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New OWSD National Chapter established in Ecuador

February 26, 2021

Ecuador became the latest country to establish its own OWSD National Chapter in February 2021, continuing a trend of rapid growth in OWSD membership and organization in Latin America; it is the 6th in the region, and the 36th National Chapter worldwide. The Chapter is hosted at the Red Ecuatoriana de Mujeres CientifÍcas, REMCI (Ecuadorian Network of Women in Sciences).

The first Executive Committee of the National Chapter is formed by:

Chair: Patricia Castillo-Briceno, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabi (ULEAM)
Vice-Chair: Estefanía Espín, Universidad de las Américas (UDLA)
Secretary: Ana Gabriela Del Hierro-Calvachi, Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INABIO)
Treasurer: Paola Santacruz Endara, Museo Interactivo de Ciencia (MIC)
Communications: Maria Fernanda Rivera Velasquez, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH)
Membership coordinator: Daniela Ballari, Universidad del Azuay 
REMCI-OWSD Coordinator: Cristina Acuña, Escuela Politécnica Nacional

"Attracting, supporting and keeping women in science is an extremely urgent need," said the National Chapter's Executive Committee. "Currently, Ecuador counts on the network at REMCI to promote women in science and empower women in academia, which has a high impact locally, nationally, and in Latin America.  However, we are keenly interested in advancing this work to connect, articulate, and enhance the visibility and participation of Ecuadorian women at the international level. We expect that a National Chapter of OWSD in Ecuador will be a key support to increase the international representation of Ecuadorian women in sciences, as well opening access to career development and cooperation through the diverse scholarships, fellowships, grants, prizes and other opportunities available through OWSD. This National Chapter will be a space to promote opportunities and enhance the internationalization of the careers of women in science. We also aim to empower these women as drivers of the development of the scientific and academic system in Ecuador." 

Among the National Chapter's planned activities are organizing courses, workshops, and mentoring and scientific communications trainings, generating spaces for reflection, dialogue and communication between women in science in Ecuador, and promoting intersectionality among women in science, making more visible indigenous and Afro-descendent women and assuring scholarship and other opportunities for them.

At the time of establishment, OWSD had 43 members in Ecuador. Women scientists in Ecuador who are not already members of OWSD can become members here. Members who are interested in joining the National Chapter are invited to contact

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