Member Profile

Membership type: full
Claudia Carranza
Country of origin: Guatemala Currently in: Guatemala, Guatemala General field of specialization: Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology-
2014 Doctorate Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology2013 Master Other2004 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
• Cancer Genetics in general. • Hereditary cancer syndromes. • Culturing and differentiation of chondrocytes. • Genetic characterization of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, and myeloproliferative neoplasms in Guatemala. • Genetics of deafness in Guatemala • Genetics risk factors in thrombosis • Diabetes Mody type. • Genetic of renal chronic disease. • Newborn screening pilot program in Guatemala.
Publications resulting from Research:
Javier Oliver, Rosalía Quezada Urban, Claudia Alejandra Franco Cortés, Clara Estela Díaz Velásquez, Ana Lorena Montealegre Paez, Rafael Adrián Pacheco-Orozco, Carlos Castro Rojas, Reggie García-Robles, Juan Javier López Rivera, Sandra Gaitán Chaparro, Ana Milena Gómez, Fernando Suarez Obando, Gustavo Giraldo, Maria Isabel Maya, Paula Hurtado-Villa, Ana Isabel Sanchez, Norma Serrano, Ana Isabel Orduz Galvis, Sandra Aruachan, Johanna Nuñez Castillo, Cecilia Frecha, Cecilia Riggi, Federico Jauk, Eva María Gómez García, Claudia Lorena Carranza, Vanessa Zamora, Gabriela Torres Mejía, Isabelle Romieu, Carlos Arturo Castañeda, Miluska Castillo, Rina Gitler, Adriana Antoniano, Ernesto Rojas Jiménez, Luis Enrique Romero Cruz, Fernando Vallejo Lecuona, Iván Delgado Enciso, Abril Bernardette Martínez Rizo, Alejandro Flores Carranza, Verónica Benites Godinez, Claudia Fabiola Méndez Catalá, Luis Alonso Herrera, Yolanda Irasema Chirino, Luis Ignacio Terrazas, Sandra Perdomo, and Felipe Vaca Paniagua. Latin American Study of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer LACAM: A Genomic Epidemiology Approach. Front Oncol. 2019; 9: 1429.
Ibis Menéndez, Claudia Carranza, Mariana Herrera, Nely Marroquín, Joseph Foster II, Filiz Basak Cengiz, Guney Bademci, Mustafa Tekin. Dominant deafness-onychodystrophy síndrome caused by an ATP6V1B2 mutation. Clin Case Rep. 2017 Feb 8;5(4):376-379. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.761.
Denise Yan, Demet Tekin, Guney Bademci, Joseph Foster, F Basak, Abrhiraami kannan-Sundhari, Shengru Guo, Rahul Mittal, Bing Zou, Mhamed Grati, Rosemary Kabahuma, Mohan kameswaran, Taye Lasisi, Waheed Adedeji, Akeem Lasisi, Ibis Menendez, Mariana Herrera, Claudia Carranza, et al. Spectrum of DNA variants for non-syndromic deafness in a large cohort from multiple continents. Hum Genet. June 25th 2016.
Claudia Carranza, Vanessa Zamora, Mariana Herrera, Luisa Rosales, Mauricio Villlegas, Mariela Guerra, Nancy Escobar, Nely Marroquín, Claudia Osorio, Darwin Alvarez, Luis Alvarez. High frequency of MTHFR, MTR and TC2 Gene polymorphisms in Guatemalan Children with ALL. Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma & Leukemia. Volume 16, supplement 2, september 2016.
Nancy Escobar, Mariana Herrera, Luisa Rosales, Silvana Torselli, Julio Caceres, Mauricio Villegas, Mariela Guerra, Nely Marroquín, Claudia Osorio, Vanessa Zamora, Darwin Alvarez, Luis Alvarez, Claudia Carranza. Detection of BCR-ABL kinase domain mutations in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients. Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma & Leukemia. Volume 16, supplement 2, september 2016.
Carranza C, Menendez I, Herrera M, Castellanos P, Amado C, Maldonado F, Rosales L, Escobar N, Guerra M, Alvarez D, Foster J , Guo S, Blanton SH, Bademci G, Tekin M. A Mayan founder mutation is a common cause of deafness in Guatemala. Clin Genet 2016: 89: 461–465 doi: 10.1111/cge.12676.
Claudia Carranza, Luisa Rosales, Nancy Escobar, Claudia Osorio, Nely Marroquín, Federico Antillón, Mariela Guerra, Mariana Herrera, Mauricio Villegas, Nancy Zamora, Silvana Torselli, Darwin Alvarez, Luis Alvarez. Genetic Alterations in Guatemalan acute myeloid leukemia patients. Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma & Leukemia. Volume 15, supplement 2, september 2015.
Mariela Guerra, Mariana Herrera, Luisa Rosales, Mauricio Villegas, Claudia Osorio, Nely Marrquín, Darwin Alvarez, Nancy Escobar, Nancy Zamora, Silvana Torselli, Luis Alvarez, Claudia Carranza. Genetic Characterization of myeloproliferative neoplasms in Guatemala. . Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma & Leukemia. Volume 15, supplement 2, september 2015
Carranza C, Tinti D, Herrera M, Rosales L, Villegas M, et al. (2014) Detection of JAK2 V617f Mutation, Secondary to the Presence of BCR-ABL1Translocation in a Patient with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature. Int J Genomic Med 2: 116. doi: 10.4172/2332-0672.1000116
Claudia Carranza, Lilian Granados, Oneida Morales, Wendy Jo, Swuanny Villagran, Damaris Tinti, Mauricio Villegas, Federico Antillón, Silvana Torselli, Gabriel Silva. Frequency of the ETV6-RUNX1, BCR-ABL1, TCF3-PBX1, and MLL-AFF1 fusion genes in Guatemalan pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients and their ethnic associations. Cancer Genetics 2013. 206: 227-232.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchConduct research in different areas related to molecular biology and human genetics
Workshop and Conference Attended
October 15-19th 2019. Houston. American Society of Human Genetics. –ASHG- annual meetingOctober 2019 Mendoza, Argentina. Latinamerican Society of Genetics meeting –ALAG-.April 2019. Atlanta, Georgia, US. American Society of Cancer Research (AACR): Annual Meeting 2019.April 2018. Chicago, Illinois, US. American Society of Cancer Research (AACR): Annual Meeting 2018.September 2018. Houston, US. V Annual Meeting Hematological Oncology society, SOHO 2016.October 16-20th. 2018. San Diego, US. American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting -ASHG-,April 2018. Chicago, Illinois, US. American Society of Cancer Research (AACR): Annual Meeting 2018November 2017 Guatemala Establishment of a Exchange Network of Knowledge in Regenerative Medicine, Genomic and Cellular therapy and its Clinical application. Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el desarrollo (AECID).September 2017 Houston, US. IV Annual Meeting Hematological Oncology society, SOHO 2017August 2017 Rockville, US. Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program. NCI Summer Curriculum in Cancer Prevention. Molecular Prevention Course. National Cancer Institute.May 2017. Boston, US. American society of cancer research (AACR): Hematological Malignances: Translating new discoveries to novel therapies.November 2016. Uruguay Latin American Genetic bi-annual meeting -ALAG-September 2016. Houston, US. III Annual Meeting Hematological Oncology society, SOHO 2016.September 2015. Houston, US. Annual Meeting Hematological Oncology society, SOHO 2015.September 2014. Houston, US. Annual Meeting Hematological Oncology society, SOHO 2014June 2013. Sweden. 18th European Hematological Annual meeting –AHE-.June 2012. Colombia. Regional Grant Writing and Scientific Peer Review Workshop. Bogotá, Colombia. US National Institutes of Health (NIH), Pan American Health Organization ( PAHO) and Ministry of Health an Social Protection of the Republic of Colombia.November 2011. Pamplona, España. International Symposium: “ New Frontiers in Hematological Malignancies”May 2011. San José de Costa Rica. Latin american Genetics meeting -ALAG-April 2011. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Preceptorship Latin American Meeting CML ( Chronic Myeloid Leukemia) Labs Group de Fundaleu.June 2007. Vienna, Austria. 12th European Hematological Annual meeting –AHE-.Affiliations
American Association for Cancer Research –AACR-Society of Hematologic Oncology –SOHO-Presentation given
July 2019.Experiencia en el manejo y seguimiento de pacientes oncológicos utilizando sophia genetics. Workshop Sophia Genetics.MéxicoEvent: conference in a workshopOctober, 2019.Characterization of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic variants in Guatemala population with breast cancer. PgmNr 981.America society of Human Genetics. Houston October, 2019.Event: American society of Human Genetics Annual meeting. Poster presentationoctober 2019.Detección de las variantes en el factor V (Leiden) y factor II (Protrombina) en la población guatemalteca con trombosis venosa. Poster Number: GH 40.ArgentinaEvent: Latinamerican Society of Genetics -ALAG- Annual Meeting. Poster presentationApril 2019Hereditary cancer sindromes in Guatemalan population. Tracking Number: 19-A-4974-AACR.Atlanta, US.Event: American Association for Cancer Research –AACR-j Annual Meeting. Poster presentationOctober 16-20th. 2018.Living with Xeroderma Pigmentosum in Guatemalan Yulmacap Village.San Diego, US.Event: American Association of Human Genetics –ASHG- Annual Meeting. Poster presentationSeptember, 2017.Pilot program of the Neonatal Screening Program in Guatemala.Rio Janeiro, Brazil.Event: 13th International Meeting of Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Society for Inherited Metabolic Disorders. 40th Annual Meeting. Poster presentation2016A Mayan founder mutation is a common cause of deafness in Guatemala.Montevideo Uruguay.Event: Latin American Genetics meeting -ALAG-. Poster presentation.September 2016High frequency of MTHFR, MTR and TC2 Gene polymorphisms in Guatemalan Children with ALL.Houston, Texas, US.Event: Society of Hematologic Oncology –SOHO-. Annual Meeting. Poster presentationSeptember 2016Detection of BCR-ABL kinase domain mutations in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients.Houston, Texas, US.Event: Society of Hematologic Oncology –SOHO-. Annual Meeting. Poster presentationSeptember 2015Genetic Alterations in Guatemalan acute myeloid leukemia patients.Houston, Texas, US.Event: Society of Hematologic Oncology –SOHO- Annual Meeting. Poster PresentationSeptember 2015Genetic Characterization of myeloproliferative neoplasms in Guatemala.Houston, Texas, USEvent: Society of Hematologic Oncology –SOHO- Annual Meeting. Poster presentationSeptember 2014Detection of JAK2 V617F mutation, secondary to the presence of BCR-ABL1 translocation in a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia: report of a case and review of the literature.Houston, USEvent: Society of Hematologic Oncology –SOHO- Annual Meeting. Poster presentationSeptember 2014Frequency of the ETV6-RUNX1, BCR-ABL1, TCF3-PBX1 and MLL-AFF1 fusion genes in Guatemalan Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patients and Its Ethnic Associations.Houston, Texas, UEvent: Society of Hematologic Oncology –SOHO- Annual Meeting. Poster presentation2014Frequency of the Etv6-Runx1, Bcr-Abl1, Tcf3-Pbx1 and Mll-AffI Fusion genes in Guatemalan Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patients and Its Ethnic Associations.ChinaEvent: BIT´s 5th Annual World DNA and Genome Day 2014. Dalian International Conference Center2011.Detección de la presencia de mutaciones en el exón 2 del gen GJB2 que codifica la proteína conexina 26, en niños con hipoacusia no sindrómica autosómica recesiva (HANSAR).San José, Costa Rica.Event: Latin american Genetic meeting -ALAG- Annual Meeting2011.Detección de deleciones exonales asociadas a las distrofias musculares de duchenne y Becker en Guatemala, mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en múltiplex.San José, Costa RicaEvent: Latin american Genetic meeting -ALAG- Annual Meeting. Poster presentation2007.High resolution SNP arrays and miRNA gene expression reveals previously unidentified aberrations in patients with AML and normal karyotype Oral presentation.Vienna, Austria.Event: European Haematology Association, Annual Meeting. Poster presentation2006.Genetic characterization of patients with AML-M2. The JAK2 V617F activating mutation is frequently found in cases with normal karyotype.Amsterdam, the Netherlands.Event: European Haematology Association, Annual Meeting. Poster presentation -
Other Awards
Oct 2019Developing Country Travel awardDeveloping Country Travel award, for presenting a research work at the Annual American Meeting of Human Genetics, Houston, October 2019.Oct 2015TWAS prize for the Young Scientists from developing countriesTWAS prize for the Young Scientists from developing Countries (year: 2015).Feb 2013Cum laude awardCum laude award at University of Istmo (year: 2013)Jun 2005Scholarship MAEC-AECI to study the molecular and cellular biology PhD programScholarship MAEC-AECI to study the molecular and cellular biology PhD program at University of Navarra, SpainNov 2004Cum laude awardCum laude award at University of San Carlos de Guatemala (year: 2004).