Member Profile

Ana del Pilar Robledo Mendez
Country of origin: Guatemala Currently in: Guatemala, Guatemala General field of specialization: Other-
2017 Master Other2011 Undergraduate Other -
Current Research Activities
This study aims to analyze the interior design of a learning space based on three alternative teaching models applied nowadays. The study gathers the overall information of interior space design, alternative teaching models, children’s needs and analyzes the interaction of the three selected teaching models with classroom design, besides it suggests what educational institutions can do at a general level to contribute to the improvement of early education. The study is designed using a descriptive research model, scientific observation and to collect factual data 72 teachers from Ankara (Turkey) were surveyed. Three different schools were analyzed by means of teaching model application within interior space design, a survey was administered in order to determine how classroom design supports the teaching-learning process and follows the principles of the teaching models. Research findings suggest that special attention should be given to classroom interior design since young children’s behavior and social interactions with their peers and teachers are influenced by the spatial arrangement in classrooms. Likewise, if the interior design of the classroom is based on teaching models’ learning outcomes, the capacity and attitude of both teachers and students in the educational process are improved, while appropriate conditions are created for pedagogical practice in the classroom.
Publications resulting from Research:
ROBLEDO MENDEZ, Ana del Pilar. ÖZDAMAR, Betül. (2019). ASSESSMENT OF INTERIOR DESIGN REQUIREMENTS OF CLASSES WITHIN PRE-K EDUCATIONAL MODELS. Journal of International Social Research. 12. 615-627. 10.17719/jisr.2019.3853.
DOI:10.17719/jisr.2019.3853Corpus ID: 210907139
Workshop and Conference Attended
2020 Guatemala IV Foro de Sostenibilidad Industrial (IV Industrial Sustainability Forum)2019-2020 Guatemala Proyectos Innovadores por la Paz (HWPL, Cultura del Cielo, Paz Mundial y Restauración de la Luz)2011 Guatemala I Congreso Centroamericano de Arquitectura Verde (Central American Congress of Green Architecture) -
Other Awards
Sep 2014Turkish ScholarshipFully-funded scholarship in Turkey, to pursue Master's Studies and one year of Turkish Language.Jun 2012CUM LAUDE de reconocimiento a la Excelencia AcademicaAward is given to exceptional students for their performance thorough Bachelor Studies.Oct 2006Galardon de la Riva a la Excelencia EstudiantilAward to exceptional students for their performance during high school studies. The award consisted of scholarships in two different private universities in Guatemala City for specific professions.