., (2018) Defect Functionalization of MoS2 nanostructures as toxic gas sensors_ conference proceedings ICAM2017, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 305 012001, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/305/1/012001
9. Ramanathan, A.A, and Khalifeh, J.M., (2017) The electronic and thermoelectric properties of Si1-xVx alloy from first principles, Applied Microscopy,
10. Ramanathan, A.A, and Khalifeh, J.M., (2017) Substrate matters: Magnetic tuning of the Fe monolayer, JMMM, 426, 450–453.
11. Ramanathan, A.A, (2013) A DFT calculation of Nb and Ta (001) Surface Properties, JMP, Special issue-DFT, 4, 432-437
12. Ramanathan, A.A., Khalifeh, J.M., Hamad, B. (2011) A DFT study of substrate effect on the magnetism of V(001) surface, Surf. Sci., 605, 1074-1076
13. Ramanathan, A.A., (2010) Surface structural properties of the V, Nb and Ta (001) surfaces, TMS 2010, 139th Annual Meeting Supplemental Proceedings, Volume 1, Materials Processing and Properties, Wiley: ISBN: 978-0-87339-751-3, vol.1 pg. 779
14. Ramanathan, A.A., and Khalifeh, J.M., (2010) Magnetism of a V Monolayer on Nb(001): A first principles calculation, TMS 2010, 139th Annual Meeting Supplemental Proceedings, Volume 3, General Paper Selections, Wiley: ISBN: 978-0-87339-753-7, vol.3 pg. 63
15. Ramanathan, A.A., Khalifeh, J.M., Hamad, B. (2009) Structure and magnetism of the V/Ta(0 01) surface: A DFT calculation, JMMM, 321, 3804–3807.
16. Ramanathan, A.A., Khalifeh, J.M., Hamad, B. (2008) Evidence of surface magnetism in the V/Nb(0 0 1) system: A total energy pseudopotential calculation. Surf. Sci., 602, Issue 2, 607-613.
17. Ramanathan, A.A., Khalifeh, J.M., Hamad, B. (2008) The Structure and magnetism of Fe/Mo(001) surface: A pseudopotential calculation, JMMM, 320 (2008) 2629.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeaching