Member Profile
Membership type: full
Mubo Adeola Sonibare
Country of origin: Nigeria Currently in: Nigeria, Ibadan General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2003 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Taxonomic revision of the genus Ficus Linn. (Moraceae) in Nigeria. A multidimensional approach is being used in resolving the confusion in the taxonomy of the Ficus. In depth studies of the group include morphology, anatomy and chemotaxonomic significance of the leaf alkanes. -
TWAS Awards
Jan 2013AwardTWAS-UNESCO Associateship to University of Bostwana for three months (31 January to 26 April, 2013) Research undertaken: Isolation of biologically active compounds from Dioscorea bulbifera Linn. (Dioscoreaceae)Other Awards
Jul 2008Georg Forster Research fellowshipGeorg Forster Research fellowship to University of Mainz, Germany for one year (1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 Research undertaken: Genetic diversity of Dioscorea (Kunth) Pax using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLP) and cpDNA