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The International Peace Research Association Foundation

September 16, 2015

Eligible fields  Social discipline including: communications, conversion from military to civilian production, defense and disarmament, ecological security, food policy, human rights and development, internal conflict resolution, international conflict resolution, nonviolence, peace building in crisis areas, peace education, peace movements, refugees, religious conflict, and women and peace.

Type of fellowship  The International Peace Research Association (IPRA) is an independent international non-governmental body with members in over seventy countries and all regions of the world. IPRA was founded in 1965 to advance interdisciplinary research into the conditions of peace, as well as the causes of war and other forms of violence. It utilizes different social disciplines to analyze and explain conflictual and peaceful processes at the national and international levels. IPRA researchers are able to test their individual research in working groups covering a range of topics including communications, conversion from military to civilian production, defense and disarmament, ecological security, food policy, human rights and development, internal conflict resolution, international conflict resolution, nonviolence, peace building in crisis areas, peace education, peace movements, refugees, religious conflict, and women and peace.

Target group  Women from developing countries

Age limit  None

Host info  USA

Duration  2 years

Number of awards given each year  No set number

Eligible costs  Not specified

Non eligible costs  Not specified

Amounts  $10,000

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