
OWSD National Chapter


51 Members

3 PhD Fellows

4 PhD Graduates

2 Early Career Fellows

The Senegal National Chapter of OWSD was established in April 2020 and is hosted at the Institut Supérieur de Mathémathiques Appliquées (ISMAT) in Dakar. In synergy with the the strategy of the Government of Senegal established in 2013 for the promotion of women and girls in science, and with the efforts of local organizations such as AFSTech, the National Chapter is working towards building a sustainable national scientific environment to promote women, young people, and especially girls in STEM. Among its activities are developing a strong communication network for better visibility of OWSD at the national level, facilitating access to scholarship and research funding opportunities for more Senegalese women, establishing mentoring programs for female students at all universities in Senegal, and visiting schools to promote STEM awareness.

Contact: Rufina Dabo

Executive Committee


Rufina Dabo Sarr

Vice Chair

Ndeye Fatou Deme


Salma Sylla Mbaye


Fatou Kiné Gueye


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Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
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Approved on:
April 2020
Social and Economic Sciences
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February 2020
Agricultural Sciences
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February 2020
Agricultural Sciences
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January 2020
Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
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December 2019
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
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November 2019
Computing and Information Technology
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November 2019
Agricultural Sciences
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October 2019
Agricultural Sciences
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October 2019
Agricultural Sciences
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October 2019
Agricultural Sciences
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September 2019
Agricultural Sciences
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August 2019
Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
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July 2019
Biological Systems and Organisms
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Approved on:
July 2019
Agricultural Sciences
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Approved on:
February 2019
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
Full Member
Approved on:
January 2019


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