Member Profile

Membership type: affiliate
Paola Alejandra Torrez Condori
Country of origin: Bolivia Currently in: Bolivia, La Paz General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2023 Undergraduate Engineering sciences -
Workshop and Conference Attended
2022 Bogotá - Colombia Ecología Política y conflictos socioambientales2024 La Paz - Bolivia Soluciones geotécnicas para la mitigación de riesgos socionaturales asociados a movimientos en masa2024 Cochabamba - Bolivia Cálculo y diseño de estructuras de hormigón armado con Cypecad v.22 bajo normativa NB1225003-1, GBDS 2023, ACI 318-19 y ASCE-162023 Cochabamba - Bolivia Calculo y Diseño Manual de Instalaciones Hidrosanitarias en Residencias2024 Cochabamba - Bolivia Residencia y Supervisión de obras civiles2024 La Paz - Bolivia CURSO ESPECILIZADO EN SISTEMAS DE ALCANTARILLADO SANITARIO - NORMATIVA, FORMULACIÓN, OPERACIÓN Y MANTENIMIENTO2024 La Paz - Bolivia Introducción al Diseño Hidraulico2019 La Paz - Bolivia Tecnologias de la información y la comunicación TICs "herramientas google"Affiliations
Sociedad de Ingenieros de Bolivia -
Other Awards
Apr 20231er lugar Concurso de Diseño Gráfico de la Escuela Militar de Ingeniería-UALPFor demonstrating her creativity and talent in Graphic Design; through her excellent quality, originality, and ability to convey her creativity in conjunction with the graphic line of the Military School of Engineering.May 2018Distinción Honorífica por Valores ExcepcionalesThis trophy is awarded in recognition of the high ethical and moral values of an exemplary student. She has honorably represented the trilogy of her school, 'the soul.' Her commitment to integrity, responsibility, and respect has left a positive mark on the educational community, inspiring others to follow her example. This recognition is a testament to her dedication to excellence and her contribution to the school environment.