Member Profile

Membership type: full
Yanet Villasana
Country of origin: Venezuela Currently in: Ecuador, Tena General field of specialization: Chemical Sciences-
2015 Doctorate Chemical Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Chemical Sciences
Environmental Catalysis, Bioenergy, Materials, Nanoscience, Crude Oil, Biomass Valorization, pyrolisis,
Publications resulting from Research:
Peer-reviewed articles:
Navas-Cárdenas, C.; Caetano, M.; Endara, D.; Jiménez, R.; Lozada, A.B.; Manangón, L.E.; Navarrete, A.; Reinoso, C.; Sommer-Márquez, A.E.; Villasana, Y. The Role of Oxygenated Functional Groups on Cadmium Removal using Pyrochar and Hydrochar Derived from Guadua angustifolia Residues. Water2023,15,525. 10.3390/w15030525
Patience, G. S., Villasana, Y., & Boffito, D. C. (2022). Guest editorial: Biomass conversion for energy: Process intensification and economics. IET Renewable Power Generation, 16(14), 2935-2938.
Yanet Villasana, Nooshin Moradi, Carlos Navas, Gregory Patience. "Experimental Methods in Chemical Engineering: pH". The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Can. J. Chem. Eng. 2022, 100( 8), 1703.
Beatriz Pernía, Hector Urbina, Meralys González, Lucia Sena, Yanet Villasana, Leopoldo Naranjo-Briceño. Trametes coccinea IDEA, un hongo súper productor de lacasas aislado de un lago natural de asfalto: Tolerancia y biotransformación de hidrocarburos policíclicos aromáticos. Bionatura. No 3 Vol 6 (2021).
Franklin J. Méndez, Javier A. Alves Yahsé Rojas-Challa, Oscar Corona, Yanet Villasana, Julia Guerra, Germán García-Colli, Osvaldo M. Martínez, Joaquín L. Brito. An egg-shell bifunctional CeO2-modified NiPd/Al2O3 catalyst for petrochemical processes involving selective hydrogenation and hydroisomerization. Journal of Rare Earth (Available online 6 October 2020. In Press, Journal Pre-proof)
Yanet Villasana, Franklin J Méndez, Miguel A Luis-Luis, Joaquin L. Brito. “Pollutant reduction and catalytic upgrading of a Venezuelan extra-heavy crude oil with Al2O3-supported NiW catalysts: Effect of carburization, nitridation and sulfurization”. Fuel (2019) 235:577-588.
Méndez, Franklin; Piccolo, Laurent; Solano, Roger; Aouine, Mimoun; Villasana, Yanet; Guerra, Julia; Curbelo, Susana; Olivera-Fuentes, Claudio; Brito, Joaquin. "Promoting effect of ceria on the performance of NiPd/(CeO2-Al2O3 catalysts for the selective hydrogenation of 1,3-butadiene in presence of 1-butene". New Journal of Chemistry (2018) 42: 11165-11173.
Franklin J. Méndez, Roger Solano, Yanet Villasana, Julia Guerra, Susana Curbelo, Marcel Inojosa, Claudio Olivera-Fuentes, Joaquín L. Brito. “Selective hydrogenation of 1,3-butadiene in presence of 1-butene under liquid phase conditions with NiPd/Al2O3 catalysts”. Applied Petrochemical Research (2016) 6:379-387.
Franklin J. Méndez, Sayidh Rivero-Prince, Yelisbeth Escalante, Yanet Villasana, Joaquín L. Brito. “Synthesis and characterization of alumina-coated aluminum sponges manufactured by sintering and dissolution process as possible structured reactors”. Materials Chemistry and Physics, (2016) 171:216-221.
Yanet Villasana, Yelisbeth Escalante, Jesús E. Rodríguez Nuñez, Franklin J. Méndez, Sergio Ramírez, Miguel Ángel Luis-Luis, Edgar Cañizales, Jorge Ancheyta, Joaquín L. Brito. “Maya crude oil hydrotreating reaction in a batch reactor using NiMo carbide and nitride as catalysts”. Catalysis Today (2014) 220-222:318-326.
Yanet Villasana, Franca Ruscio; Carolina Pfaff, Franklin J. Méndez; Miguel A. Luis-Luis, Joaquín L. Brito. “Atomic ratio effect on catalytic performance of FeW-based carbides and nitrides on thiophene hydrodesulfurization”. Fuel (2013) 110:259-267.
Franklin José Méndez, Aura Llanos, Marcel Echeverría, Reynaldo Jáuregui, Yanet Villasana, Yraida Díaz, Gustavo Liendo-Polanco, Miguel A. Ramos-García, Tamara Zoltan, Joaquín L. Brito. “Mesoporous catalysts based on Keggin-type heteropolyacids supported on MCM-41 and their application in thiophene hydrodesulfurization”. Fuel (2013) 110:249-258.
Franklin J. Méndez, Yanet Villasana, Julia Guerra, Ángela B. Sifontes, Claudio Olivera-Fuentes, Joaquín L. Brito. “Aspectos relevantes de la hidrogenación selectiva de 1,3- butadieno con catalizadores basados en Pd/Al2O3”. Revista Catálisis. CATALISIS 1 (2013) 48-69.
F. J. Méndez, S. Rivero-Prince, A. García, A. Albornoz, J. Guerra, Y. Villasana, J. L. Brito. “Formación de alúmina superficial en esponjas de aluminio fabricadas por el proceso de sinterización-disolución: Efecto del tiempo de sinterización”. Acta Microscópica 21 (2012) (1):46-54.
Book chapters:
Davi Coelho Carvalho, Josue Mendes Filho, Odair Pastor Ferreira, Alcineia Conceição Oliveira, Elisabete Moreira Assaf, Yanet Villasana. “Synthesis of Novel Catalytic Materials: Titania nanotubes and Transition Metal Carbides, Nitrides and Sulfides”. Advanced Catalytic Materials: Current Status and Future Progress. Eds. José Manuel Domínguez-Esquivel y Manuel Antonio Ramos Murillo. Springer International Publishing. eBook ISBN 978-3-030-25993-8, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-25993-8.
Yanet Villasana, Franklin J. Méndez, Miguel Ángel Luis-Luis, Joaquín L. Brito. “Upgrading and Hydrotreating of Heavy Oils and Residua”. Vol.3: Oils and Natural Gas of the Series Energy Science & Technology (in 12 Vols.) ISBN of Series 1-62699-061-1; ISBN OF Volume 1-62699-064-6, Editores del Volumen: Dr. Umesh Chandra Sharma, Dr. Shiva Kumar and Dr. Ram Prasad. Executive Editor Dr. J.N. Govil. Publisher Studium Press LLC, USA, 2015.
Yanet Villasana, Sergio Ramírez, Jorge Ancheyta, Joaquín L. Brito. “Effect of hydrotreating reaction conditions on viscosity, API gravity and specific gravity of Maya crude oil”. Computational and Experimental Fluid Mechanics with Applications to Physics, Engineering and the Environment. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (2013) ISBN-10:3319001906. Sigalotti, Leonardo Di G.; Klapp, Jaime; Sira, Eloy (Eds.)p. 423-430.
Yanet Villasana, Miguel A. Luis-Luis, Joaquín L. Brito. “Catalizadores basados en óxidos y nitruros monometálicos de Ni y Mo: estructura cristalina, textura, actividad y estabilidad en HDS de tiofeno“. Análisis De Materiales Diversos por Técnicas De Rayos X. Ed. Javier Martínez Juárez, Gabriel Juárez Díaz, David Hernández de la Luz, Ramón Peña Sierra (2012). ISBN: 978-607-487-502-7, p.36.
Conference proceedings:
Gregory Patience, Federico Galli, Yanet Villasana, Paul Patience, Daria C. Boffito. Book of Abstracts “World Forum Principles of Scientific Publications”. Polytechnique Montréal (2020)
Yanet Villasana, Andrea Navarro-Puyuelo, Sabino Armenise, Fernando Bimbela, Luis M. Gandía. “Valorización de biomasa residual amazónica a través de pirólisis catalítica” Livro de Atas Congreso Iberoamericano de Catálisis. Sociedad Portuguesa de Química. ISBN: 978-989-8124-23-4
F.J. Méndez, J. Guerra, S. Curbelo, C. Olivera, Y. Villasana, J.L. Brito. (2011) “Efecto del pH de impregnación en las propiedades superficiales de catalizadores CeO2/Al2O3”. Actas del VII Simposio Colombiano de Catálisis. Art. N° SCyFC-PC-10: 1-6. ISBN 978-958-8736-16-7.
Yanet Villasana, Miguel A. Luis-Luis, Henry Labrador, Joaquín L. Brito (2011). ”Optimización del tiempo de reacción de hidrotratamiento del crudo Furrial usando como catalizador NiMo/γ-Al2O3”. Actas del VII Simposio Colombiano de Catálisis. Art. N° CA-P0-5. ISBN 978-958-8736-16-7
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingOtherAssociate Professor, developing activities in Chemistry teaching and research.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2016 Cancun, Mexico International Materials Research Congress2012 Munich, Germany International Congress on Catalysis2018 Coímbra, Portugal XXVI Congreso iberomericano de Catálisis 2018Affiliations
Venezuelan Institute for Scientific ResearchPresentation given
2016“Quality improvement of Carabobo heavy crude oil with Al2O3-supported CoW carbide and nitride nanoparticles”Cancún, México, August 2016.Event: XXV International Material Research Congress (IMRC 2016). -
Other Awards
Sep 2008“Merit Award”. Recognition for outstanding performance in English Diploma.Awarded by the Foundation University of Carabobo in Valencia, Venezuela to oustanding students in English Diploma.Feb 2025Student recognitions:a. “2nd place” of 4th year of Bachelor in Chemistry. (2007) Science and technology Faculty. Chemistry Department. Carabobo University. Naguanagua, Carabobo State, Venezuela. (2005-2006) b. “4th place” of 3rd year of Bachelor in Chemistry. (2007) Science and technology Faculty. Chemistry Department. Carabobo University. Naguanagua, Carabobo State, Venezuela. (2004-2005) c. “3rd place” of 1st year of Bachelor in Chemistry. (2007) Science and technology Faculty. Chemistry Department. Carabobo University. Naguanagua, Carabobo State, Venezuela. (2002-2003)Feb 2025Funding to attend to conferences, seminars, internships:a. Ecole de Catalyse (2013): Awarded by the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research, Caracas, Venezuela. b. Internships at the Mexican Institute of Petroleum (2012): Awarded by the National Fund for Science and Technology (FONACIT), Caracas, Venezuela. c. Colombian Catalysis Symposium VII (2011): Awarded by the National Fund for Science and Technology (FONACIT), Caracas, Venezuela. d. XII Latin American Seminar of Analysis by X-ray Techniques (2010): Awarded bilaterally by the National Fund for Science and Technology (FONACIT) and seminar organizers, Puebla, Mexico. e. Franco-Venezuelan School of Nanotechnology (2009): Awarded bilaterally by the Center for Advanced Studies of the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research and the conference organizers, Caracas, Venezuela.Feb 2025Researcher Level A, Sublevel A-1Stimulus Program for Innovation and Research (PEII). Accredited by the National Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation (ONCTI) for the period 2013-2015, Venezuela.Feb 2025Researcher Level A:Stimulus Program for Innovation and Research (PEII). Accredited by the National Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation (ONCTI) for the period 2011-2013, Venezuela.Oct 20111st Place in Poster CompetitionIssued by the organizers of the VII Symposium of Catalysis Colombia in 2011. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.Feb 2025Scholarships: “BECA IVIC”Issued by the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC) under the Ministry of Popular Power for Science, Technology and Innovation (MPPCTI). 2009-2014. Caracas, Venezuela.