Member Profile

Membership type: full
Linda Chinangwa
Country of origin: Malawi Currently in: Malawi, Lilongwe General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2014 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms2006 Master Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Ecosystem services and industrial crop expansion
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Marcin Pawel Jarzebski., Abubakari Ahmed., Yaw Agyeman Boafo., Boubacar Siddighi Balde, Linda Chinangwa, Osamu Saito, Alexandros Gasparatos. 2019. "Food security impacts of industrial crop production in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review of the impact mechanisms", Journal of Food Security: The Science, Sociology and Economics of Food Production and Access to Food.
Chinangwa L., Gasparatos A., Saito, S. 2017. Forest Conservation and the Private Sector in Malawi: The Case of Payment for Ecosystem Services Schemes in the Tobacco and Sugarcane Sectors. Sustainability Science Journal-Special issue on Solving Africa’s problems.
Chinangwa L., Pullin, A.S and Hockley, N. 2017. Understanding community criteria for assessing forest co-management programmes: Evidence from Malawi. International Forestry Review 19(1):17-28.
Chinangwa, L., Pullin, A.S and Hockley, N. 2017. Impact of Forest Co-management on Forest conditions in Malawi. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, vol 36, no. 4, pp. 338-357. DOI: 10.1080/10549811.2017.1307764.
Chinangwa, L., Pullin, A.S., and Hockley, N. 2016 “Livelihoods and Welfare Impacts of Forest Comanagement,” International Journal of Forestry Research, vol. 2016, Article ID 5847068, 12 pages, doi:10.1155/2016/5847068.
Chinangwa L., Sinclair, F., Pullin, A.S and Hockley, N. 2015. Does forest co-management achieve true devolution? Evidence from Malawi. Forest Trees and Livelihoods Journal. Vol. 25 , Iss. 1,2016.
USAID/Malawi Foreign Assistance Act 118/119 Tropical Forest and Biodiversity Analysis. NOVEMBER 2019. The report was prepared by: The Cadmus Group LLC and ICF, Team comprising of Byron Kominek, Geofrey Mwanjela, Ashley Fox, Jesse Gibson, Linda Chinangwa, Emily Moothart, Paola Bernazzani, Jodi O’Grady.
Malawi Power Sector Reform Project: Draft Endline Performance Evaluation Report Millennium Challenge Corporation (August 2019) This report was prepared independently by Daniel Sabet, Meredith Feenstra, Arvid Kruze, and Linda Chinangwa of Social Impact, Inc. for the Millennium Challenge Corporation and Millennium Challenge Account – Malawi.
Mwale F., Kosamu L., Chinangwa L. 2019 Mwale F., Kosamu I., Chinangwa L. 2019. Development Strategy for Urban Sustainability in Africa on the Basis of SDGs Interlinkage Analysis (USiA), Sustainable urban water, health and sanitation: The case of Malawi. Policy Brief Series, United Nations University, Tokyo.
Kalonga, C. and Chinangwa, L. 2014 Sustainable Charcoal production in Malawi. Feasibility study for implementation of sustainable charcoal production programme, for ChristianAid, Malawi.
Chinangwa, L. L. 2010. Soil fertility Improvement: Adoption of Soil Fertility Improvement technologies among smallholder farmer in Southern Malawi. Lambert Publishers, Germany.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchImpact evaluation Power Sector reform Feasibility studies: Biodiversity analysis Food Security Impacts of Industrial Crop Expansion in Sub-saharan Africa
Workshop and Conference Attended
2017 Japan International Symposium: Celebrating 10 years of Sustainability Science Journal2018 Malawi Development Strategy for Urban Sustainability in Africa on the Basis of SDGs Interlinkage Analysis (USiA), Sustainable urban water, health and sanitation2016 France ScenNet, International Conference on Scenarios and Models of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Support of Decision Making2016 Japan SDG Dialogue; Towards sustainable Future for Africa2016 Japan JIRCAS International Symposium 2016 “Legumes improve our livelihood!”Presentation given
2017Forest Conservation and the Private Sector in Malawi: The Case of Payment for Ecosystem Services Schemes in the Tobacco and Sugarcane SectorsJapanEvent: International Symposium: Celebrating 10 years of Sustainability Science Journal2016Exploring local communities' perceptions towards forest ecosystems and co-management programmes: A case of MalawiFranceEvent: ScenNet, International Conference on Scenarios and Models of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Support of Decision Making2016Localizing sustainable development goals: The role of Africa’s private sector in natural resources managementJapanEvent: SDG Dialogue; Towards sustainable Future for Africa2016Contribution of legumes to smallholder agriculture and livelihood sustenance in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from Malawi, Ghana and GuineaJapanEvent: JIRCAS International Symposium 2016 “Legumes improve our livelihood!” -
Other Awards
Aug 2015JSPS- Post Doctoral Research FellowJapan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) fellowships are awarded to excellent young researchers, these fellowships offer the fellows an opportunity to focus on a freely chosen research topic based on their own innovative ideas. Ultimately, the program works to foster and secure excellent researchers.