Member Profile

Membership type: full
Country of origin: Sri Lanka Currently in: Sri Lanka, TALAWAKELLE General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2015 Doctorate Other2008 Master Agricultural Sciences2004 Undergraduate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
I am responsible for studying the climate change impacts, adaptation strategies and mitigation options for tea plantations
Publications resulting from Research:
• Wijeratne, T.L. (2018). Assessing and reducing the environmental impact of tea cultivation. In. V. S. Sharma and M. T. K. Gunasekera (Eds.). Global Tea Science: Current Status and Future Needs. Swaston, Cambridge, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, UK. ISBN - print 978-1-78676-160-6.
• Widulanka, A. K. A. K. S., Wijeratne, T. L., Amarasena, P. G. D. S., Piyasena, N., Nissanka, S. P., Mohotti, A. J. and Mohotti, K. M. (2020). Effect of elevated ambient temperature on physiological and quality parameters and soil properties of organically and conventionally managed tea fields (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze). Proceedings of the Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium FAuRS 2019 held on 16th July 2020.
• Wijeratne, T. L., Sugathapala, A. W. L. C., Pathirana, V. P. R. P. V., Jayawardhene, A. D. I. U., Sivapriyadharshani, A. and Sidhakaran, V. (2019). Review on research carried out by the Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka on Climate change impacts and the need of implementing good agricultural practices. Sri Lanka Journal of Tea Science (in progress)
• Wijeratne, T. L., Sugathapala, A. W. L. C., Pathirana, V. P. R. P. V., Jayawardhene, A. D. I. U., Sivapriyadharshani, A. and Sidhakaran, V. (2019). Review on Climate change research and development of carbon budget for tea plantations was presented at the 238th Meeting of the Experiments and Extension Forum of the Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Talawakelle, Sri Lanka. 26 July 2019.
• Weerasinghe, D. N., Wijeratne, T. L., Ranawana, S. R. W. M. C. J. K. and Damayathi, M. M. N. (2019). Selection of climate resilient tea cultivars for Uva region. In proceedings of the International Research Conference held on 7–9 February 2019 in Uva Wellassa University, Badulla 90000, Sri Lanka. pp.545.
• Wijeratne, T. L., Damayanthi, M. M. N., Pathirana, V. P. R. P., Sidhakaran, V. and Vinodhini, T. (2018). Selection of tea cultivars for a future tropical climate. In proceedings of the ICGEB Workshop “Plant responses to light and stress: emerging issues in climate change” held on 10-12 October 2018 in New Delhi, India. pp.31
• Wijeratne, T. L., Damayanthi, M. M. N., Pathirana, V. P. R. P. V., Hewawasam, H. W. M. L. and Warnasooriya, W. M. R. S. K. (2018). Effect of potassium on drought stress mitigation in different tea cultivars. In proceedings of the ICGEB workshop "Plant responses to light and stress: emerging issues of climate change" held on 10-12 October 2018 at the ICGEB campus, New Delhi, India. pp.81.
• Edirisinghe, S. K., Wijeratne, T. L., Jayawardhana, A. D. I. U., Sidhakaran, V. and Beneragama, D. I. D. S. (2018). Evaluating new tree species for their potential as shade trees in tea plantation. In Proceedings of the 10th Annual Research Symposium 2018 “Seeding a green future” held in Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Puliyankulama on 5th September 2018. pp. 79.
• Wijeratne, T.L. (2017). Present status of research and development activities on climate change mitigation and future needs: Contribution of Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka. In Proceedings of the workshop on present status of research activities on climate change adaptations (Ed. B. Marambe), pp 59-69. Sri Lanka Agricultural Research Policy, Colombo. ISBN:978-955-9224-74-7.
• Hewawasam, H. W. M. L., Wijeratne, T. L., Pathirana, V. P. R. P. and Warnasooriya, W. M. R. S. K. (2017). Effect of Potassium on drought stress mitigation in Tea. In Proceedings of the 9th Annual Research Symposium 2017 “Sustainable Agriculture for Food Security and Poverty Alleviation” held in Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Puliyankulama on 21st September 2017. pp. 54.
• Wijeratne, T.L. and Bandara G. C. K. (2017). Determination of soil respiration in a high grown and a low grown tea growing environments of Sri Lanka. In the Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Young Scientists Forum, held in University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka on 20th January 2017.
• Wijeratne, T., Wijeratne, M.A. and De Costa, W.A.J.M. (2016). Carbon sequestration potential of tea plantations as an adaptation. Briefing notes. Proceedings of the 5th Asia Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum 2016 held in Colombo Sri Lanka from 17 - 19 October 2016. pp. 30.
• Wijeratne, T. L. (2016). Estimation of carbon sequestration by Sri Lankan tea plantations and its variation with future climate change. Research Briefs. PGIA News 02(01), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. pp. 9-10. Available online at
• Wijeratne, T. L. (2015). Estimation of carbon sequestration by Sri Lankan tea plantations and its variation with future climate change. PhD thesis. Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
• Wijeratne, T., De Costa, J., and Wijeratne, M. (2015). Carbon sequestration of tea plantations as an adaptation for climate change. Abstract presented at the 4th International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation 2015 held in Colombo Sri Lanka from 22 - 23 November 2015. pp. 41.
• Wijeratne, T.L., De Costa, W.A.J.M., and Wijeratne, M.A. (2014). Carbon Sequestration: an underexploited environmental benefit of tea plantations in Sri Lanka. Tea Bulletin, 23(1&2): 1-5.
• Wijeratne, T.L., De Costa, W.A.J.M., and Wijeratne, M.A. (2014). Carbon Sequestration Rate of Tea Plantations. Invited presentation at the Bandung International Tea Convention, Bandung, Indonesia. 3-4 November 2014.
• Wijeratne, T.L., De Costa, W.A.J.M., and Wijeratne, M.A. (2014). Carbon Sequestration Potential of Tea Plantations in Sri Lanka as an Option for Mitigating Climate Change; a Step towards a Greener Economy. pp 205 - 212. In A. P. Keerthipala (ed) Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Plantation Crop Research - "Towards a green Plantation Economy". Sugarcane Research Institute, Uda Walawe, 70190, Sri Lanka.
• Wijeratne, T.L., De Costa, W.A.J.M., and Wijeratne, M.A. (2014). Carbon sequestration potential of tea plantations of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 228th Experiment and Extension Forum of the Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 31 January 2014.
• Wijeratne, T.L., De Costa, W.A.J.M., Woodward, F.I., Lomas, M. and Wijeratne, M.A. (2013). Predicted impacts of climate change on the tea yields of different elevation zones of Sri Lanka during the 21st century. Proceedings of the Young Scientists Forum Symposium 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 18 January 2013. pp. 55.
• Abeyrathna, O. P. I. A., Wijeratne, T. L., Gunathilaka, R. P. D. and Jayasinghe, H. A. S. L. (2012). The shoot growth pattern of tea (Camellia sinensis) during different stages of the pruning cycle. Proceedings of the Research Symposium of Uva Wellassa University, Badulla, Sri Lanka. 22-23 November 2012. pp. 281-283.
• Wijeratne, T.L., De Costa, W.A.J.M., Woodward, F.I., Lomas, M. and Wijeratne, M.A. (2011). Predicted impacts of climate change on the tea yields of different elevation zones of Sri Lanka during the 21st century. Proceedings of the International Conference on the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture, 20 December, 2011. (Eds.) M. Wijeratne, N.S.B.M. Atapattu, W.W.D.A. Gunawardena, P.W.A. Perera and N.Y. Hirimuthugoda. pp. 292-301. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.
• Wijeratne, T. L., Mohotti, A. J. and Nissanka, S. P. (2008). Impact of long term shade on physiological, anatomical and biochemical changes in tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntz). Tropical Agricultural Research (20): 376-387.
• Wijeratne, T. L., Mohotti, A. J. and Nissanka, S. P. (2008). Impact of long term shade on physiological, anatomical and biochemical changes in tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntz). Proceedings of the 20th Annual Congress of the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, Gannoruwa, Sri Lanka. 20 -21-November 2008. pp. 38.
• Mohotti, A. J., Nilusha, S. L. R. and Wijeratne, T. L. (2006). A preliminary investigation on growth and distribution of tea (Camellia sinensis L) roots and shoots under organic, integrated and conventional management systems. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 29 September 2006. pp. 24.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchI am responsible for studying the climate change impacts, adaptation strategies and mitigation options for tea plantations
2014Carbon sequestration rate of tea plantsGrand Royal Panghegar, Bandung, IndonesiaEvent: Bandung International Tea Convention 2014 -
TWAS Awards
Jan 2017AwardBronze Medal for the continuous service at the Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka on 21st January 2017Other Awards
Jan 2017Bronze MedalBronze Medal for the continuous service at the Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka on 21st January 2017Jan 2017Platinum MedalPlatinum Medal for the excellent research contribution at the Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka on 21st January 2017.Jan 2013merit certificate• Awarded a merit certificate for the oral presentation on "Predicted impacts of climate change on the tea yields of different elevation zones of Sri Lanka during the 21st century' made at the YSF Symposium 2012 held on 18th January 2013 at the Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka.Nov 2008BEST presentation Award• Awarded for the BEST presentation in the session on ”Agronomy and Forestry’ for the presentation on “Impact of Long Term Shade on Physiological, Anatomical and Biochemical Changes in Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntz)” at the 20th Annual Congress of the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture(PGIA) held on 20-21 November 2008 at the Plant Genetic Resource Centre, Gannoruwa, Sri Lanka.Nov 2008BEST presentation Award• Awarded for the BEST presentation as a student of PGIA in the session on ”Agronomy and Forestry’ for the presentation on “Impact of Long Term Shade on Physiological, Anatomical and Biochemical Changes in Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntz)” at the 20th Annual Congress of the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture (PGIA) held on 20-21 November 2008 at the Plant Genetic Resource Centre, Gannoruwa, Sri Lanka.Nov 1993Excellent results for GCE O/L Examination 1992For obtaining distinctions for all the subjects at once